Academic Units


  • Listed programs are currently being offered.
  • Where [+Co-op] appears, a Co-operative analog program is also offered.
  • UTSC offers Double Degree programs. For more information see the Double Degree Programs section of this Calendar.
  • UTSC offers undergraduate/graduate Combined Degree Programs. For more information see the Combined Degree Programs section of this Calendar.

Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology offers a Post-graduate Certificate in Evolutionary Anatomy. 

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Evolutionary Anthropology, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op] 
Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Specialist HBA
Evolutionary Anthropology, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Major, HBA
Anthropology, Minor (Arts)
Certificate in Bioarchaeology
*Course code prefix: ANT


Department of Arts, Culture and Media

The Department of Arts, Culture and Media also offers courses in the following discipline areas:

  • Arts, Culture and Media - Course code prefix: ACM
  • Curatorial Studies - Course code prefix: CRT 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section(s)
Art History and Visual Culture, Major, HBA
Art History and Visual Culture, Minor (Arts)
Art History and Visual Culture
*Course code prefix: VPH
Arts Management, Specialist, HBA
     i. Standard Stream
     ii. Field Placement Stream
Arts and Media Management, Major, HBA
Arts Management
*Course code prefix: VPA
Journalism (Joint program with Centennial College), Specialist, HBAJournalism, Joint Programs
*Course code prefix: JOU
Media and Communication Studies, Major, HBA
     i. Media Studies Stream
     ii. Journalism Studies Stream
Media Studies, Minor (Arts)
Media Studies
*Course code prefix: MDS
Music and Culture, Major, HBA
Music and Culture, Minor (Arts)
Music and Culture
*Course code prefix: MUZ
Music Industry and Technology (Joint program with Centennial College), Specialist, HBAMusic Industry and Technology, Joint Programs
*Course code prefix: MBT
New Media Studies (Joint program with Centennial College), Major, HBANew Media Studies, Joint Programs
*Course code prefix: NME
Studio Art, Specialist, HBA
Studio Art, Major, HBA
Studio Art, Minor (Arts)
Studio Art
*Course code prefix: VPS
Theatre and Performance, Major, HBA
Theatre and Performance, Minor (Arts)
Theatre and Performance
*Course code prefix: THR


Department of Biological Sciences

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Conservation and Biodiversity, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Human Biology, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Integrative Biology, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Biology, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Conservation and Biodiversity, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Human Biology, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Molecular Biology, Immunology and Disease, Major, HBSc [+Co-op] 
Plant Biology, Major, HBSc [+Co-op] 
Biology, Minor (Science)
Certificate in Biological Sciences Research Excellence
Biological Sciences
*Course code prefix: BIO


Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

The Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, in partnership with the Department of Management, also offers the following Double Degree programs:

  • Double Degree: BBA, Specialist program in Management and Finance/Honours BSc, Specialist program in Statistics, Quantitative Finance Stream
  • Double Degree: BBA, Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and Finance/Honours BSc, Specialist (Co-operative) program in Statistics, Quantitative Finance Stream  
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Computer Science, Specialist, HBSc
      1. Comprehensive Stream [+Co-op]
      2. Software Engineering Stream [+Co-op]
      3. Information Systems Stream [+Co-op]
      4. Entrepreneurship Stream [+Co-op]
Computer Science, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Computer Science, Minor (Science)
Computer Science
*Course code prefix: CSC
Mathematics, Specialist, HBSc
      1. Comprehensive Stream [+Co-op]
      2. Statistics Stream [+Co-op]
      3. Teaching Stream [+Co-op]
Mathematics, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
*Course code prefix: MAT
Statistics, Specialist, HBSc
      1. Quantitative Finance Stream [+Co-op]
      2. Statistical Machine Learning and Data Science Stream [+Co-op]
      3. Statistical Science Stream [+Co-op] 
Statistics, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Applied Statistics, Minor (Science)
Statistics, Minor (Science)
*Course code prefixes: ACT and STA


Department of English

The Department of English, in partnership with the Department of Psychology, offers the following Double Degree program:

  • Double Degree: Honours BA, Specialist program in English/ Honours BSc, Specialist program in Psychology 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
English, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
English, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
English, Minor (Arts)
Creative Writing, Major, HBA
Creative Writing, Minor (Arts)
Film Studies, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefixes: ENG and FLM

Department of Global Development Studies

(formerly the Centre for Critical Development Studies)

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
African Studies, Minor (Arts)African Studies
*Course code prefix: AFS
International Development Studies, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
International Development Studies, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
International Development Studies, Major, HBA
International Development Studies, Minor (Arts)
Certificate in Global Development, Environment and Health (U of T Global Scholar)
International Development Studies
*Course code prefix: IDS


Department of Health and Society

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section(s)
Health Studies - Population Health, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Health Studies - Health Policy, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
Aging and Society, Minor (Arts)
Health Humanities, Minor (Arts)
Certificate in Pathways to Health Professions
Health Studies
*Course code prefix: HLT
Paramedicine (Joint program with Centennial College), Specialist, HBScParamedicine, Health Studies, Joint Programs
*Course code prefix: PMD


Department of Historical and Cultural Studies

The Department of Historical and Cultural Studies also offers courses in the following discipline areas:

  • Historical and Cultural Studies - Course code prefix: HCS
  • Religion - Course code prefix: RLG 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Classical Studies, Minor (Arts)Classical Studies
Course code prefix: CLA
Global Asia Studies, Specialist, HBA
Global Asia Studies, Major, HBA
Global Asia Studies, Minor (Arts)
Global Asia Studies
*Course code prefix: GAS
History, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
History, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
History, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefix: HIS
Women's and Gender Studies, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
Women's and Gender Studies, Minor (Arts)
Women's and Gender Studies
*Course code prefix: WST


Department of Human Geography

The Department of Human Geography also offers courses in the following discipline areas:

  • Diaspora and Transnational Studies - Course code prefix: DTS 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
City Studies, Specialist, HBA
City Studies, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
City Studies, Minor (Arts)
City Studies
*Course code prefix: CIT
Human Geography, Specialist, HBA
Human Geography, Major, HBA
Physical and Human Geography, Major, HBA
Geographic Information Science (GIS), Minor (Arts)
Human Geography, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefix: GGR
Urban Public Policy and Governance, Minor (Arts)Public Policy


Department of Language Studies

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
French, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
French, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
French, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefix: FRE
English and Chinese Translation, Minor (Arts)Languages
*Course code prefixes: ECT and LGG
Linguistics, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
Psycholinguistics, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
Linguistics, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
Linguistics, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefixes: LIN and PLI


Department of Management

The Department of Management, in partnership with the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, also offers the following Double Degrees programs:

  • Double Degree: BBA, Specialist Program in Management and Finance/Honours BSc, Specialist Program in Statistics, Quantitative Finance Stream
  • Double Degree: BBA, Specialist (Co-operative) Program in Management and Finance/Honours BSc, Specialist (Co-operative) Program in Statistics, Quantitative Finance Stream

The Department of Management offers a Post-graduate Certificate in Business.   

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Economics for Management Studies, Major, HBA
Economics for Management Studies, Minor (Arts)
Economics for Management Studies
*Course code prefix: MGE
Economics for Management Studies, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management and Accounting, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management and Finance, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management and Human Resources, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management and Information Technology, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Management and International Business, Specialist Co-operative, BBA
Management and Marketing, Specialist, BBA [+Co-op]
Strategic Management, Specialist, BBA 
      i. Management Strategy Stream [+Co-op]
      ii. Entrepreneurship Stream [+Co-op]
Certificate in Economics Within Management and International Business
Certificate in Finance Within Management and International Business
Certificate in Human Resources Within Management and International Business
Certificate in Marketing Within Management and International Business
Certificate in Strategy Within Management and International Business
*Course code prefixes: MGA, MGF, MGH, MGI, MGM, MGO, MGS, and MGT
Global Leadership, Minor, HBAGlobal Leadership


Department of Philosophy

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Philosophy, Specialist, HBA [+Co-op]
Philosophy, Major, HBA [+Co-op]
Biomedical Ethics, Minor (Arts)
Philosophy, Minor (Arts)
*Course code prefix: PHL


Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Minor (Science)Astronomy
*Course code prefix: AST
Chemistry, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Environmental Chemistry, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]*
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Biochemistry, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Chemistry, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Environmental Chemistry, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
*Course code prefix: CHM
Food Studies, Minor (Arts)Food Studies
*Course code prefix: FST
Global Environmental Change, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Environmental Geoscience, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Environmental Science, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Environmental Science, Minor (Science)
Natural Sciences and Environmental Management, Minor (Science)
Applied Climatology, Minor, HBSc
Environmental Science
*Course code prefix: EES
Environmental Studies, Major, HBA*
Certificate in Sustainability (UofT Sustainability Scholar)

*Shared with the Department of Political Science
Environmental Studies
*Course code prefix: EST
Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Specialist, HBSc
Physical Sciences, Major, HBSc
Physical Sciences
*Course code prefix: PSC
Environmental Physics, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]*
Physics and Astrophysics, Specialist, HBSc
Physics and Astrophysics, Major, HBSc
Physics and Astrophysics
*Course code prefix: PHY


Department of Political Science

Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Political Science, Specialist, HBA
Political Science, Major, HBA
Political Science, Minor (Arts)
Political Science
*Course code prefix: POL
Public Law, Major, HBA
Public Law, Minor (Arts)
Public Law
Public Policy, Major, HBA [+Co-op]Public Policy
*Course code prefix: PPG


Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology, in partnership with the Department of English, offers the following Double Degree program:

  • Double Degree: Honours BA, Specialist Program in English/ Honours BSc, Specialist Program in Psychology 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Neuroscience, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
      1. Systems/Behavioural Stream
      2. Cellular/Molecular Stream
      3. Cognitive Stream
Neuroscience, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]

*Shared with Department of Biological Sciences
*Course code prefix: NRO
Mental Health Studies, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Psychology, Specialist, HBSc [+Co-op]
Mental Health Studies, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Psychology, Major, HBSc [+Co-op]
Psychology, Minor (Science)
*Course code prefix: PSY


Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology administers courses in the following discipline areas:

  • Concurrent Teacher Education - Course code prefix: CTE 
Programs/OfferingsCalendar Section
Sociology, Specialist, HBA
Sociology, Major, HBA
Sociology, Minor (Arts)
Culture, Creativity, and Cities, Minor (Arts)
Critical Migration Studies, Minor (Arts)
Certificate in Computational Social Science
*Course code prefix: SOC


Centre for Teaching and Learning

The Centre for Teaching and Learning offers courses in the following discipline areas: