How to Use the Calendar
About the Calendar
The Academic Calendar is published online, annually, usually by mid-May. It outlines current curriculum for the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), along with related policy and regulations. The Calendar includes changes that have been approved through academic governance processes since the previous publication. The Calendar is effective from September 1 through August 31. Calendars in effect prior to September 2024 may be referenced in the Calendar PDF archives.
Note that, as UTSC is a distinct Faculty (Division) of the University of Toronto, regulations governing students registered at UTSC may differ from those in the other arts and science Divisions, including the Faculty of Arts and Science (FAS), and University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). UTSC students contemplating transfers to other Divisions are urged to consult Enrolment Services to understand how they may be affected by differences in regulations.
The publication of information in the Calendar does not bind UTSC to the provision of any identified courses, programs or facilities. UTSC reserves the right to change, without notice, any information contained in the Calendar and other documents, offerings or websites that pertain to related policy and regulations, including any rules or regulations, as well as fees and other charges. Although every effort is made to ensure the Calendar is complete and correct at the time of publication, from time to time changes are necessary. Any amendments to the Calendar are posted on the Calendar Updates page of the online Calendar. Students are strongly advised to check this page regularly to keep informed of changes.
How to Use the Calendar
The Academic Calendar is used to describe courses, programs, and other academic opportunities that are currently available at UTSC. The Calendar is useful for browsing programs to prepare for registration, checking programs requirements, finding courses of interest or courses to fit breadth requirements, reading course descriptions, reading University policies and regulations, and accessing information on academic-related topics. Some useful tools and sections found in the Calendar are:
Program Search allows programs to be browsed, searched, or filtered.
Course Search allows courses to be browsed, searched, or filtered.
Program Sections A-Z provides a list of disciplines and their associated courses and programs.
PDF Calendar and Archives provides access to PDF files of Academic Calendars published at UTSC for past academic years. Students currently enrolled in programs that have been suspended will need to access these archived Calendars to view their program requirements.
Calendar Updates provides a record of amendments to the Calendar that may be made after its initial publication.
General Information sections available through the top navigation menu of the webpage provide useful academic information for students, including rules and regulations, completing degrees, selecting programs, choosing courses, understanding marks and grades, and accessing academic support.
Other Important Web Pages
Other web pages that are essential and/or are recommended for a student’s academic career at UTSC include:
UTSC Timetable provides the seasonal offerings of courses at UTSC. Each course description contains a link to the UTSC Timetable for the course’s schedule to be viewed.
ACORN is the UofT platform used for managing course and program enrolment, viewing grades, requesting transcripts and viewing the student financial account.
Quercus is a student learning management portal that is used to access course information such as the syllabus, as well as assignments and marks.
Degree Explorer is a tool used to help students determine their progress in completing their degree and ensure that they are meeting their program and degree requirements.