Course Search

CLAC24H3 - Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asian Worlds

A critical examination of multiculturalism and cultural identities in the Greek and Roman worlds. Special attention will be dedicated to the evidences through which these issues are documented and to their fundamental influence on the formation and evolution of ancient Mediterranean and West Asian societies and cultures.
Same as HISC11H3

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit in CLA or HIS courses.
Exclusion: HISC11H3
Recommended Preparation: CLAB05H3 and CLAB06H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAC26H3 - Indigeneity and the Classics

This course will explore the representations and realities of Indigeneity in the ancient Mediterranean world, as well as the entanglements between modern settler-colonialism, historiography, and reception of the 'Classical' past. Throughout the term, we will be drawn to (un)learn, think, write, and talk about a series of topics, each of which pertains in different ways to a set of overarching questions: What can Classicists learn from ancient and modern indigenous ways of knowing? What does it mean to be a Classicist in Tkaronto, on the land many Indigenous Peoples call Turtle Island? What does it mean to be a Classicist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada? What does it mean to be a Classicist in a settler colony? How did the Classics inform settler colonialism? How does modern settler colonialism inform our reconstruction of ancient indigeneities? How does our relationship to the land we come from and are currently on play a role in the way we think about the ancient Mediterranean world? Why is that so? How did societies of the ancient Mediterranean conceive of indigeneity? How did those relationships manifest themselves at a local, communal, and State levels?

Same as HISC16H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including 1.0 credit in CLA or HIS courses
Exclusion: HISC16H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAC67H3 - Early Islam: Perspectives on the Construction of a Historical Tradition

This course examines the history and historiography of the formative period of Islam and the life and legacy of Muḥammad, Islam’s founder. Central themes explored include the Late Antique context of the Middle East, pre-Islamic Arabia and its religions, the Qur’ān and its textual history, the construction of biographical accounts of Muḥammad, debates about the historicity of reports from Muḥammad, and the evolving identity and historical conception of the early Muslim community.

Same as HISC67H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including 0.5 credit at the A- or B-level in HIS courses
Exclusion: HISC67H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAC68H3 - Constructing the Other: Orientalism through Time and Place

This course reflects on the concept of Orientalism and how it informs the fields of Classical Studies and Anthropology. Topics to be discussed include the Orientalization of the past and the origin, role, and significance of ancient representations of the "Other" in contemporary discourses.
Same as ANTC58H3 and HISC68H3

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit from the following: [CLAA04H3/HISA07H3, CLAB05H4/HISB10H3, CLAB06H3/HISB11H3, ANTA02H3, ANTB19H3, ANTB20H3, HISB02H3, AFSB50H3/HISB50H3, AFSB51H3/HISB51H3, HISB53H3, HISB57H3, HISB58H3, HISB60H3, HISB61H3, HISB62H3, HISB93H3, HISB94H3]
Exclusion: ANTC58H3, HISC68H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAC94H3 - The Bible and the Qur’an

The Qur'an retells many narratives of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. This course compares the Qur'anic renditions with those of the earlier scriptures, focusing on the unique features of the Qur'anic versions. It will also introduce the students to the history of ancient and late antique textual production, transmission of texts and religious contact. The course will also delve into the historical context in which these texts were produced and commented upon in later generations.
Same as HISC94H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including [[1.0 credit in Classical Studies or History] or [WSTC13H3]]
Exclusion: HISC94H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAD05H3 - Dripping Histories: Water in the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asian Worlds

This seminar type course addresses issues related to the relationships between ancient Mediterranean and West Asian societies and their hydric environments from 5000 BC to 600 AD.
Same as HISD10H3

Prerequisite: Any 11.0 credits including 2.0 credits in CLA or HIS courses.
Exclusion: HISD10H3
Recommended Preparation: CLAB05H3 and CLAB06H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

CLAD69H3 - Sufis and Desert Fathers: Mysticism in Late Antiquity and Early Islam

This course is an introduction to mystical/ascetic beliefs and practices in late antiquity and early Islam. Often taken as an offshoot of or alternative to “orthodox” representations of Christianity and Islam, mysticism provides a unique look into the ways in which these religions were experienced by its adherents on a more popular, often non-scholarly, “unorthodox” basis throughout centuries. In this class we will examine mysticism in late antiquity and early Islam through the literature, arts, music, and dance that it inspired.

