MATA31H3: Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences

A conceptual introduction to Differential Calculus of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable; focus on logical reasoning and fundamental notions; first introduction into a rigorous mathematical theory with applications. Course covers: real numbers, set operations, supremum, infimum, limits, continuity, Intermediate Value Theorem, derivative, differentiability, related rates, Fermat's, Extreme Value, Rolle's and Mean Value Theorems, curve sketching, optimization, and antiderivatives.

Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors
(MATA20H3), (MATA27H3), MATA29H3, MATA30H3, (MATA32H3), MATA34H3, MAT123H, MAT124H, MAT125H, MAT126H, MAT133Y, MAT137H5 and MAT139H5, MAT157H5 and MAT159H5, JMB170Y
Quantitative Reasoning