MGEB11H3: Quantitative Methods in Economics I

An introduction to probability and statistics as used in economic analysis. Topics to be covered include: descriptive statistics, probability, special probability distributions, sampling theory, confidence intervals. Enrolment is limited to students registered in programs requiring this course.

ANTC35H3, ECO220Y1, ECO227Y1, PSYB07H3, (SOCB06H3), STAB22H3, STAB23H3, STAB52H3, STAB53H3, STAB57H3, STA107H5, STA237H1, STA247H1, STA246H5, STA256H5, STA257H1
Quantitative Reasoning
Students who have completed: [MGEA01H3 and MGEA05H3 and MATA34H3] or [[MATA29H3 or MATA30H3 or MATA31H3 or MATA32H3] and [MATA33H3 or MATA35H3 or MATA36H3 or MATA37H3]] may be admitted with the permission of the Academic Director, Economics.