The Minor in Applied Climatology is designed to provide students with a unique educational experience that combines the fundamental understanding of climate change science, associated atmospheric processes and their impacts. The program will prepare students to observe and analyze past and present weather and climate change in the context of Applied Climatology. It will consider the relationship between changing climate conditions and countless climate/weather-sensitive industries through the lens of applied science to find solutions to the ongoing and future challenges faced by various sectors.

As an area of study, climate change intersects with a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, statistics, international development studies (science), geography, environmental science, biology, and health studies. This Minor is intended for students with an interest in climate change and preparing for a career that will demand a basic understanding of the physical and dynamical processes associated with climatic events and their impacts.

Students must complete a total of 4.5 credits as follows:

1. First Year (1.5 Credits)
EESA09H3 Wind
MATA30H3 Calculus I for Physical Sciences
PHYA10H3 Physics I for the Physical Sciences

2. Second/Third Year (1.5 Credits)
EESB03H3 Principles of Climatology
STAB22H3 Statistics I or equivalent
0.5 credit from the following
EESB15H3 Earth History
EESB18H3 Natural Hazards

3. Third/Fourth Year (1.5 Credits)
EESD06H3 Climate Change Impact Assessment
EESD31H3 Applied Climatology
0.5 credit from the following
EESC03H3 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
EESC13H3 Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing
EESC19H3 Oceanography
EESC25H3 Urban Climatology
ESTD19H3 Risk
EESD28H3 Fundamentals of Environmental Modelling