NROD98Y3: Thesis in Neuroscience

This course offers the opportunity to engage in a year long research project under the supervision of an interested member of the faculty in Neuroscience. The project will culminate in a written report in the form of a thesis and a poster presentation. During the course of the year, at appropriate times, students will meet to present their own research proposals, to appraise the proposals of others, and to discuss the results of their investigation. Students must first find a supervisor, which is usually confirmed before the start of the academic term in which the project will be initiated. Students will meet as a group with the coordinator as well as individually with their supervisor. Students planning to pursue graduate studies are especially encouraged to enrol in the course. Students must obtain a permission form from the Department of Psychology's website that is to be completed and signed by the intended supervisor, and submitted to the Psychology Office. Students seeking supervision off campus will need to arrange co supervision with a faculty member in Neuroscience at UTSC.

BIOB10H3 and NROB60H3 and NROB61H3 and [PSYB07H3 or STAB22H3] and PSYB55H3 and PSYB70H3 and [0.5 credits from the NRO C-level courses or PSY 50-series C-level courses] and [enrolment in the Specialist Co-op, Specialist, or Major Program in Neuroscience] and [GPA of 3.3 or higher over the last 5.0 credit equivalents completed] and permission of the proposed neuroscience faculty supervisor.
University-Based Experience