Program Requirements
This program requires students to complete a total of 7.0 credits as follows:

1. Foundations of City Studies (1.0 credit):
CITA01H3/​(CITB02H3) Foundations of City Studies
CITA02H3 Studying Cities

2. Core courses (1.5 credits from among the following):
CITB01H3 Canadian Cities and Planning
CITB03H3 Social Planning and Community Development
CITB04H3 City Politics
CITB08H3 Economy of Cities

3. Methods (1.0 credit as follows):
STAB23H3 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
0.5 credit from among the following:
GGRA30H3 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Empirical Reasoning
GGRB30H3 Fundamentals of GIS I
GGRC31H3 Qualitative Geographical Methods: Place and Ethnography
GGRC42H3 Making Sense of Data: Applied Multivariate Analysis

4. City Studies Applications (at least 2.0 credits from among the following):
CITC01H3 Urban Communities and Neighbourhoods Case Study: East Scarborough
CITC02H3 Placements in Community Development
CITC03H3 Housing Policy and Planning
CITC04H3 Current Municipal and Planning Policy and Practice in Toronto
CITC07H3 Urban Social Policy
CITC08H3 Cities and Community Development
CITC09H3 Introduction to Planning History: Toronto and Its Region
CITC10H3 Selected Issues in City Studies
CITC12H3 City Structures, Problems, and Decisions: Field Research in Urban Policy Making
CITC14H3 Environmental Planning
CITC15H3 Money Matters: How Municipal Finance Shapes the City
CITC16H3 Planning and Governing the Metropolis
CITC17H3 Civic Engagement in Municipal Politics
CITC18H3 Urban Transportation Policy Analysis
CITD01H3 City Issues and Strategies
CITD05H3 City Studies Workshop I
CITD06H3 City Studies Workshop II
CITD10H3 Seminar in Selected Issues in City Studies
CITD12H3 Planning and Building Public Spaces in Toronto
CITD30H3 Supervised Research Project

5. Approaches to Cities (at least 1.5 credits from among the following):
ANTC18H3 Urban Worlds
[EESA05H3 Environmental Hazards or EESA06H3 Introduction to Planet Earth]
EESD20H3 Geological Evolution and Environmental History of North America
GGRB02H3 The Logic of Geographic Thought
GGRB05H3 Urban Geography
GGRB13H3 Social Geography
GGRB28H3 Geographies of Disease
GGRC02H3 Population Geography
GGRC10H3 Urbanization and Development
GGRC11H3 Current Topics in Urban Geography
GGRC12H3 Transportation Geography
GGRC13H3 Urban Political Geography
GGRC27H3 Location and Spatial Development
GGRC33H3 The Toronto Region
GGRC40H3 Megacities and Global Urbanization
GGRC43H3 Social Geographies of Street Food
GGRC48H3 Geographies of Urban Poverty
GGRD09H3 Feminist Geographies
GGRD14H3 Social Justice and the City
HISC58H3 Delhi and London: Imperial Cities, Mobile People
POLB56H3 Critical Issues in Canadian Politics
POLB57H3 The Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights
POLC53H3 Canadian Environmental Policy
PPGB66H3/​(PPGC66H3)/(POLC66H3) Public Policy Making
PPGC67H3/​(POLC67H3) Public Policy in Canada
SOCB44H3 Sociology of Cities and Urban Life
SOCC26H3 Sociology of Urban Cultural Policies
SOCC27H3 Sociology of Suburbs and Suburbanization
WSTB12H3 Gender-based Violence and Resistance
WSTB20H3/​(WSTC20H3) Feminism and The Environment
WSTC14H3 The Gender Politics of Policy Change