Course Search

FLMC93H3 - Gender and Sexuality at the Movies

This course is a study of gender and sexuality in cinema. What happens when we watch bodies on screen? Can cinema change the way we understand gender and sexuality? We explore these questions in relation to topics including feminist film theory, LGBTQ2S+ film cultures, women’s cinema, and queer theory.

Prerequisite: FLMA70H3 or (ENGB70H3)
Exclusion: CIN336H1, CIN330Y1, (ENGC93H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language, History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FLMC94H3 - Women Directors

A study of select women filmmakers and the question of women's film authorship. Emphasis may be placed on the filmography of a specific director, or on film movements in which women filmmakers have made major contributions. Aspects of feminist film theory, critical theory, and world cinema will be considered, as well as the historical context of women in film more generally.

Prerequisite: Any 6.0 credits
Exclusion: CIN330Y1, (ENGC94H3)
Recommended Preparation: FLMA70H3/(ENGB70H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in programs from the Department of English.

FLMC95H3 - Indian Cinemas: Bollywood, Before and Beyond

This course will introduce students to various film cultures in India, with a focus on Bollywood, the world's largest producer of films. The readings will provide an overview of a diverse range of film production and consumption practices in South Asia, from popular Hindi films to 'regional' films in other languages. This is an introductory course where certain key readings and films will be selected with the aim of helping students develop their critical writing skills. These course materials will help students explore issues of aesthetics, politics and reception across diverse mainstream, regional and art cinema in the Indian subcontinent.

Prerequisite: Any 6.0 credits
Exclusion: (ENGC95H3)
Recommended Preparation: ENGA10H3 and ENGA11H3 and ENGB19H3 and FLMA70H3/(ENGB70H3) and FLMB77H3/(ENGB77H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FLMD52H3 - Cinema: The Auteur Theory

An exploration of the genesis of auteur theory. By focusing on a particular director such as Jane Campion, Kubrick, John Ford, Cronenberg, Chaplin, Egoyan, Bergman, Godard, Kurosawa, Sembene, or Bertolucci, we will trace the extent to which a director's vision can be traced through their body of work.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at C-level in ENG or FLM courses
Exclusion: INI374H, INI375H, (ENGD52H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FLMD62H3 - Topics in Postcolonial Literature and Film

An exploration of multicultural perspectives on issues of power, perception, and identity as revealed in representations of imperialism and colonialism from the early twentieth century to the present.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at C-level in ENG or FLM courses
Exclusion: (ENGD62H3)

FLMD91H3 - Avant-Garde Cinema

An exploration of Avant-Garde cinema from the earliest experiments of German Expressionism and Surrealism to our own time. The emphasis will be on cinema as an art form aware of its own uniqueness, and determined to discover new ways to exploit the full potential of the "cinematic".

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at C-level in ENG or FLM courses
Exclusion: INI322Y, (ENGD91H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FLMD93H3 - Theoretical Approaches to Cinema

Advanced study of theories and critical questions that inform current directions in cinema studies.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at C-level in ENG or FLM courses
Exclusion: INI214Y, (ENGD93H3)
Recommended Preparation: Additional 0.5 credit at the B- or C-level in FLM courses
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FLMD96H3 - Iranian Cinema

This course examines the development of Iranian cinema, particularly experimental and art cinema. Questions of form, and the political and social dimensions of cinema, will be considered alongside the theory of national cinemas. The course places Iranian cinema in a global context by considering it with other national cinemas.

Prerequisite: 0.5 credit at the B- or C-level in FLM courses
Exclusion: (ENGD96H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Minor Program in Film Studies.

FREA01H3 - Language Practice I

This course is designed to consolidate the language skills necessary for higher-level French courses through an action-oriented approach to language teaching and learning. Students will improve their communicative language competencies (listening, reading, speaking and writing) by engaging in task-based activities in real-world, contextual situations.

By the end of FREA01H3 and FREA02H3, students will have completed the level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: Grade 12 French or FREA91Y3 or FREA99H3 or equivalent
Exclusion: Native or near-native fluency in French, (FSL161Y), (FSL181Y), FSL221Y, FSL220H1
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: FREA01H3 is a prerequisite for all B-level French courses.

FREA02H3 - Language Practice II

A continuation of FREA01H3. Students will continue to improve their communicative language competencies (listening, reading, speaking and writing) by engaging in task-based activities in real-world, contextual situations.

By the end of FREA01H3 and FREA02H3, students will have completed the level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: FREA01H3
Exclusion: Native or near-native fluency in French; (FREA10Y3), (FSL161Y), (FSL181Y), FSL221Y, FSL22H1
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: FREA02H3 is a prerequisite for all B-level French courses.

FREA90Y3 - Intensive Introductory French

This course is for students with no prior knowledge of French. Based on a communicative approach, it will help students learn French vocabulary, understand grammatical structures and concepts, and gain oral and written communication skills. Students will develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through a variety of contextually specific activities. Class periods will include explanations of grammatical concepts, as well as communicative and interactive exercises. In addition to preparation at home, regular class attendance is paramount for student success.

Exclusion: (LGGA21H3), (LGGA22H3), (LGGB23H3), (LGGB24H3), FREA96H3, FREA97H3, [FSL100H1 or equivalent], or any prior knowledge of French
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: 1. This course does not satisfy any French program requirements. It is a 6 week, 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute. Students will be expected to attend up to 12 hours of class per week. 2. Priority will be given to students in the Specialist Co-op program in Management and International Business (MIB), Specialist/Specialist Co-op and Major/Major Co-op programs in Linguistics, and Specialist Co-op programs in International Development Studies (both BA and BSc).

FREA91Y3 - Intensive Intermediate French

This course is for students who have studied some French in high school or who have some prior knowledge of French, and who wish to bring their proficiency up to the level required for UTSC French programs. Students will continue to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through a variety of contextually specific activities. Class periods will include explanations of grammatical concepts, as well as communicative and interactive exercises. In addition to preparation at home, regular class attendance is paramount in order to succeed in the class.

Prerequisite: FREA90Y3 or FREA97H3
Exclusion: FREA98H3, FREA99H3, [LGGB23H3 or equivalent], or FSL121Y1
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: 1.This course does not satisfy any French program requirements. Students who complete this course may continue into FREA01H3. This is a 6 week, 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute. Students will be expected to attend up to 12 hours of class per week. 2. Priority will be given to students in the Specialist program in Management and International Business (MIB), Specialist/Specialist Co-op and Major/Major Co-op programs in Linguistics, and Specialist Co-op programs in International Development Studies (both BA and BSc).

FREA96H3 - Introductory French I

An intensive basic course in written and spoken French; comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.
This intensive, practical course is designed for students who have no previous knowledge of French.

Note: This course does not satisfy any French program requirements.

Exclusion: (LGGA21H3), (LGGA22H3), (LGGB23H3), (LGGB24H3), FSL100H or equivalent
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREA97H3 - Introductory French II

An intensive course in written and spoken French; a continuation of FREA96H3.
This course is designed for students who have some knowledge of French. It continues the basic, comprehensive training in both written and oral French begun in FREA96H3, using the second half of the same textbook.

Notes: This course does not satisfy any French program requirements.

Prerequisite: FREA96H3 or (LGGA21H3)
Exclusion: (LGGA22H3), FSL102H or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREA98H3 - Intermediate French I

Intended for students who have studied some French in high school or have some knowledge of French. Offers a review of all basic grammar concepts and training in written and spoken French. Reinforces reading comprehension, written skills and oral/aural competence.

Notes: This course does not satisfy any French program requirements.

Prerequisite: FREA97H3 or (LGGA22H3)
Exclusion: FSL121Y, (LGGB23H3) or equivalent
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREA99H3 - Intermediate French II

Intended for students who have some knowledge of French and who wish to bring their proficiency up to the level of normal University entrance; a continuation of FREA98H3; prepares students for FREA01H3. Offers training in written and spoken French, reinforcing reading comprehension, written skills and oral/aural competence.

Notes: This course does not satisfy any French program requirements.

Prerequisite: FREA98H3, (LGGB23H3) or equivalent.
Exclusion: Grade 12 French, (LGGB24H3), FSL121Y or equivalent. Cannot be taken concurrently or after FREA01H3.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB01H3 - Language Practice III

This course is designed to reinforce and develop fluency, accuracy of expression and style through an action-oriented approach to language teaching and learning. Students will improve their communicative language competencies (listening, reading, speaking and writing) by engaging in task-based activities in real-world, contextual situations.

By the end of FREB01H3 and FREB02H3, students will have completed the level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FSL224H1, FSL225H1, (FSL261Y), (FSL281Y), FSL321Y, (FSL331Y), (FSL341Y) or equivalent or native proficiency
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB02H3 - Language Practice IV

A continuation of FREB01H3. Students will continue to develop their accuracy of expression and improve their fluency by engaging in activities in real-world, contextual situations.

By the end of FREB01H3 and FREB02H3, students will have completed the level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: FREB01H3
Exclusion: FSL320H1, (FSL261Y), (FSL281Y), FSL321Y, (FSL331Y), (FSL341Y) or equivalent or native proficiency
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB08H3 - Practical Translation I

An introduction to translation. The course will use a wide selection of short texts dealing with a variety of topics. Grammatical and lexical problems will be examined with special attention to interference from English.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: Native proficiency. FREB08H3 may not be taken after or concurrently with FREC18H3, FRE480Y or FRE481Y.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

FREB11H3 - French Language in the School System

This course is intended for students considering a career in language teaching.
It involves a series of seminars as well as preparation for observations in local schools throughout the duration of the course.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Students taking this course will need to have a police check completed with the police board in the jurisdiction for which they reside. Completed police checks must be submitted to the instructor during the first day of class.

FREB17H3 - Spoken French: Conversation and Pronunciation

Designed for students who wish to improve their speaking abilities. The course examines the French sound system with the goal of improving students' pronunciation in reading and everyday speech. Theoretical concepts are put into practice via structured exercises and various dialogues involving useful colloquial expressions.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent
Exclusion: FREC01H3, FREC02H3, FRED01H3, FRED06H3; and any Francophone students
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB18H3 - Business French

The French language in a commercial or economic context. Of interest, among others, to students in French, Business, Accounting, Management, and Economics, this course emphasizes commercial writing techniques and exercises that include the vocabulary and structures of business language.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FSL366H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB20H3 - Teaching Children's Literature in French

An analysis of the varied forms and contents of children's literature written in French. The course examines different texts in terms of target age, pictorial illustrations, didactic bent, socio-cultural dimensions etc., focusing on, among other things, fairy tales urban and otherwise, cartoons, detective stories, adventure tales, and art, science and history books.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FRE385H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

FREB22H3 - The Society and Culture of Québec

A study of the historical, cultural and social development of Québec society from its origins to today. Aspects such as history, literature, art, politics, education, popular culture and cinema will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on the elements of Québec culture and society that make it a distinct place in North America.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FREB27H3 - Modern France

An examination of political, social and cultural developments in France in the last hundred years. Topics will include: the impact of two World Wars; the decolonization process; the European Community; the media; the educational system; immigration etc.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FREB28H3 - The Francophone World

An examination of historical, political and cultural realities in different parts of the Francophone world excluding France and Canada. Topics to be discussed will include slavery, colonization, de-colonization and multilinguism.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FSL362Y
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FREB35H3 - Francophone Literature

A study of a variety of literary texts from the French-speaking world, excluding France and Canada. Attention will be given to the cultural and historical background as well as to the close study of works from areas including the West Indies, North and West Africa.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FRE332H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB36H3 - The 20th Century Quebec Novel

A study of some of the major novels written in Québec since 1945. The course will focus on the evolution of the novelistic form and its relevance within modern Western literature. We will also examine the link between the novels studied and the transformation of Québec society.

Prerequisite: FREA01H3 and FREA02H3
Exclusion: FRE210Y
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB37H3 - Contemporary Quebec Drama

An examination of contemporary Québec theatre. We will study texts representative of a variety of dramatic styles. The focus will be primarily on dramatic texts; significant theatrical performances, however, will also be considered.

Prerequisite: FREA01H3 and FREA02H3
Exclusion: FRE312H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB44H3 - Introduction to Linguistics: French Phonetics and Phonology

An examination of the sound system of modern French. The course will acquaint student with acoustic phonetics and the basic concept and features of the French phonetic system. Phonological interpretation of phonetic data (from speech samples) and prosodic features such as stress and intonation will be examined.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: (FRE272Y), FRE272H, FRE274H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language