For a list of updated Program Supervisors, please visit the Physics and Astrophysics website.

Program Requirements
Total Requirements: 16.0 credits

First Year (4.0 credits):

CHMA10H3 Introductory Chemistry I: Structure and Bonding
CHMA11H3 Introductory Chemistry II: Reactions and Mechanisms
EESA06H3 Introduction to Planet Earth
MATA23H3 Linear Algebra I
MATA30H3 Calculus I for Physical Sciences
MATA36H3 Calculus II for Physical Sciences
PHYA10H3 Physics I for the Physical Sciences
PHYA21H3 Physics II for the Physical Sciences

Second Year (4.5 credits):
EESB15H3 Earth History
EESB19H3 Mineralogy
MATB41H3 Techniques of Calculus of Several Variables I
MATB42H3 Techniques of Calculus of Several Variables II
MATB44H3 Differential Equations I
PHYB10H3 Intermediate Physics Laboratory I
PHYB21H3 Electricity and Magnetism
PHYB54H3 Mechanics: From Oscillations to Chaos
0.5 credit from the following:
EESB02H3 Principles of Geomorphology
EESB03H3 Principles of Climatology
EESB04H3 Principles of Hydrology
EESB05H3 Principles of Soil Science
EESB22H3 Environmental Geophysics

Third Year (4.0 credits):
EESB20H3 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
MATC46H3 Differential Equations II
PHYB57H3 Introduction to Scientific Computing
STAB22H3 Statistics I
1.5 credits from the following:
EESB26H3 Introduction to Global Geophysics
EESC22H3 Exploration Geophysics
EESC26H3 Seismology and Seismic Methods
PHYB52H3 Thermal Physics
PHYC11H3 Intermediate Physics Laboratory II
PHYC50H3 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYC54H3 Classical Mechanics
0.5 credit from the following:
CHMB55H3 Environmental Chemistry
EESC07H3 Groundwater
EESC18H3 Limnology
EESC19H3 Oceanography
EESC20H3 Geochemistry
EESC31H3 Glacial Geology

Fourth Year (3.5 credits):
EESC36H3 Petrology
EESC37H3 Structural Geology
EESD21H3 Geophysical and Climate Data Analysis
PHYD37H3 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
1.5 credits from the following:
ASTC25H3 Astrophysics of Planetary Systems
EESC03H3 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
EESD02H3 Contaminant Hydrogeology
*EESD09H3 Research Project in Environmental Science
*EESD10Y3 Research Project in Environmental Science
EESD13H3 Environmental Law, Policy and Ethics
EESD33H3 Field Techniques
PHYC14H3 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics
PHYC50H3 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYC54H3 Classical Mechanics
*PHYD01H3 Research Project in Physics and Astrophysics]
*PHYD02Y3 Extended Research Project in Physics and Astrophysics
PHYD26H3 Planetary Geophysics
PHYD38H3 Nonlinear Systems and Chaos
*PHYD72H3 Supervised Reading in Physics and Astrophysics

*no more than 1.0 credit from EESD09H3, EESD10Y3, PHYD01H3, PHYD02Y3 and PHYD72H3 may be counted as fulfilling the program requirements.

Where any course appears on more than one option list, it may only be counted as fulfilling the requirements for one of those lists of options.

Strongly recommended: EESC16H3 Field Camp I or EESD07H3 Field Camp II or EESD33H3 Field Techniques.

The optional courses EESB19H3 Mineralogy and EESC36H3 Petrology and EESC37 Structural Geology are strongly recommended for students focusing on training as a geophysicist.