Course Search

ACMA01H3 - Exploring Key Questions in the Arts, Culture and Media

ACMA01H3 surveys the cultural achievements of the humanities in visual art, language, music, theatre, and film within their historical, material, and philosophical contexts. Students gain understanding of the meanings of cultural works and an appreciation of their importance in helping define what it means to be human.

Exclusion: (HUMA01H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

ACMB10H3 - Equity and Diversity in the Arts

Equity and diversity in the arts promotes diversity of all kinds, including those of race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or identity, age, ability or disability, religion, and aesthetics, tradition or practice. This course examines issues of equity and diversity and how they apply across all disciplines of arts, culture and media through critical readings and analysis of cultural policy.

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits
Exclusion: (VPAB07H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enroled in Specialist and Major Programs offered by the Department of Arts, Culture & Media. Other students will be admitted as space permits.

ACMC01H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice I

A study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences in a highly focused, collaborative, and facilitated way through a series of assignments and discussions.

Prerequisite: 9.0 credits including VPAB16H3 and VPAB17H3 (or its equivalent with instructor permission) and successful completion of required Field Placement Preparation Activities
Corequisite: Field Placement I (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD01H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice II

An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further engage with work places as “learning laboratories”, and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process.

Prerequisite: ACMC01H3
Corequisite: Field Placement II (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD02H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice III

An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences, and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process.

Prerequisite: ACMD01H3
Corequisite: Field Placement III (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD91H3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit to the instructor a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course; this should be done by 15 April for 'F' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD91H3)

ACMD92H3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit to the instructor a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course; this should be done by 15 April for 'F' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD92H3)

ACMD93Y3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course to the instructor by 15 April for 'F' and 'Y' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD93Y3)

ACMD94H3 - Senior Collaboration Project in Arts, Culture and Media

This course is an advanced-level collaborative project for senior students in Arts, Culture and Media under the direction of one or more faculty members. While the course nature and focus will vary year to year, the project will likely be rooted in Arts, Culture and Media faculty research or an ongoing community partnership, and will likely involve experiential elements.

Note: Students should contact the ACM Program Manager:, to verify if this course could be counted towards their ACM program requirements.

Prerequisite: 15.0 credits and enrolment in any ACM program
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

ACMD98H3 - Experiential Learning for Arts, Culture and Media Programs

This course offers students the opportunity to integrate experiential learning appropriate to students’ fields of study within the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. It provides student experiences that develop work and life-related skills and knowledge through a spectrum of interactive approaches with focused reflection. The course allows students to apply ACM-specific program knowledge and/or essential employability skills. Students must complete an application form made available on the UTSC Timetable and on the ACM website.

Prerequisite: [9.0 credits in courses offered by the Department of Arts, and Culture and Media], and cGPA of at least 2.5; selection will be based on the application form
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: This is a 0.5 credit course. However, depending on the course content, it may be offered in a single-term or over two-terms. Priority will be given to students enrolled in programs offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.

ACMD99H3 - Work Integrated Learning for Arts Culture and Media Programs

This course offers students the opportunity to integrate academic learning with an internship placement appropriate to students’ field of study within the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. The 0.5 credit, two-term course provides students an understanding of workplace dynamics while allowing them to refine and clarify professional and career goals through critical analysis of their work-integrated learning experience.

Prerequisite: [8.0 credits in courses offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media] and [CGPA of at least 3.0]; permission of the Arts Culture and Media Internship Coordinator
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

ACTB40H3 - Fundamentals of Investment and Credit

This course is concerned with the concept of financial interest. Topics covered include: interest, discount and present values, as applied to determine prices and values of annuities, mortgages, bonds, equities, loan repayment schedules and consumer finance payments in general, yield rates on investments given the costs on investments.

Prerequisite: MATA30H3 or MATA31H3 or MATA34H3
Exclusion: ACT240H, MGFB10H3/(MGTB09H3), (MGTC03H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Note: Students enrolled in or planning to enrol in any of the B.B.A. programs are strongly urged not to take ACTB40H3 because ACTB40H3 is an exclusion for MGFB10H3/(MGTB09H3)/(MGTC03H3), a required course in the B.B.A. degree. Students in any of the B.B.A programs will thus be forced to complete MGFB10H3/(MGTB09H3)/(MGTC03H3), even if they have credit for ACTB40H3, but will only be permitted to count one of ACTB40H3 and MGFB10H3/(MGTB09H3)/(MGTC03H3) towards the 20 credits required to graduate.

