ANTC70H3: Ethnographic Methods in Anthropology: Past, Present, and Future

This course is an exploration of the ongoing significance of the ethnographic method to the practice of research in socio-cultural anthropology. How and why have ethnographic methods become so central to anthropology, and what can we continue to learn with them? Students complement readings and lectures on theories and practices of ethnographic methods, both historical and contemporary, with exercises and assignments designed to provide first-hand experience in carrying out various techniques of ethnographic research. We also consider the unique ethical challenges of ethnographic methods and what it means to conduct ethically sound research.

ANTB19H3 and ANTB20H3 and [at least 0.5 credit at the C-level in socio-cultural anthropology courses].
Social and Behavioural Sciences
University-Based Experience
Priority will be given to students in the Specialist in Anthropology, followed by students in the Major in Anthropology, followed by students in the Specialist programs in International Development Studies.