The first half of the term will be devoted to the historical study of mysticism, its origins, its most well-known early practitioners, and the phases of its institutionalization in early Christianity and early Islam; the second part will look into the beliefs and practices of mystics, the literature they produced, the popular expressions of religion they generated, and their effects in the modern world. This study of mysticism will also provide a window for contemporary students of religion to examine the devotional practices of unprivileged members of the late antiquity religious communities, women and slaves in particular.

Same as HISD69H3.

Prerequisite: Any 8.0 credits, including: [0.5 credit at the A- or B-level in CLA or HIS courses] and [0.5 credit at the C-level in CLA or HIS courses]
Exclusion: HISD69H3
Recommended Preparation: CLAB06H3/HISB11H3, CLAB09H3/HISB09H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

COPB10Y3 - Advancing Your Career Exploration

This preparatory course helps students navigate the challenges ahead in the world of Co-op and business. This course is highly interactive and practical, and is completed before students start seeking their Co-op work term opportunity. Management experienced Coordinators and expert guests instruct students on how to succeed in their work terms.

This course is a compulsory requirement for all Management Co-op programs. Students must pass this course before proceeding to seek for a work term opportunity, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Management Co-op programs.
Exclusion: [COPB11H3 and COPB12H3]; [COPB13H3 and COPB14H3]; (COPD07Y3); (COPD08Y3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: 1. If you are enrolled in this course, you would not be required to complete: [COPB11H3 and COPB12H3] or [COPB13H3 and COPB14H3]. 2. UTSC internal applicants are accepted into the Management Co-op in early May.

COPB11H3 - Advancing Your Career Exploration Part I

This preparatory course helps students navigate the challenges ahead in the world of Co-op and business. This course is highly interactive and practical, and is completed before students start seeking their Co-op work term opportunity. Management experienced Coordinators, and expert guests instruct students on how to succeed in their work terms.

This course is a compulsory requirement for all Management Co-op programs. Students must pass this course before proceeding to seek for a work term opportunity, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Management Co-op programs.
Exclusion: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3); (COPD08Y3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Students in their first year Management Co-op Programs will be core-loaded into this course.

COPB12H3 - Advancing Your Career Exploration Part II

This preparatory course helps students navigate the challenges ahead in the world of Co-op and business. This course is highly interactive and practical, and is completed before students start seeking their Co-op work term opportunity. Management experienced Coordinators and expert guests continue to instruct students on how to succeed in their work terms.

This course is a compulsory requirement for all Management Co-op programs. Students must pass this course before proceeding to seek a work term opportunity, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Management Co-op programs.
Exclusion: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3); (COPD08Y3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Students in their first year Management Co-op Programs will be core-loaded into this course.

COPB13H3 - Advancing Your Career Exploration Management International Business Part I

This preparatory course helps Management International Business (MIB) students navigate the challenges ahead in the world of Co-op and business. This course is highly interactive, and practical, and is completed before students start seeking for their Co-op work term opportunity. Management experienced Coordinators and expert guests instruct students on how to succeed in their work terms.

This course is a compulsory requirement for the Management MIB Co-op program. Students need to pass this course before proceeding to seek a Co-op work term opportunity, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Management International Business Co-op program.
Exclusion: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3); (COPD08Y3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Students in their first year Management International Business Co-op program will be core-loaded into this course.

COPB14H3 - Advancing Your Career Exploration Management International Business Part II

This preparatory course helps Management International Business (MIB) students navigate the challenges ahead in the world of Co-op and business. This course is highly interactive and practical, and is completed before students start seeking their Co-op work term opportunity. Management experienced Coordinators and expert guests continue to instruct students on how to succeed in their work terms.

This course is a compulsory requirement for the Management MIB Co-op program. Students need to pass this course before proceeding to seek a Co-op work term opportunity, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Management International Business Co-op program.
Exclusion: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3); (COPD08Y3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Students in their first year Management International Business Co-op program will be core-loaded into this course.

COPB30H3 - Passport to Placement I

This course is designed to prepare students in the International Development Studies Co-op programs with the skills, tools and experience to have a successful placement search. This course is an opportunity for students to explore the stages and dynamics of job searching, investigate various career options based on their skill set and interests, develop a placement search plan and create placement search documents. In addition, through workshops and events, students will have an opportunity to interact with IDS placement partners, senior students, and faculty, and gain insight into trends in the field of international development.

Exclusion: (COPD02H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Restricted to students enrolled in the Specialist (Co-op) Programs in International Development Studies. Students should plan to complete this course in the first year of study in their selected IDS Co-op program.

COPB31H3 - Passport to Placement II

In this course, students build upon skills and knowledge gained in COPB30H3. This course focuses on the job search and goal setting, culminating in students creating an Action Plan that focuses on developing and polishing their job search and application process skills in preparation for the Co-op application process in COPB33H3. By the end of this course, students should feel confident in their ability to network, write a job application, and communicate professionally.

Prerequisite: COPB30H3/(COPD02H3)
Exclusion: (COPD04H3); COPB30H3 (if taken in Fall 2020 or earlier)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Restricted to students enrolled in the Specialist (Co-op) Programs in International Development Studies. IDS Co-op students must successfully complete this course prior to COPB33H3.

COPB33H3 - Passport to Placement III

This course is designed to prepare students in the International Development Studies Co-op programs with the skills, tools and preparation to be successful during the placement year. Building on the skills developed in the first two years of the program, students will explore placement opportunities based on their skill set and interests. The course will include presentations from International Development Studies placement partners, group exercises, and individual assignments designed to prepare students for the placement experience. Pre-departure orientation activities will include intercultural learning, health and safety issues, placement research, and other key topics. A weekend retreat with returned placement students (fifth-year) provides an opportunity for sharing first-hand experience and knowledge.

Prerequisite: COPB30H3 and COPB31H3 (if taken Fall 2021 or later)
Exclusion: COPB31H3 (if taken Fall 2020 or earlier)
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Restricted to students enrolled in the Specialist (Co-op) Programs in International Development Studies.

COPB50H3 - Foundations for Success in Arts and Science Co-op

This course provides students in their first-year of Arts and Science Co-op to develop skills and tools to manage and thrive during the job search and in the workplace throughout the semester. In addition, students begin to build their job search tool kit, examine their strengths and areas of development, discover the skills employers are seeking in undergraduate Co-op students and in employees in general, and explore possible pathways to achieving their Co-op work terms and long term academic or career goals. Students will learn and practice strategies to best present their skills, knowledge and experience in foundational job search documents. The concept of interviewing is also introduced.

This course is a compulsory requirement for the Arts and Science Co-op programs. Students need to pass the course before proceeding to seek for a Co-op work term, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students in the Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Exclusion: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3), COPB36H3; (COPD01H3)
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Students should plan to complete this course in the first year of study in their selected Arts and Science Co-op program.

COPB51H3 - Preparing to Compete for your Work Term

This course builds on the foundational job search concepts introduced in COPB50H3, providing opportunities to refine application strategies and practice interviewing in various formats, based on academic program areas as well as industry hiring practices. Students begin to experience the Co-op job search cycle by reviewing, selecting, and applying to job postings weekly and receiving feedback similar to when participating in a job search cycle. With this feedback, and the support of your Coordinator, students make adjustments to their job search approach and develop strategies for success in the following term for both job applications and interview performance. The importance of a job search network and research to tailor and prepare during your job search are also examined.

This course is a compulsory requirement for the Arts and Science Co-op programs. Students need to pass the course before proceeding to seek for a Co-op work term, therefore, this course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: COPB50H3/(COPD01H3); restricted to students in the Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Exclusion: (COPD03H3)
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

COPB52H3 - Managing your Job Search and Transition to the Workplace

This course will draw on students' job search experience. Students will learn how to effectively and professionally navigate challenging situations while job searching and on work term. Drawing upon the job search knowledge and tool kit created in COPB50H2 and COPB51H3, this course is designed to provide students who are competing for a first Co‐op work term with resources and support necessary to meet their goal of securing a work term. During this semester, Co-op students are applying to job postings on CSM and attending interviews until they secure a work term. This course also provides students with job search trends, job search support and feedback, interview coaching, and peer activities. The course is a combination of in‐class, group activities, and one‐on‐one appointments. Topical information and insights about the labour market and Co‐op employers are also provided.

Prerequisite: COPB51H3/(COPD03H3); restricted to students in the Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Exclusion: (COPD11H3)
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

COPB53H3 - Continuing your Co-op Job Search

This course is for students in Arts & Science Co-op who have undertaken a first work term search and successfully completed COPB52H3 but have not embarked on a first work term experience. Students in this course will continue with job search activities and receive additional support factoring in their overall learning.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3); restricted to students in the Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

COPC01H3 - Co-op Work Term for Mathematical Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts & Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.
There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC03H3 - Co-op Work Term for Computer Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts & Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC05H3 - Co-op Work Term for Physical and Environmental Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC07H3 - Management Co-op Work Term

In this course, Management Co-op students engage in a work term opportunity, which is a form of work-integrated learning, to improve their employability skills and workplace productivity by concentrating on key areas to foster their development.

Prerequisite: COPB10Y3/(COPD07Y3) or (COPD08Y3) or [COPB11H3 and COPB12H3] or [COPB13H3 and COPB14H3]; restricted to students in the Management Co-op and/or Management International Business Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term

COPC09H3 - International Development Studies Co-op Work Term

The purpose of the work term placement is for students to gain experience in the professional world of development while applying knowledge gained in the classroom to real life experiences. The majority of students secure work terms with Canadian NGOs, research institutes or private sector consulting firms. Work terms are 8-12 months in length. The location and duration of the work terms will vary according to each student’s disciplinary and regional preferences, their experience and abilities, the availability of positions, and the practicability and safety of work.

Prerequisite: COPB31H3/(COPD04H3) and IDSC01H3 and IDSC04H3; restricted to students in the International Development Studies Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term

COPC13H3 - Co-op Work Term for Social Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 2 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC14H3 - Co-op Work Term for Neuroscience

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts & Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC20H3 - Co-op Work Term for Humanities

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 2 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 2 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC21H3 - Co-op Work Term for Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers, to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC30H3 - Co-op Work Term for Biological Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.

COPC40H3 - Co-op Work Term for Psychological and Health Sciences

While working full time with a Co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from Co-op coordinators, faculty and peers for success in the workplace, and to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A culminating project is completed to bring together industry and academic knowledge and showcase the work and skill development throughout each Co-op work experience. Students are enrolled into this course once hired for a Co-op work term. Arts and Science Co-op students will complete this course each semester when on work term.

There is a minimum requirement of 3 work terms for the Co-op program. Students will be allowed to repeat this course 3 to 5 times.

Prerequisite: COPB52H3/(COPD11H3) and permission from Arts and Science Co-op; restricted to students in Arts and Science Co-op programs.
Course Experience: Professional Work Term
Note: Students may receive a No Credit (NCR) in previous instance of the course and Credit (CR) while in different work locations.