PSYC17H3: Meeting Minds: The Psychology of Interpersonal Interactions

What happens when two (or more) minds meet—how do they interact and interconnect? Specifically, how do people “get on the same page,” and what are barriers that might stand in the way? Guided by these questions, this course will provide a broad overview of the psychological phenomena and processes that enable interpersonal connection. We will examine the various ways that people’s inner states—thoughts, feelings, intentions, and identities—connect with one another. We will study perspectives from both perceivers (i.e., how to understand others) and targets (i.e., how to be understood), at levels of dyads (i.e., how two minds become interconnected) and groups (i.e., how minds coordinate and work collectively). Throughout the course, we will consider challenges to effective interpersonal interactions, and solutions and strategies that promote and strengthen interconnection. A range of perspectives, including those from social, cognitive, personality, developmental, and cultural psychology, as well as adjacent disciplines such as communication, will be considered.

Social and Behavioural Sciences
Priority will be given to students in the Specialist/Specialist Co-op and Major/Major Co-op programs in Psychology and Mental Health Studies. Students in the Minor program in Psychology will be admitted as space permits.