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Program Requirements
4.0 credits in ENG/FLM are required, of which 1.0 must be at the C- or D- level.
1. 1.0 credit as follows:
FLMA70H3/(ENGB70H3) How to Read a Film
FLMB75H3/(ENGB75H3) Cinema and Modernity
2. 0.5 credit as follows:
[ENGA10H3 Literature and Film for our Time: Visions and Revisions
or ENGA11H3 Literature and Film for our Time: Dawn of the Digital]
3. 1.0 credit from [FLM courses or ENGB29H3 or ENGB74H3 or ENGC04H3]
4. 1.5 additional credits from ENG or FLM courses
Note: Film courses selected from other departments and discipline will be approved for the Minor in Film Studies on a case-by-case basis.