PSYC90H3: Supervised Study in Psychology

An intensive research project intended to provide laboratory/field experience in data collection and analysis. The project must be completed over 2 consecutive terms.
These courses provide an opportunity to engage in research in an area after completing basic coverage in regularly scheduled courses. The student must demonstrate a background adequate for the project proposed and should present a clear rationale to prospective supervisors. Regular consultation with the supervisor is necessary, and extensive data collection and analysis will be required. Such a project will culminate in a written research report.
Students must first find a supervisor before the start of the academic term in which the project will be initiated. They must then obtain a permission form from the Department of Psychology's website that is to be completed and signed by the intended supervisor, and returned to the Psychology Office.
Students seeking supervision off campus are further advised to check the appropriateness of the proposed advisor with the Program Supervisor. If the proposed supervisor is not appointed to the Psychology faculty at UTSC then a secondary advisor, that is appointed at UTSC, will be required.

[PSYB07H3 or STAB22H3 or STAB23H3] and PSYB70H3 and [2.0 additional PSY credits] and permission of the proposed supervisor. Normally students need a cumulative GPA of at least 2.7 for permission to be granted.
(COGC91H3), NROC90H3, PSY303H, PSY304H
University-Based Experience