AFSA01H3 - Africa in the World: An Introduction

An interdisciplinary introduction to the history and development of Africa with Africa's place in the wider world a key theme. Students critically engage with African and diasporic histories, cultures, social structures, economies, and belief systems. Course material is drawn from Archaeology, History, Geography, Literature, Film Studies, and Women's Studies.

Same as HISA08H3

Exclusion: HISA08H3, NEW150Y
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSA03H3 - Experiencing Development in Africa

This experiential learning course allows students to experience first hand the realities, challenges, and opportunities of working with development organizations in Africa. The goal is to allow students to actively engage in research, decision-making, problem solving, partnership building, and fundraising, processes that are the key elements of development work.
Same as IDSA02H3

Exclusion: IDSA02H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

AFSB01H3 - African Religious Traditions Through History

An interdisciplinary introduction to African and African diasporic religions in historic context, including traditional African cosmologies, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, as well as millenarian and synchretic religious movements.

Same as HISB52H3

Exclusion: HISB52H3, (AFSA02H3)
Recommended Preparation: AFSA01H3/HISA08H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSB05H3 - Culture and Society in Africa

An overview of the range and diversity of African social institutions, religious beliefs and ritual, kinship, political and economic organization, pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial experience.
Same as ANTB05H3

Prerequisite: AFSA01H3 or ANTA02H3
Exclusion: ANTB05H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

AFSB50H3 - Africa in the Era of the Slave Trade

An introduction to the history of Sub-Saharan Africa, from the era of the slave trade to the colonial conquests. Throughout, the capacity of Africans to overcome major problems will be stressed. Themes include slavery and the slave trade; pre-colonial states and societies; economic and labour systems; and religious change.
Same as HISB50H3

Prerequisite: Any modern history course, or AFSA01H3
Exclusion: HISB50H3, (HISC50H3), HIS295H, HIS396H, (HIS396Y)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSB51H3 - Africa from the Colonial Conquests to Independence

Modern Sub-Saharan Africa, from the colonial conquests to the end of the colonial era. The emphasis is on both structure and agency in a hostile world. Themes include conquest and resistance; colonial economies; peasants and labour; gender and ethnicity; religious and political movements; development and underdevelopment; Pan-Africanism, nationalism and independence.
Same as HISB51H3

Exclusion: HISB51H3 and (HISC51H3) and HIS396H and (HIS396Y)
Recommended Preparation: AFSA01H3/HISA08H3 or AFSB50H3 or HISB50H3 strongly recommended.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSB54H3 - Africa in the Postcolonial Era

Africa from the 1960s to the present. After independence, Africans experienced great optimism and then the disappointments of unmet expectations, development crises, conflict and AIDS. Yet the continent’s strength is its youth. Topics include African socialism and capitalism; structural adjustment and resource economies; dictatorship and democratization; migration and urbanization; social movements.
Same as HISB54H3

Prerequisite: AFSA01H3 or AFSB51H3 or 0.5 credit in Modern History
Exclusion: HISB54H3, NEW250Y1
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSC03H3 - Contemporary Africa: State, Society, and Politics

This course is intended as an advanced critical introduction to contemporary African politics. It seeks to examine the nature of power and politics, state and society, war and violence, epistemology and ethics, identity and subjectivities, history and the present from a comparative and historical perspective. It asks what the main drivers of African politics are, and how we account for political organization and change on the continent from a comparative and historical perspective.

Same as IDSC03H3.

Prerequisite: [IDSA01H3 or AFSA01H3] or by instructor’s permission
Exclusion: IDSC03H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

AFSC19H3 - Community-Driven Development: Cooperatives, Social Enterprises and the Black Social Economy

This course introduces students to alternative business institutions (including cooperatives, credit unions, worker-owned firms, mutual aid, and social enterprises) to challenge development. It investigates the history and theories of the solidarity economy as well as its potential contributions to local, regional and international socio-economic development. There will be strong experiential education aspects in the course to debate issues. Students analyze case studies with attention paid to Africa and its diaspora to combat exclusion through cooperative structures.

