The Minor in Public Law examines how the legal system, of which the constitutional order and judiciary are integral parts, governs the relationship both among constituent units of the state and between citizens and the state. It also examines the obligations that states have to one another via international law. Courses in the program address the normative foundations of principles of justice and human rights; the role of constitutions and courts in safeguarding the rule of law, protecting civil liberties, and curbing state power; the constraints to state sovereignty posed by international law and international courts; and the implications of the legal order for democratic and legitimate policy-making.

Program Requirements
Students must complete 4.0 credits, of which at least 1.0 credit must be at the C- and/or D-level.

1. Core Courses as follows (2.0 credits):
POLB30H3 Law, Justice and Rights
POLB56H3 Canadian Politics and Government
POLB57H3 The Canadian Constitution and the Charter of Rights
POLC32H3 The Canadian Judicial System

2. Public Law Electives (1.5 credit from the following):

POLC30H3 Law, Politics, and Technology in Applications
POLC33H3 Politics of International Human Rights
POLC34H3 The Politics of Crime
POLC36H3 Law and Public Policy
POLC38H3 International Law
POLC39H3 Comparative Law and Politics
POLC56H3 Indigenous Politics and Law
POLD30H3 Legal Reasoning
POLD38H3 Law and Global Business
POLD42H3 Advanced Topics in Public Law
POLD44H3 Comparative Law and Social Change
POLD45H3 Constitutionalism
POLD46H3 Public Law and the Canadian Immigration System

3. 0.5 credit from requirement 2 above or an appropriate course from another discipline, including at the UTSC, UTM and St. George campuses, as approved by the Public Law Program Advisor.