Course Search

IDSD90H3 - Public Policy and Human Development in the Global South

While domestic and international political factors have discouraged pro human development public policies in much of the global south, there have been some important success stories. This course examines the economic and social policies most successful in contributing to human development and explores the reasons behind these rare cases of relatively successful human development.

Same as POLD90H3

Prerequisite: [1.0 credit from: IDSB01H3, IDSB04H3, IDSB06H3, POLB90H3 or POLB91H3] and [2.0 credits at the C-level in any courses]
Exclusion: POLD90H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

JOUA01H3 - Introduction to Journalism and News Literacy I

An introduction to the social, historical, philosophical, and practical contexts of journalism. The course will examine the skills required to become news literate. The course will look at various types of media and the role of the journalist. Students will be introduced to specific techniques to distinguish reliable news from so-called fake news. Media coverage and analysis of current issues will be discussed.

Exclusion: (MDSA21H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUA02H3 - Introduction to Journalism II

A continuation of JOUA01H3.

Prerequisite: (MDSA21H3) or JOUA01H3
Exclusion: (MDSA22H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUA06H3 - Contemporary Issues in Law and Ethics

An examination of the key legal and ethical issues facing Canadian journalists, with an emphasis on the practical: what a journalist needs to know to avoid legal problems and develop strategies for handling ethical challenges. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits including: JOUB01H3 and JOUB02H3 and ACMB02H3
Corequisite: JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3
Exclusion: (MDSB04H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

JOUB01H3 - Covering Immigration and Transnational Issues

An examination of Canadian coverage of immigration and transnational issues. With the shift in Canada's demographics, media outlets are struggling to adapt to new realities. We will explore how media frame the public policy debate on immigration, multiculturalism, diaspora communities, and transnational issues which link Canada to the developing world.

Prerequisite: JOUA01H3 and JOUA02H3
Exclusion: (MDSB26H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB02H3 - Critical Journalism

The course examines the representation of race, gender, class and power in the media, traditional journalistic practices and newsroom culture. It will prepare students who wish to work in a media-related industry with a critical perspective towards understanding the marginalization of particular groups in the media.

Prerequisite: 4.0 credits including JOUA01H3 and JOUA02H3
Exclusion: (MDSB27H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB03H3 - Business of Journalism

Today’s ‘contract economy’ means full-time staff jobs are rare. Students will dissect models of distribution and engagement, discussing trends, predictions and future opportunities in media inside and outside the traditional newsroom. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 14.5 credits, including: [JOUB05H3 and JOUB19H3 and JOUC18H3 and JOUC19H3 and JOUC20H3] and [(JOUB09H3) or JOUB20H3]; students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUC13H3 and JOUC25H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB11H3 - News Reporting

Through research and practice, students gain an understanding of news judgment and value, finding and developing credible sources and developing interviewing, editing and curating skills. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits including: JOUB01H3 and JOUB02H3 and ACMB02H3
Corequisite: JOUA06H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB14H3 - Mobile Journalism

Today, content creators and consumers both use mobile tools and technologies. Students will explore the principles of design, including responsive design, and how they apply to various platforms and devices. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits including: JOUB01H3 and JOUB02H3 and ACMB02H3; students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB18H3 - Visual Storytelling: Photography and Videography

Applying photo-journalism principles to the journalist's tool of choice, the smartphone. Students will take professional news and feature photos, video optimized for mobile use and will capture credible, shareable visual cross-platform stories. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits, including JOUB01H3 and JOUB02H3 and ACMB02H3
Corequisite: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB19H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB19H3 - Data Management and Presentation

To develop stories from raw numbers, students will navigate spreadsheets and databases, and acquire raw data from web pages. Students will learn to use Freedom of Information requests to acquire data. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits, including: JOUA01H3 and JOUA02H3 and JOUB01H3 and JOUB02H3 and ACMB02H3]andstudents must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB20H3 - Interactive: Data and Analytics

Building the blending of traditional skills in reporting and writing with interactive production protocols for digital news. The course provides an introduction to web development and coding concepts. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 12.0 credits, including: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3; students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUB05H3 and JOUC18H3 and JOUC19H3 and JOUC20H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB21H3 - Witnessing and Bearing Witness

Journalists must observe and understand while responsibly contextualizing and communicating. This course critically examines the motivations and methods of how current events are witnessed but also how changing journalistic forms mediate the social function of bearing witness to communicate a diversity of experiences across matrices of time, space, power, and privilege.

Prerequisite: Enrollment in Major program in Media Studies and Journalism – Journalism Stream or Enrolment in the Specialist (Joint) Program in Journalism
Exclusion: (ACMB02H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

JOUB24H3 - Journalism in the Age of Digital Media

Journalism is undergoing a revolutionary change. Old trusted formats are falling away and young people are consuming, producing, exchanging, and absorbing news in a different way. The course will help students critically analyze new media models and give them the road map they will need to negotiate and work in New Media. 

Exclusion: (MDSB24H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUB39H3 - Fundamentals of Journalistic Writing

An overview of the standard rules and techniques of journalistic writing. The course examines the basics of good writing style including words and structures most likely to cause problems for writers. Students will develop their writing skills through assignments designed to help them conceive, develop, and produce works of journalism. 

Prerequisite: [(MDSA21H3) or JOUA01H3] and [(MDSA22H3) or JOUA02H3] and (HUMA01H3).
Exclusion: (MDSB39H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUC13H3 - Entrepreneurial Reporting

Working in groups under faculty supervision from the newsroom, students will create, present and share significant portfolio pieces of multiplatform content, demonstrating expertise in credible, verifiable storytelling for discerning audiences. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: 14.5 credits, including: [JOUB05H3 and JOUC18H3 and JOUC19H3 and JOUC20H3] and [(JOUB09H3) or JOUB20H3]; students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUB03H3 and JOUC25H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUC18H3 - Storyworks

This experiential learning course provides practical experience in communication, media and design industries, supporting the student-to-professional transition in advance of work placements, and graduation towards becoming practitioners in the field. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: [12.0 credits, including: JOUA06H3, JOUB11H3, JOUB14H3, JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3; students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUB05H3 and JOUB20H3 and JOUC19H3 and JOUC20H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUC19H3 - Social Media and Mobile Storytelling

Students will effectively use their mobile phones in the field to report, edit and share content, while testing emerging apps, storytelling tools and social platforms to connect with audiences. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: [12.0 credits, including: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3; students must have a CGPA of 2.0
Corequisite: JOUB05H3 and JOUB20H3 and JOUC18H3 and JOUC20H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUC21H3 - Podcasting

Students will learn the technical fundamentals and performance skills of audio storytelling and explore best practices before researching, interviewing, reporting, editing and producing original podcasts of professional journalistic quality.

Prerequisite: 12 credits, including: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3
Corequisite: JOUB20H3, JOUC18H3, JOUC19H3, JOUC21H3, JOUC22H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

JOUC22H3 - Advanced Video and Documentary Storytelling

Students will build on the skills in the Visual Storytelling course from the previous semester and focus on the creation and distribution of short- and long-form video for mobile devices and social platforms. Emphasis will be placed on refining interviewing skills and performance and producing documentary-style journalism.

Prerequisite: 12 credits, including: JOUA06H3 and JOUB11H3 and JOUB14H3 and JOUB18H3 and JOUB19H3
Corequisite: JOUB20H3, JOUC18H3, JOUC19H3, JOUC21H3
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

JOUC25H3 - Field Placement

In Field Placement, students use theoretical knowledge and applied skills in professional journalistic environments. Through individual work and as team members, students create editorial content on various platforms and undertake academic research and writing assignments that require them to reflect upon issues arising from their work placement experience. This course is taught at Centennial College and is open only to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

Prerequisite: Students must be in good standing and have successfully completed groups 1, 2, and be completing group 3 of the Centennial College phase of the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the internship was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

JOUC30H3 - Critical Approaches to Style, Form and Narrative

The forms of Journalism are being challenged as reporting styles diverge and change overtime, across genres and media. New forms of narrative experimentation are opened up by the Internet and multimedia platforms. How do participatory cultures challenge journalists to experiment with media and language to create new audience experiences?

Prerequisite: MDSB05H3 and JOUB39H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

JOUC31H3 - Journalism, Information Sharing and Technological Change

The nexus between journalism, civic engagement and changing technologies presents opportunities and challenges for the way information is produced, consumed and shared. Topics range from citizen and networked journalism, mobile online cultures of social movements and everyday life, to the complicated promises of the internet’s democratizing potential and data-based problem solving.

Prerequisite: JOUB24H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

JOUC60H3 - Diasporic Media

New media technologies enable more production and distribution of culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse voices than ever before. Who produces these diverse voices and how accessible are these media? This course explores various types of diasporic media from century-old newspapers to young and hip news and magazine blogs, produced by and for members of a multicultural society.

Same as MDSC34H3

Prerequisite: [2.0 credits at the B-level in MDS courses] or [2.0 credits at the B-level in JOU courses] or [4.5 credits from the Major (Joint) program in New Media Studies Group I and Group II courses]
Exclusion: MDSC34H3, (MDSC60H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

JOUC62H3 - Media, Journalism and Digital Labour

This course explores themes of labour in news media and new media. Topics include labour conditions for media workers across sectors; the labour impacts of media convergence; and the global distribution of media labour including content generation and management. The course is structured by intersectional analyses, studying how race and racism, class, gender, sex and sexism, sexuality, nationality, global location and citizenship status, Indigeneity and religion shape our experiences of media, journalism and labour.
Same as MDSC37H3

Prerequisite: [MDSA01H3 and MDSB05H3] or [JOUA01H3 and JOUA02H3] or [4.5 credits from the Major (Joint) program in New Media Studies Group I and Group II courses]
Exclusion: MDSC37H3, (MDSC62H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

JOUC80H3 - Understanding Audiences in the Digital Age

Understanding the interests and goals of audiences is a key part of media production. This course introduces communication research methods including ratings, metrics, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. The focus of class discussion and research project is to use these methods to be able to understand the nature of audiences’ media use in the digital age.

Same as MDSC25H3

Prerequisite: [2.0 credits at the B level in MDS courses] or [2.0 credits at the B level in JOU courses] or [4.5 credits from the Major (Joint) program in New Media Studies Group I and Group II courses]
Exclusion: MDSC25H3, (MDSC80H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

JOUD10H3 - Senior Seminar in Journalism

A project-oriented capstone course requiring students to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary for contemporary journalism. Students will create a project that will serve as part of a portfolio or as a scholarly exploration of the state of the mass media. This course is open only to students in the Journalism Joint Program.

Prerequisite: JOUB03H3 and JOUC13H3 and JOUC25H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

JOUD11H3 - Senior Research Seminar in Media and Journalism

Focusing on independent research, this course requires students to demonstrate the necessary analysis, research and writing skills required for advanced study. This seminar course provides the essential research skills for graduate work and other research-intensive contexts. Students will design and undertake unique and independent research about the state of journalism.
Same as MDSD11H3

Prerequisite: ACMB02H3 and [an additional 4.5 credits in MDS or JOU courses, 1.0 credit of which must be at the C-level]
Exclusion: MDSD11H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

JOUD12H3 - Journalism at the Intersection of Politics, Economics and Ethics

Journalism is a field that influences – and is influenced by – politics, finance, and civil society.  This course raises contentious questions about power and responsibility at the core of journalism’s role in society.  Challenges to the obligations of responsible journalism are examined through changing economic pressures and ties to political cultures.

Prerequisite: [1.0 credit from the following: JOUC30H3, JOUC31H3, JOUC62H3, JOUC63H3]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students in the Specialist (Joint) program in Journalism.

JOUD13H3 - Surveillance, Censorship, and Press Freedom

There is a technological and strategic arms race between governmental, military, and corporate entities on the one hand and citizens, human rights workers, and journalists on the other. Across diverse geopolitical contexts, journalistic work faces systematic surveillance alongside the censorship of free speech and a free internet. This course examines those threats to press freedom and how the same technologies support collaboration among citizens and journalists–across borders, languages, and legal regimes­– to hold abuses of power to account.

Prerequisite: 0.5 credits at JOU C-level
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language