Same as IDSC19H3

Prerequisite: AFSA01H3 or IDSA01H3 or POLB90H3 or permission of the instructor
Exclusion: IDSC19H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

AFSC52H3 - Ethiopia: Seeing History

This course uses a focus on material history and visual culture to explore Ethiopia from the fourth through the nineteenth century, with particular emphasis on the Christian Church, the monarchy, links with both the Mediterranean world and the Indian subcontinent, and the relationship of individuals to their social, economic, artistic and geographic environments.
Same as HISC52H3 and VPHC52H3

Prerequisite: [1.0 credit in History] or [VPHA46H3 and an additional 1.0 credit in VPH courses]
Exclusion: HISC52H3, VPHC52H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSC53H3 - Gender and Critical Development

How development affects, and is affected by, women around the world. Topics may include labour and economic issues, food production, the effects of technological change, women organizing for change, and feminist critiques of traditional development models.

Same as WSTC10H3

Prerequisite: [AFSA03H3/IDSA02H3 or IDSB01H3 or IDSB02H3] or [[WSTA01H3 or WSTA03H3] and [an additional 0.5 credit in WST courses]]
Exclusion: WSTC10H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

AFSC55H3 - War and Society in Modern Africa

Conflict and social change in Africa from the slave trade to contemporary times. Topics include the politics of resistance, women and war, repressive and weak states, the Cold War, guerrilla movements, resource predation. Case studies of anti-colonial rebellions, liberation wars, and civil conflicts will be chosen from various regions.
Same as HISC55H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including: AFSB50H3/HISB50H3 or AFSB51H3/HISB51H3 or (HISC50H3) or (HISC51H3)
Exclusion: HISC55H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSC70H3 - The Caribbean Diaspora

The migration of Caribbean peoples to the United States, Canada, and Europe from the late 19th century to the present. The course considers how shifting economic circumstances and labour demands, the World Wards, evolving imperial relationships, pan-Africanism and international unionism, decolonization, natural disasters, and globalization shaped this migration.
Same as HISC70H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including 0.5 credit at the A- or B-level in HIS courses
Exclusion: NEW428H,HISC70H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSC97H3 - Women and Power in Africa

This course examines women in Sub-Saharan Africa in the pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial periods. It covers a range of topics including slavery, colonialism, prostitution, nationalism and anti-colonial resistance, citizenship, processes of production and reproduction, market and household relations, and development.
Same as HISC97H3

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits, including: AFSA01H3/HISA08H3 or AFSB50H3/HISB50H3 or AFSB51H3/HISB51H3
Exclusion: HISC97H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSD07H3 - Extractive Industries in Africa

This course examines resource extraction in African history. We examine global trade networks in precolonial Africa, and the transformations brought by colonial extractive economies. Case studies, from diamonds to uranium, demonstrate how the resource curse has affected states and economies, especially in the postcolonial period.

Same as IDSD07H3

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits including [AFSA01H3 or IDSA01H3 or POLB90H3]] or permission of instructor
Exclusion: IDSD07H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

AFSD16H3 - Africana Political Economy in Comparative Perspective

This course analyzes racial capitalism among persons of African descent in the Global South and Global North with a focus on diaspora communities. Students learn about models for self-determination, solidarity economies and cooperativism as well as Black political economy theory.

Same as IDSD16H3

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits including [AFSA01H3 or IDSA01H3 or POLB90H3]] or permission of instructor
Exclusion: IDSD16H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

AFSD20H3 - Thinking Conflict, Security, and Development

This course offers an advanced critical introduction to the security-development nexus and the political economy of conflict, security, and development. It explores the major issues in contemporary conflicts, the securitization of development, the transformation of the security and development landscapes, and the broader implications they have for peace and development in the Global South.

Same as IDSD20H3.

Prerequisite: [12.0 including (IDSA01H3 or AFSA01H3 or POLC09H3)] or by instructor’s permission
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

AFSD51H3 - Southern Africa: Colonial Rule, Apartheid and Liberation

A seminar study of southern African history from 1900 to the present. Students will consider industrialization in South Africa, segregation, apartheid, colonial rule, liberation movements, and the impact of the Cold War. Historiography and questions of race, class and gender will be important. Extensive reading and student presentations are required.
Same as HISD51H3
Africa and Asia Area

Prerequisite: 8.0 credits including AFSB51H3/HISB51H3 or HISD50H3
Exclusion: HISD51H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies