Regulations for mid-term exams and tests are determined by the individual academic units and may differ from those for final examinations. Students are advised to consult their course syllabus, instructor, or the academic unit offering the course for regulations related to mid-terms.
Final examinations are held at the end of each session (Fall, Winter, and Summer). Students who make personal commitments during the examination period do so at their own risk and are warned they will not receive any special consideration, nor will special arrangements be made to accommodate them.
As soon as they are finalized, examination schedules are posted on the Office of the Registrar website under the "Examinations" tab. The date of posting is normally no later than:
- End of May for the Summer "F" examination period;
- End of June for the Summer "S" and "Y" examination period;
- End of October for the Fall examination period; and
- End of February for the Winter examination period.
Information regarding dates and times of final examinations will not be given by telephone, email, through Live Chat, or social media accounts.
Students are responsible for reading the examination schedule carefully and appearing at their exams on the date and at the time specified. Examinations can be scheduled at any time of day during the examination period: students taking daytime courses may be required to write evening examinations, and students taking evening courses may be required to write daytime examinations. In addition, final examinations (including deferred examinations) may be held on any day of the week, including weekends.
Examination room procedures for students can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website under the "Examinations - Code of Conduct" tab.
Final Examination Timetable Conflicts
Students with exam schedule conflicts should consult the Conflicts page on the Office of the Registrar website for information about how and when to report.
Accommodation for Religious Observances
It is the policy of the University (Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious Observances, 2005) to arrange reasonable accommodation of the needs of students who observe religious holy days other than those already accommodated by ordinary scheduling and statutory holidays. If the date of a final examination falls on a holy day observed by a student, the student should submit a request for accommodation through the Office of the Registrar online service portal no later than three full weeks before the commencement of examinations. This will normally be granted.
Procedure for Rescheduling Final Examinations Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather or Campus Emergency
If the campus is closed for a day or part of a day during the examination period, all missed examinations will be rescheduled to designated exam contingency dates, or other suitable dates within the examination schedule. For more information, check under the "Examinations" tab on the Office of the Registrar website.
Student Identification at Final Examinations
Students are required to identify themselves at examinations by means of their TCard. It is in every student's best interest to ensure they have obtained a TCard well in advance of the day of their first examination since students who do not have this card risk not being permitted to write their exam.
Use of Aids in Tests and Final Examinations
Instructors will let their students know whether the use of aids (e.g., calculators) is permissible during tests and examinations and, if so, which models are approved. The use of an unauthorized aid will be treated as an academic offence, and may result in serious penalties.
Materials and Personal Belongings in the Exam Room
It is an academic offence for students to bring unauthorized materials and/or electronic devices into an exam whether they are used or not.
Students who bring any unauthorized materials or electronic devices into an examination room, or assist, or obtain assistance from other students or from an unauthorized source, are liable to penalties under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters (2019), including the loss of academic credit for the course, suspension, or expulsion from the University.
No materials or electronic devices may be used at an examination except those authorized by the instructor. If the instructor has permitted the use of any aids, this will be explicitly stated on the front page of the exam.
Bags and books should, whenever possible, be left in students' lockers. The University is not responsible for personal property that is left in the exam room.
Paper coffee cups, plastic water bottles with labels, pencil cases, smartwatches, and smart/cell phones are not permitted on exam room desks/tables. Students wearing hats or peaked caps will be asked to remove them prior to sitting down to write their exams.
Bags and books are to be deposited in areas designated by the instructor/invigilator and are not to be taken to the examination table.
Students must place their valuables, including all smartwatches, smart/cell phones, tablets and laptop computers, in the re-sealable plastic bag provided for this purpose, and place the bag, closed, on the floor underneath their chair. Use of the plastic bags is mandatory since possession of an unauthorized electronic device is an academic offence. Students who are not automatically provided with a plastic bag, should request one. At the conclusion of the exam, students should return the re-sealable bag so that it can be reused.
Requesting Copies of Final Examinations
Within 90 days of the relevant examination period, students may request a copy of their final exam. Students must submit this request through the Office of the Registrar online service portal. Where copying of the final exam is permitted, students will receive a photocopy of their exam. Where photocopying of the final exam is not permitted, students will be given an opportunity to view their exam under the supervision of a staff member. A non-refundable fee is charged. After 90 days, examinations are no longer available.