University Policies and Code of Student Conduct
The University of Toronto has numerous policies that are approved by its Governing Council, which apply to all students. It is in all students' best interest to be familiar with these policies as the University will assume they have done so. All of the University's policies can be accessed through the Governing Council website, but those of particular importance to students include:
- Guidelines Concerning Access to Official Student Academic Records (2022)
- Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters (2019)
- Code of Student Conduct (2019)
- University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy (2020)
- Policy on Official Correspondence with Students (2006)
More information about academic policies can be found on the Office of the Vice-President and Provost website.
As members of the wider University community, UTSC students assume certain responsibilities, and are guaranteed certain rights and freedoms. The academic rules, regulations and policies of the wider University, as well as those particular to UTSC, are identified in this Calendar. UTSC students are subject to all of these rules, regulations and policies, which may be amended from time to time.
Official University Correspondence With Students
University correspondence with students is governed by the Policy on Official Correspondence with Students (2006).
The University may use the postal mail system and email to correspond with students. Email is the primary method of communicating with students regarding registration, student accounts, and other important or time-critical business. All University of Toronto students are provided with an official University UTmail+ email address ( and are expected to use it while conducting official University-related correspondence. Setting up this official account is mandatory for all University of Toronto students. For help with this, you can view the instructions for setting up your University of Toronto account. Students are expected to monitor and retrieve their official correspondence on a frequent and consistent basis.
In addition, students are responsible for maintaining current and valid contact information in ACORN. Neglecting to report changes in contact information in a timely manner will not be considered an acceptable reason for failing to act on official correspondence.
General Academic Regulations
This section of the Calendar describes general academic requirements students must meet and procedures they must follow. Additional, and more specific, academic requirements and procedures are described in relevant sections of the Calendar; for example, requirements and regulations related to degrees are described in the Degree Requirements section of the Calendar.
Class Attendance
Class attendance is an important aspect of university studies. Although class attendance is not mandatory, students who “skip” class place themselves at a distinct disadvantage and will not receive any special consideration on the grounds of non-attendance. Students who are unable to attend classes during the first two weeks of the session are strongly advised to wait until a future session to begin studies. New students who decide to wait until a future session should contact the Admissions and Student Recruitment Office to determine if a formal deferral of their offer of admission is possible.
Students in Debt to the University
If, at the end of the academic session, all debt to the University has not been paid, UTSC imposes the following academic sanctions until the debt is cleared:
- Transcripts are not issued;
- Diplomas are not released, nor is oral or written confirmation of degree and program completion provided. However, indebted graduands will be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony and have their names appear in the Convocation program;
- Further studies are denied;
- Written certification of degree and program status is not provided;
- Confirmation of enrolment status is not provided; and/or
- Registration is refused to re-enrolling students (i.e. returning after any suspension or after an absence of twelve months or more).
The following debts are taken into consideration when applying sanctions:
- Tuition fees;
- Residence fees and other residence charges;
- Library fines;
- Loans made by colleges, faculties or the University;
- Health service accounts;
- Unreturned or damaged instruments, materials and equipment; and/or
- Fines levied under the Code of Student Conduct (2019).