
Faculty List
  • C. Beauquis, M.A., Ph.D. (Western), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • C. Bertrand-Jennings, L. ès L. (Paris), Ph.D. (Wayne State), Professor Emerita
  • L.E. Doucette, B.A. (London), Ph.D. (Brown), Professor Emeritus
  • S. Drouin, Ph.D. (Laval & Versailles/Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Associate Professor
  • J. English, M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • K. McCrindle, M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • S. Mittler, M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Strasbourg), Associate Professor
  • F. Mugnier, M.A. (Lyon), Ph.D. (Grenoble), Senior Lecturer Emerita
  • J. Ndayiragije, M.A. (Montreal-UQAM), Ph.D. (Montreal-UQAM), Associate Professor
  • M. Pillet, Ph.D. (Toronto), Part-time Assistant Professor
  • P. Riendeau, M.A., Ph.D. (Montreal), Associate Professor
  • S. Sonina, Ph.D. (Toronto), Part-time Assistant Professor
  • M. Tsimenis, B.A. (Athens), M.A., Ph.D. (Montreal), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Chair: C. Beauquis  Email:
For curriculum inquiries please contact the department's Program Coordinator at
Please visit the Department of Language Studies website to read more about our faculty events and news items.

Studies in French allow for a wide range of interests: the enhancement of practical language skills, including translation, and pronunciation (FREB08H3FREB17H3FREB44H3FREC18H3, FRED28H3); the study of how the language is structured (FREB45H3FREC46H3FREC47H3); the development of approaches to the teaching of French (FREB11H3FREB20H3FREC11H3); the exploration of the rich kinds of literature and cultures of French Canada, France and other parts of the francophone world (FREB22H3FREB35H3FREB70H3FREC54H3FREC63H3, FREC70H3); and hands-on experiences in practical applications of French (FREC03H3, FREC10H3).

Combined Degree Programs, Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Teaching

The Combined Degree Programs for UTSC Honours Bachelor of Science (HBSc) /Honours Bachelor of Arts (HBA) with the Master of Teaching (MT) offered by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education provide students with a direct pathway to the completion, in 6 years, of their Undergraduate degree, Ontario Teacher’s Certificate of Qualifications, and Master’s degree.​ These Combined Degree Programs allow students to complete 1.0 credit in courses that may be counted towards both degrees.

The Combined Degree Programs options are:

  • French (Specialist), Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Teaching
  • French (Specialist Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Teaching
  • French (Major), Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Teaching
  • French (Major Co-op), Honours Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Teaching

Program Combination Restrictions in French

The following programs are offered at the University of Toronto Scarborough: the Specialist Program in French, the Major Program in French, and the Minor Program in French.
The Specialist/Specialist Co-op, Major/Major Co-op, and Minor programs in French cannot be combined.

For more information, including Admission and Program requirements, see the Combined Degree Programs section of the Calendar.

Guidelines for Course Selection

French programs normally begin with FREA01H3 Language Practice I, which serves to consolidate previous knowledge, and is the prerequisite for more advanced courses in all areas for most non-Francophone students. FREA01H3 is designed primarily for students with Grade 12 core French or equivalent competence. However, all students who are registering for French courses for the first time at the University of Toronto will complete the French Language Placement test (see details below) to determine their level of study before registering for their first French course at UTSC. 

Students' level of proficiency will be further assessed by the course instructor during the first week of classes and will be monitored throughout the term. If the course instructor feels that a student’s proficiency is not appropriate for the level of the class (whether too high or too low), they will have the student removed from the class.

Note that the Language Practice courses FREA01H3 & FREA02H3FREB01H3 & FREB02H3FREC01H3 & FREC02H3, and FRED01H3 & FRED06H3 must be taken in sequence. An A-level FRE course should not be taken at the same time as, or after, a B-level FRE course. Students must complete a language placement test to determine the appropriate Language Practice course for enrolment. Instructions for the Language Placement Test are found on our website.

Please consult with the Associate Director of French if you have any further questions or would like further guidance on enrolment in the above-mentioned courses. Do note that during the first week of classes for each respective semester, the instructor reserves the right to remove students (with a recommendation) if their proficiency is above or below the expectations for the class. Please also note that students should begin their French studies in the Fall semester, with the course that best corresponds to their level.

Please do not hesitate to consult the Program Coordinator or the Associate Chair for further advice about course selection and programs.

Students of French have the opportunity to earn academic credit while studying in another province or country. For further information about this opportunity and about Letters of Permission, please visit the Studying at Other Universities website, and speak to our Undergraduate Assistant.

Students with Grade 12 French who took Summer Bursary Program courses prior to attending U of T must see the Associate Chair of French during the first week of classes. After assessing the course, the Associate Chair will advise the student as to the appropriate level in which to register. Failure to seek advice at that time may result in a loss of credit to which the student is entitled.

Students must consult the Associate Chair of French about possible exclusions if they are considering registering in French courses in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George campus or at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Failure to do so may leave the student short a course for degree credit and thus delay graduation and increase tuition fees.

Language Citation

U of T Scarborough offers a growing range of language opportunities and, as students seek international study, work opportunities and post-graduate study, they may be assisted by a notation of language proficiency. The Language Citation provides that notation. See the Language Citation section of the Calendar for more information.

St. George Equivalencies
FREA96H3 and FREA97H3 or FREA90Y3: FSL100H1 and FSL102H1
FREA98H3 and FREA99H3 or FREA91Y3: FSL120H1 and FSL122H1
FREA01H3 and FREA02H3: FSL22H1 and FSL222H1
FREB01H3 and FREB02H3: FSL224H1/FSH225H1 and FSL320H1
FREC01H3 and FREC02H3: FSL322H1 and FSL430H1
FRED01H3 and FRED06H3: FSL442H and FSL443H

Experiential Learning and Outreach

For a community-based experiential learning opportunity in your academic field of interest, consider the course CTLB03H3, which can be found in the Teaching and Learning section of the Calendar.