HLTD81H3: Health Professions Education

The quality of our health care system is dependent on initial and ongoing education supporting our health professionals. In response to ongoing and new challenges in health care, governments and institutions respond with novel ideas of enacting health care in improved ways. Health care institutions, policy makers, and the public have expectations of highly skilled, knowledgeable, and prepared individuals. As our understanding of health and health systems change, these expectations also change. Keeping up is in part the work of health professions education. Preparing individuals for these dynamic, complex, in some cases unpredictable, and everchanging health care service demands is necessary and complex. In this course, we explore the role and governance, structure, and contemporary multidisciplinary scientific advances of initial and continuing health professions education as a means of supporting the practice and quality of health care. We also explore the future of health professions and how health professions education is working to keep up.

HLTB40H3 and 1.5 credits at the C-level from the program requirements from the Major/Major Co-op programs in Health and Society
Social and Behavioural Sciences
University-Based Experience
Whether students are in Health Policy, Population Health Sciences or Health Humanities streams, education of health professions/professionals provides a mechanism (of many) for how health is achieved. Students in all streams will be given an opportunity to understand why and how health professions education (a specialized branch of education) can contribute. This will assist students (and future graduates) explore the role education may play in their contributions to the health care system.