SOCC23H3: Practicum in Qualitative Research Methods
How do people navigate their everyday lives? Why do they do what they do? And how, as sociologists, can we draw meaningful conclusions about these processes and the larger, social world we live in? Qualitative research methods adhere to the interpretative paradigm. Sociologists use them to gain a richer understanding of the relationship between the minutiae of everyday life and larger societal patterns. This course will introduce students to the qualitative methods that social scientists rely on, while also providing them with hands-on experience carrying out their own research. This course has been designated an Applied Writing Skills Course.
10.0 credits including [[SOCA05H3 or [(SOCA01H3) and (SOCA02H3)] or (SOCA03Y3)] and SOCB05H3] and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.3