COPB52H3: Managing your Job Search and Transition to the Workplace

This course will draw on students' job search experience. Students will learn how to effectively and professionally navigate challenging situations while job searching and on work term. Drawing upon the job search knowledge and tool kit created in COPB50H2 and COPB51H3, this course is designed to provide students who are competing for a first Co‐op work term with resources and support necessary to meet their goal of securing a work term. During this semester, Co-op students are applying to job postings on CSM and attending interviews until they secure a work term. This course also provides students with job search trends, job search support and feedback, interview coaching, and peer activities. The course is a combination of in‐class, group activities, and one‐on‐one appointments. Topical information and insights about the labour market and Co‐op employers are also provided.

COPB51H3/(COPD03H3); restricted to students in the Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Partnership-Based Experience