Course Search

MATC32H3 - Graph Theory and Algorithms for its Applications

Graphs, subgraphs, isomorphism, trees, connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian properties, matchings, vertex and edge colourings, planarity, network flows and strongly regular graphs; applications to such problems as timetabling, personnel assignment, tank form scheduling, traveling salesmen, tournament scheduling, experimental design and finite geometries.

Prerequisite: [MATB24H3 or CSCB36H3] and at least one other B-level course in Mathematics or Computer Science
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC34H3 - Complex Variables

Theory of functions of one complex variable, analytic and meromorphic functions. Cauchy's theorem, residue calculus, conformal mappings, introduction to analytic continuation and harmonic functions.

Prerequisite: MATB42H3
Exclusion: MAT334H, MAT354H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC37H3 - Introduction to Real Analysis

Topics in measure theory:  the Lebesgue integral, Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Lp spaces, Hilbert and Banach spaces, Fourier series.

Prerequisite: MATB43H3
Exclusion: MAT337H, (MATC38H3)
Recommended Preparation: MATC27H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC44H3 - Introduction to Combinatorics

Basic counting principles, generating functions, permutations with restrictions. Fundamentals of graph theory with algorithms; applications (including network flows). Combinatorial structures including block designs and finite geometries.

Prerequisite: MATB24H3
Exclusion: MAT344H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC46H3 - Differential Equations II

Sturm-Liouville problems, Green's functions, special functions (Bessel, Legendre), partial differential equations of second order, separation of variables, integral equations, Fourier transform, stationary phase method.

Prerequisite: MATB44H3
Corequisite: MATB42H3
Exclusion: APM346H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC58H3 - An Introduction to Mathematical Biology

Mathematical analysis of problems associated with biology, including models of population growth, cell biology, molecular evolution, infectious diseases, and other biological and medical disciplines. A review of mathematical topics: linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors), properties of ordinary differential equations and difference equations.

Prerequisite: MATB44H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC63H3 - Differential Geometry

Curves and surfaces in Euclidean 3-space. Serret-Frenet frames and the associated equations, the first and second fundamental forms and their integrability conditions, intrinsic geometry and parallelism, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

Prerequisite: MATB42H3 and MATB43H3
Exclusion: MAT363H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC82H3 - Mathematics for Teachers

The course discusses the Mathematics curriculum (K-12) from the following aspects: the strands of the curriculum and their place in the world of Mathematics, the nature of proofs, the applications of Mathematics, and its connection to other subjects.

Prerequisite: [MATA67H3 or CSCA67H3 or (CSCA65H3)] and [MATA22H3 or MATA23H3] and [MATA37H3 or MATA36H3]
Exclusion: MAT382H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATC90H3 - Beginnings of Mathematics

Mathematical problems which have arisen repeatedly in different cultures, e.g. solution of quadratic equations, Pythagorean theorem; transmission of mathematics between civilizations; high points of ancient mathematics, e.g. study of incommensurability in Greece, Pell's equation in India.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits, including 2.0 credits in MAT courses [excluding MATA02H3], of which 0.5 credit must be at the B-level
Exclusion: MAT390H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD01H3 - Fields and Groups

Abstract group theory: Sylow theorems, groups of small order, simple groups, classification of finite abelian groups. Fields and Galois theory: polynomials over a field, field extensions, constructibility; Galois groups of polynomials, in particular cubics; insolvability of quintics by radicals.

Prerequisite: MATC01H3
Exclusion: (MAT302H), MAT347Y, (MATC02H3)
Recommended Preparation: MATC34H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD02H3 - Classical Plane Geometries and their Transformations

An introduction to geometry with a selection of topics from the following: symmetry and symmetry groups, finite geometries and applications, non-Euclidean geometry.

Prerequisite: [MATA22H3 or MATA23H3]
Corequisite: MATC01H3
Exclusion: MAT402H, (MAT365H), (MATC25H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD09H3 - Set Theory

This course is an introduction to axiomatic set theory and its methods. Set theory is a foundation for practically every other area of mathematics and is a deep, rich subject in its own right. The course will begin with the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms and general set constructions. Then the natural numbers and their arithmetic are developed axiomatically. The central concepts of cardinality, cardinal numbers, and the Cantor-Bernstein theorem are studied, as are ordinal numbers and transfinite induction. The Axiom of Choice and its equivalents are presented along with applications.

Prerequisite: MATB43H3 and [MATC09H3 or MATC27H3 or MATC37H3].
Exclusion: MAT409H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD10H3 - Topics in Mathematics

A variety of topics from geometry, analysis, combinatorics, number theory and algebra, to be chosen by the instructor.

Prerequisite: Permission from the instructor is required. Typically, this will require that the student has completed courses such as: MATC01H3 and MATC34H3 and [(MATC35H3) or MATC37H3] and [MATC15H3 or MATD02H3] but, depending on the topics covered, the instructor may specify alternative course requirements.

MATD11H3 - Topics in Mathematics

A variety of topics from geometry, analysis, combinatorics, number theory and algebra, to be chosen by the instructor.

Prerequisite: Permission from the instructor is required. Typically this will require that the student has completed courses such as MATC01H3 and MATC34H3 and [(MATC35H3) or MATC37H3] and [MATC15H3 or MATD02H3] but, depending on the topics covered, the instructor may specify alternative course requirements.

MATD12H3 - Topics in Mathematics

A variety of topics from geometry, analysis, combinatorics, number theory and algebra, to be chosen by the instructor.

Prerequisite: Permission from the instructor is required. Typically this will require that the student has completed courses such as MATC01H3 and MATC34H3 and [(MATC35H3) or MATC37H3] and [MATC15H3 or MATD02H3] but, depending on the topics covered, the instructor may specify alternative course requirements.

MATD16H3 - Coding Theory and Cryptography

The main problems of coding theory and cryptography are defined. Classic linear and non-linear codes. Error correcting and decoding properties. Cryptanalysis of classical ciphers from substitution to DES and various public key systems [e.g. RSA] and discrete logarithm based systems. Needed mathematical results from number theory, finite fields, and complexity theory are stated.

Prerequisite: MATC15H3 and [STAB52H3 or STAB53H3]
Exclusion: (MATC16H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD26H3 - Geometric Analysis and Relativity

An intuitive and conceptual introduction to general relativity with emphasis on a rigorous treatment of relevant topics in geometric analysis. The course aims at presenting rigorous theorems giving insights into fundamental natural phenomena. Contents: Riemannian and Lorentzian geometry (parallelism, geodesics, curvature tensors, minimal surfaces), Hyperbolic differential equations (domain of dependence, global hyperbolicity). Relativity (causality, light cones, inertial observes, trapped surfaces, Penrose incompleteness theorem, black holes, gravitational waves).

Prerequisite: MATC63H3
Exclusion: APM426H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD34H3 - Complex Variables II

Applications of complex analysis to geometry, physics and number theory. Fractional linear transformations and the Lorentz group. Solution to the Dirichlet problem by conformal mapping and the Poisson kernel. The Riemann mapping theorem. The prime number theorem.

Prerequisite: MATB43H3 and MATC34H3
Exclusion: (MATC65H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD35H3 - Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems

This course provides an introduction and exposure to dynamical systems, with particular emphasis on low-dimensional systems such as interval maps and maps of the plane. Through these simple models, students will become acquainted with the mathematical theory of chaos and will explore strange attractors, fractal geometry and the different notions of entropy. The course will focus mainly on examples rather than proofs; students will be encouraged to explore dynamical systems by programming their simulations in Mathematica.

Prerequisite: [[MATA37H3 or MATA36H3] with a grade of B+ or higher] and MATB41H3 and MATC34H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD44H3 - Topics in Combinatorics

This course will focus on combinatorics. Topics will be selected by the instructor and will vary from year to year.

Prerequisite: [MATC32H3 or MATC44H3]
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD46H3 - Partial Differential Equations

This course provides an introduction to partial differential equations as they arise in physics, engineering, finance, optimization and geometry. It requires only a basic background in multivariable calculus and ODEs, and is therefore designed to be accessible to most students. It is also meant to introduce beautiful ideas and techniques which are part of most analysts' bag of tools.

Prerequisite: [[MATA37H3 or MATA36H]3 with grade of at least B+] and MATB41H3 and MATB44H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD50H3 - Mathematical Introduction to Game Theory

This course introduces students to combinatorial games, two-player (matrix) games, Nash equilibrium, cooperative games, and multi-player games. Possible additional topics include: repeated (stochastic) games, auctions, voting schemes and Arrow's paradox. Numerous examples will be analyzed in depth, to offer insight into the mathematical theory and its relation to real-life situations.

Prerequisite: MATB24H3 and [STAB52H3 or STAB53H3]
Exclusion: MAT406H
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD67H3 - Differentiable Manifolds

Manifolds, vector fields, tangent spaces, vector bundles, differential forms, integration on manifolds.

Prerequisite: MATB43H3
Exclusion: MAT367H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MATD92H3 - Mathematics Project

A significant project in any area of mathematics. The project may be undertaken individually or in small groups. This course is offered by arrangement with a mathematics faculty member. This course may be taken in any session and the project must be completed by the last day of classes in the session in which it is taken.

Prerequisite: [1.5 credits at the C-level in MAT courses] and [permission of the Supervisor of Studies] and [a CGPA of at least 3.0 or enrolment in a Mathematics Subject POSt]
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Note: Enrolment procedures: the project supervisor's note of agreement must be presented to the Supervisor of Studies who will issue permission for registration.

MATD93H3 - Mathematics Project

A significant project in any area of mathematics. The project may be undertaken individually or in small groups. This course is offered by arrangement with a mathematics faculty member. This course may be taken in any session and the project must be completed by the last day of classes in the session in which it is taken.

Prerequisite: [1.5 credits at the C-level in MAT courses] and [permission of the Supervisor of Studies] and [a CGPA of at least 3.0 or enrolment in a Mathematics Subject POSt]
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Note: Enrolment procedures: the project supervisor's note of agreement must be presented to the Supervisor of Studies who will issue permission for registration.

MATD94H3 - Readings in Mathematics

Independent study under direction of a faculty member.

Prerequisite: [1.5 credits at the C-level in MAT courses] and [permission of the Supervisor of Studies] and [a CGPA of at least 3.0 or enrolment in a Mathematics Subject POSt]
Note: Enrolment procedures: the project supervisor's note of agreement must be presented to the Supervisor of Studies who will issue permission for registration.

MATD95H3 - Readings in Mathematics

Independent study under direction of a faculty member.

Prerequisite: [1.5 credits at the C-level in MAT courses] and permission of the Supervisor of Studies] and [a CPGA of at least 3.0 or enrolment in a Mathematics Subject POSt]
Note: Enrolment procedures: the project supervisor's note of agreement must be presented to the Supervisor of Studies who will issue permission for registration.

MBTB13H3 - Songwriting 2

In this course students explore a variety of topics relating to songwriting. Advanced techniques relating to melody, lyric, and chord writing will be discussed and applied creatively to original songs. This course is taught at Centennial College.

Prerequisite: MUZA80H3 and MUZB40H3 and MUZB41H3 and MUZB80H3 and 1.0 credit in performance ensembles
Corequisite: MBTB41H3 and MBTB50H3 and [[MBTC62H3 and MBTC63H3] or [MBTC70H3 and MBTC72H3]]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in Specialist (Joint) program in Music Industry and Technology.

MBTB41H3 - Introduction to Audio Engineering

This course will introduce students to live and studio sound by giving them hands-on experience on equipment in a professional recording studio. This course is taught at Centennial College.

Prerequisite: MUZA80H3 and MUZB40H3 and MUZB41H3 and MUZB80H3 and 1.0 credit in performance ensembles
Corequisite: MBTB13H3 and MBTB50H3 and [[MBTC62H3 and MBTC63H3] or [MBTC70H3 and MBTC72H3]]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in Specialist (Joint) program in Music Industry and Technology.

MBTB50H3 - Music Business Fundamentals

Students will develop a foundational knowledge of the music industry that will serve as a base for all other music business-related courses. Students will be introduced to the terminology, history, infrastructure, and careers of the music industry. Students will be introduced to fundamental areas of business management. Legal issues and the future of the music industry will also be discussed. All material will be taught from a uniquely Canadian perspective.

Prerequisite: MUZA80H3 and MUZB40H3 and MUZB41H3 and MUZB80H3 and 1.0 credit in performance ensembles
Corequisite: MBTB13H3 and MBTB50H3 and [[MBTC62H3 and MBTC63H3] or [MBTC70H3 and MBTC72H3]]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in Specialist (Joint) program in Music Industry and Technology.