In this course, students will develop scientific communication skills by working collaboratively with peers to create an informative scientific poster that will be presented in a poster session modelled on those held at most major scientific conferences. Successful posters will engage the interest of the audience in the topic, clearly and concisely outline understanding gained from the primary literature, and discuss how understanding is enhanced by integrating knowledge.
1. Students in all Specialist/Specialist Co-op and Major programs in Biological Sciences are required to complete BIOB90H3 prior to graduation. In order to enroll in BIOB90H3, students must be concurrently enroled in at least one of the corequisites listed.
2. No specific grade will be assigned to BIOB90H3 on transcripts; instead, the grade assigned to work in BIOB90H3 will constitute 10% of the final grade in each of the corequisite courses that the students are concurrently enrolled in.
3. Students must receive a grade of 50% or higher for work in BIOB90H3 in order to fulfill this graduation requirement.