ACM Program Manager: acm-pa@utsc.utoronto.ca

While a majority of the academic work in the program is based on the not-for-profit arts model, the skills that UTSC’s arts management students develop are transferable skills: critical thinking, organizational development, marketing, fundraising, public relations and public policy can be applied to many fields, and graduates may eventually opt to work in for-profit cultural industries such as commercial music, film and television, or even non-arts sectors that require similar abilities. For further information, please visit the Arts Management website.

The Standard Stream of the program is designed to give students a broad and deep understanding of Arts Management at the undergraduate level through academic courses but without full-field placements. This stream is well suited to students who have past or alternate practical experience in arts management.

Enrolment Requirements
Enrolment in the program is limited and entry is competitive. Admissions are granted on the basis of applicants' academic performance, background in one or more of the arts, and demonstrated interest and potential ability in Arts Management as discerned through an interview. For the Standard Stream, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, both overall and in Arts Management-specific courses.

Program Requirements
This program requires the completion of a total of 15.0 credits. Students complete a core of 6.0 credits in Arts Management courses, 1.5 credits in Management courses, 6.0 credits in one or more arts discipline(s), and 1.5 credits specific to either the Standard Stream or the Field Placement Stream.

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA), both overall and in Arts Management-specific courses: 2.5 for the Standard Stream and 3.0 for the Field Placement Stream. Continuous consultation with the Program Director is strongly encouraged for all students in each year of their program.

Core (13.5 credits)

1. Arts Management Courses (6.0 credits)
VPAA10H3 Introduction to Arts and Media Management
VPAA12H3 Developing Audiences, Resources, and Community
VPAB10H3 Equity and Inclusivity in Arts and Media Organizations
VPAB13H3 Financial Management for Arts Managers
VPAB16H3 Managing and Leading in Cultural Organizations
VPAB17H3 From Principles to Practices in Arts Management
VPAC13H3 Planning and Project Management in the Arts and Cultural Sector
VPAC15H3 Cultural Policy
VPAC16H3 Contracts and Copyright
VPAC17H3 Marketing in the Arts and Media
VPAC18H3 Raising Funds in Arts and Media
VPAD12H3 Senior Collaborative Projects

2. Management Courses (1.5 credits)
MGTA01H3 Introduction to Business
MGTA02H3 Managing the Business Organization
0.5 credit from Management or Economics at the C- or D-level (unless an alternative is formally approved in advance by the Arts Management Program Director)

Note: Arts Management students have access to the following Management courses via ROSI: MGHC23H3, MGMC30H3, MGTC33H3, MGTC44H3 and MGTD45H3. Arts Management students interested in other Management courses must approach the Arts Management Program Director early in the enrolment period to discuss suitability and to request access. Appropriate prerequisite knowledge is required for all Management courses.

3. Arts Courses (6.0 credits)
[6.0 credits from within the Major program in one of the artistic disciplines offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media (Art History, Music and Culture, Studio Art, and Theatre & Performance Studies). At least 1.0 credit of these must be at the C- or D-level.] OR [With the prior written approval of the Arts Management Program Director, students may tailor a coherent group of courses to accommodate their special interests and particular career goals. At least 1.0 credit must be at the C- or D-level.]

Note: Because the completion of a Major program in a chosen artistic field is particularly valuable for students contemplating graduate studies and certain careers related to that subject, students may wish to add the Major Subject POSt and take additional Arts courses to fulfil the Major requirement. Alternatively, one or more Minor program(s) may be valuable in certain fields of work and further studies.

Standard Stream
In addition to the Core requirements above, students must complete 1.5 credits from the following:

4. (1.5 credits)
Choose from the following:
VPAB18H3 Becoming a Producer
VPAC21H3 Special Topics in Arts Management I
VPAC22H3 Special Topics in Arts Management II
(VPAD07H3) Agency and Pluralism in Social & Cultural Transformations
VPAD14H3 Independent Studies in Arts Management

Note: one of the D-level choices is required if a D-level course is not taken as a part of component 2 (Management Courses) or component 3 (Arts Courses).

Courses in the first two years of the program
The first year of study would normally consist of 5.0 credits (10 courses - five in each of the Fall and Winter semesters) including VPAA10H3, VPAA12H3, MGTA01H3, MGTA02H3, at least three courses from the “Arts Courses” section of the program requirements, and electives. ACMB01H3 can be taken as one of the "Arts Courses" in the Winter semester of the first year, or during the second year. The second year of study would normally consist of 5.0 full credits (10 courses) including VPAB13H3, VPAB16H3 and VPAB17H3, ACMB01H3 (if not already taken, B-level courses from the “Arts Courses” program requirement, and electives. Arts Management students are encouraged to consider ACMB02H3 as one of their elective choices.