FREC10H3: Community-Engaged Learning in the Francophone Community

In this Community-Engaged course, students will have opportunities to strengthen their French skills (such as communication, interpersonal, intercultural skills) in the classroom in order to effectively complete a placement in the GTA’s Francophone community. By connecting the course content and their practical professional experience, students will gain a deeper understanding of the principles of experiential education: respect, reciprocity, relevance and reflection; they will enhance and apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills; they will develop their critical thinking skills to create new knowledge and products beneficial to the Francophone community partners.

FREC01H3 or equivalent. For students who have not taken FRE courses at UTSC, or students who have advanced French proficiency, they must pass the international B1 level of a CEFR-based proficiency exam.
Arts, Literature and Language
Ideally, students will complete FREC02H3 concurrently with FREC10H3, rather than prior to FREC10H3.