Course Search

PHYB54H3 - Mechanics: From Oscillations to Chaos

The linear, nonlinear and chaotic behaviour of classical mechanical systems such as oscillators, rotating bodies, and central field systems. The course will develop analytical and numerical tools to solve such systems and determine their basic properties. The course will include mathematical analysis, numerical exercises (Python), and demonstrations of mechanical systems.

Prerequisite: PHYA21H3 and MATB41H3 and MATB44H3
Corequisite: MATB42H3
Exclusion: PHY254H, (PHYB20H3)
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYB56H3 - Introduction to Quantum Physics

The course introduces the basic concepts of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics starting with the experimental basis and the properties of the wave function. Schrödinger's equation will be introduced with some applications in one dimension. Topics include Stern-Gerlach effect; harmonic oscillator; uncertainty principle; interference packets; scattering and tunnelling in one-dimension.

Prerequisite: PHYA21H3 and [MATA36H3 or MATA37H3]
Corequisite: MATB41H3
Exclusion: PHY256H1, (PHYB25H3)
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYB57H3 - Introduction to Scientific Computing

Scientific computing is a rapidly growing field because computers can solve previously intractable problems and simulate natural processes governed by equations that do not have analytic solutions. During the first part of this course, students will learn numerical algorithms for various standard tasks such as root finding, integration, data fitting, interpolation and visualization. In the second part, students will learn how to model physical systems. At the end of the course, students will be expected to write small programs by themselves. Assignments will regularly include programming exercises.

Prerequisite: [MATA36H3 or MATA37H3] and [MATA22H3 or MATA23H3] and PHYA21H3
Corequisite: MATB44H3
Exclusion: (PSCB57H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

PHYC11H3 - Intermediate Physics Laboratory II

The main objective of this course is to help students develop skills in experimental physics by introducing them to a range of important measuring techniques and associated physical phenomena. Students will carry on several experiments in Physics and Astrophysics including electricity and magnetism, optics, solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics.

Prerequisite: PHYB10H3 and PHYB21H3 and PHYB52H3
Exclusion: (PHYB11H3)
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYC14H3 - Introduction to Atmospheric Physics

This course provides an introduction to atmospheric physics. Topics include atmospheric structure, atmospheric thermodynamics, convection, general circulation of the atmosphere, radiation transfer within atmospheres and global energy balance. Connections will be made to topics such as climate change and air pollution.

Prerequisite: PHYB21H3 and PHYB52H3 and MATB42H3 and MATB44H3
Exclusion: PHY392H1, PHY315H1, PHY351H5
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYC50H3 - Electromagnetic Theory

Solving Poisson and Laplace equations via method of images and separation of variables, Multipole expansion for electrostatics, atomic dipoles and polarizability, polarization in dielectrics, Ampere and Biot-Savart laws, Multipole expansion in magnetostatics, magnetic
dipoles, magnetization in matter, Maxwell’s equations in matter.

Prerequisite: PHYB54H3 and PHYB21H3 and [MATA22H3 or MATA23H3] and MATB42H3 and MATB44H3
Exclusion: PHY350H1
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYC54H3 - Classical Mechanics

A course that will concentrate in the study of symmetry and conservation laws, stability and instability, generalized co-ordinates, Hamilton’s principle, Hamilton’s equations, phase space, Liouville’s theorem, canonical transformations, Poisson brackets, Noether’s theorem.

Prerequisite: PHYB54H3 and MATB44H3
Exclusion: PHY354H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYC56H3 - Quantum Mechanics I

The course builds on the basic concepts of quantum theory students learned in PHYB56H3. Topics include the general structure of wave mechanics; eigenfunctions and eigenvalues; operators; orbital angular momentum; spherical harmonics; central potential; separation of variables; hydrogen atom; Dirac notation; operator methods; harmonic oscillator and spin.

Prerequisite: PHYB56H3 and PHYB21H3 and [MATA22H3 or MATA23H3] and MATB42H3 and MATB44H3
Exclusion: PHY356H1
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYC83H3 - Introduction to General Relativity

An introduction to the basic principles and mathematics of General Relativity. Tensors will be presented after a review of Special Relativity. The metric, spacetime, curvature, and Einstein's field equations will be studied and applied to the Schwarzschild solution. Further topics include the Newtonian limit, classical tests, and black holes.

Prerequisite: MATB42H3 and MATB44H3 and PHYB54H3
Corequisite: MATC46H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYD01H3 - Research Project in Physics and Astrophysics

Introduces students to current research in physics or astrophysics under the supervision of a professorial faculty member. Students undertake an independent project that can be of a theoretical, computational or experimental nature. Evaluation is by the supervising faculty member in consultation with the course supervisor. Students must obtain consent of the course supervisor to enroll in this course.

Prerequisite: 14.0 credits and cGPA of at least 2.5 and permission from the coordinator.
Exclusion: PHY478H, PHY479Y1
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

PHYD02Y3 - Extended Research Project in Physics and Astrophysics

Introduces students to a current research topic in physics or astrophysics under the supervision of a faculty member. Students undertake an independent project that can be of a theoretical, computational, or experimental nature. Evaluation is by the supervising faculty member in consultation with the course supervisor. Students must obtain consent from the course supervisor to enroll in this course.

Prerequisite: 14.0 credits and cGPA of at least 3.0 and permission from the coordinator.
Exclusion: PHY478H, PHY479Y1, PHYD01H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Note: This supervised research course should only be undertaken if the necessary background is satisfied, a willing supervisor has been found, and the department/course coordinator approves the project. This enrolment limit should align with other supervised research courses (i.e., PHYD01H3), which are: Enrolment Control A: Supervised Study/Research & Independent Study Courses In order to qualify for a Supervised Study course, students must locate a professor who will agree to supervise the course, and then follow the steps outlined below. Step 1: Request the course on ACORN. Your status will be INT. You will not be officially enrolled until you complete the remaining steps. Step 2: Fill the 'Student' section on a 'Supervised Study Form' available at: Step 3: Once you fill-in the 'Student' section, contact your Supervisor and provide them with the form. Your supervisor will complete their section and forward the form for departmental approval. Step 4: Once the project is approved at the departmental level, the form will be submitted to the Registrar's Office and your status on ACORN will be updated from interim (INT) to approved (APP).

PHYD26H3 - Planetary Geophysics

A course introducing some of the key physical processing governing the evolution of planets and moons. Topics covered will include: planetary heat sources and thermal evolution, effects of high temperature and pressure in planetary interiors, planetary structure and global shape; gravity, rotation, composition and elasticity.

Prerequisite: Completion of at least 1.0 credit at the C-level in PHY or AST courses
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences
Note: No previous knowledge of Earth Sciences or Astrophysics is assumed.

PHYD27H3 - Physics of Climate Modeling

A course focusing on physical and numerical methods for modelling the climate systems of Earth and other planets. Topics covered will include: the primitive equations of meteorology, radiative transfer in atmospheres, processes involved in atmosphere-surface exchanges, and atmospheric chemistry (condensable species, atmospheric opacities).

Prerequisite: PHYB57H3 and MATC46H3 and PHYC14H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYD28H3 - Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics for Astrophysics and Geophysics

A course introducing the basic concepts of magnetohydrodynamics (broadly defined as the hydrodynamics of magnetized fluids). Topics covered will include: the essentials of hydrodynamics, the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) approximation, ideal and non-ideal MHD regimes, MHD waves and shocks, astrophysical and geophysical applications of MHD.

Prerequisite: PHYB57H3 and PHYC50H3 and MATC46H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYD37H3 - Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

A course describing and analyzing the dynamics of fluids.  Topics include: Continuum mechanics; conservation of mass, momentum and energy; constituitive equations; tensor calculus; dimensional analysis; Navier-Stokes fluid equations; Reynolds number; Inviscid and viscous flows; heat conduction and fluid convection; Bernoulli's equation; basic concepts on boundary layers, waves, turbulence.

Prerequisite: PHYB54H3 and MATC46H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYD38H3 - Nonlinear Systems and Chaos

The theory of nonlinear dynamical systems with applications to many areas of physics and astronomy. Topics include stability, bifurcations, chaos, universality, maps, strange attractors and fractals. Geometric, analytical and computational methods will be developed.

Prerequisite: PHYC54H3
Exclusion: PHY460H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PHYD57H3 - Advanced Computational Methods in Physics

Intermediate and advanced topics in numerical analysis with applications to physical sciences. Ordinary and partial differential equations with applications to potential theory, particle and fluid dynamics, multidimensional optimization and machine intelligence, are explained. The course includes programming in Python, and C or Fortran, allowing multi-threading and vectorization on multiple platforms.

Prerequisite: PHYB57H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist in Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the Major in Physical Sciences.

PHYD72H3 - Supervised Reading in Physics and Astrophysics

An individual study program chosen by the student with the advice of, and under the direction of a faculty member. A student may take advantage of this course either to specialize further in a field of interest or to explore interdisciplinary fields not available in the regular syllabus.

Prerequisite: 14.0 credits and cGPA of at least 2.5 and permission from the coordinator.
Exclusion: PHY371H and PHY372H and PHY471H and PHY472H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

PLIC24H3 - First Language Acquisition

Descriptions of children's pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar at various stages of learning their first language. Theories of the linguistic knowledge and cognitive processes that underlie and develop along with language learning.

Prerequisite: LINB06H3 and LINB09H3
Exclusion: JLP315H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLIC25H3 - Second Language Acquisition

The stages adults and children go through when learning a second language. The course examines linguistic, cognitive, neurological, social, and personality variables that influence second language acquisition.

Prerequisite: [LINB06H3 and LINB09H3] or [FREB44H3 and FREB45H3]
Exclusion: (LINB25H3), (PLIB25H3)
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLIC54H3 - Speech Physiology and Speech Disorders in Children and Adults

An introduction to the physics of sound and the physiology of speech perception and production for the purpose of assessing and treating speech disorders in children and adults. Topics will include acoustic, perceptual, kinematic, and aerodynamic methods of assessing speech disorders as well as current computer applications that facilitate assessment.

Prerequisite: LINB09H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLIC55H3 - Psycholinguistics

Experimental evidence for theories of how humans produce and understand language, and of how language is represented in the mind. Topics include speech perception, word retrieval, use of grammar in comprehension and production, discourse comprehension, and the role of memory systems in language processing.

Prerequisite: LINB06H3 or LINB09H3
Corequisite: LINB29H3
Exclusion: JLP374H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLIC75H3 - Language and the Brain

An introduction to neurolinguistics, emphasizing aphasias and healthy individuals. We will introduce recent results understanding how the brain supports language comprehension and production. Students will be equipped with necessary tools to critically evaluate the primary literature. No prior knowledge of brain imaging is necessary.

Prerequisite: PLIC55H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

PLID01H3 - Independent Study in Psycholinguistics

Independent study and research in an area of interest to the student. Students must obtain consent from a supervising instructor before registering. Interested students should contact the Undergraduate Assistant for Psycholinguistics for further information.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 credit at the C-level in PLI courses; and a CGPA of 3.3; and permission of the supervising instructor.
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Students must complete and submit a Supervised Study Form available at the Office of the Registrar.

PLID02H3 - Independent Study in Psycholinguistics

Independent study and research in an area of interest to the student. Students must obtain consent from a supervising instructor before registering. Interested students should contact the Undergraduate Assistant for Psycholinguistics for further information.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 credit at the C-level in PLI courses; and a CGPA of 3.3; and permission of the supervising instructor.
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Students must complete and submit a Supervised Study Form available at the Office of the Registrar.

PLID03H3 - Independent Study in Psycholinguistics

Independent study and research in an area of interest to the student. Students must obtain consent from a supervising instructor before registering. Interested students should contact the Undergraduate Assistant for Psycholinguistics for further information.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 credit at the C-level in PLI courses; and a CGPA of 3.3; and permission of the supervising instructor.
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Students must complete and submit a Supervised Study Form available at the Office of the Registrar.

PLID07Y3 - Independent Study in Psycholinguistics

A reading and research independent study course on a topic of interest to the student. Students must obtain consent from a supervising instructor before registering. Interested students should contact the Undergraduate Assistant for Psycholinguistics for further information.

Prerequisite: At least 1.0 credit at the C-level in PLI courses; and a CGPA of 3.3; and permission of the supervising instructor.
Exclusion: LIN495Y
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Students must complete and submit a Supervised Study Form available at the Office of the Registrar.

PLID34H3 - The Psycholinguistics of Reading

An examination of linguistic and psycholinguistic issues pertinent to reading, as well as the role of a language's writing system and orthography in the learning process.

Prerequisite: [LINA01H3 or [FREB44H3 and FREB45H3]] and [PLIC24H3 or PLIC25H3 or PLIC55H3]
Exclusion: (LINC34H3), (PLIC34H3)
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLID44H3 - Acquisition of the Mental Lexicon

An examination of L1 (first language) and L2 (second language) lexical (vocabulary) acquisition. Topics include: the interaction between linguistic and cognitive development; the role of linguistic/non-linguistic input; the developing L2 lexicon and its links with the L1 lexicon; the interface between lexical and syntactic acquisition within psycholinguistic and linguistic frameworks.

Prerequisite: PLIC24H3 or PLIC55H3
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

PLID50H3 - Speech Perception

An examination of the acoustics and perception of human speech. We will explore how humans cope with the variation found in the auditory signal, how infants acquire their native language sound categories, the mechanisms underlying speech perception and how the brain encodes and represents speech sounds. An emphasis will be placed on hands-on experience with experimental data analysis.

Prerequisite: LINB29H3 and PLIC55H3
Exclusion: (PLIC15H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences