Undergraduate Advisor: 416-208-2923 Email: history-undergrad-advisor@utsc.utoronto.ca

Program Requirements
Students must complete at least 12.0 credits in History, including:

1. 1.0 credit from the following:
HISA04H3 Themes in World History I
HISA05H3 Themes in World History II
HISA06H3/​GASA01H3 Introducing Global Asia and its Histories
HISA07H3/​CLAA04H3 The Ancient Mediterranean World
HISA08H3/​AFSA01H3 Africa in the World: An Introduction
HISA09H3 Capitalism: A Global History

2. 1.0 credit as follows:
HISB03H3 Critical Writing and Research for Historians
HISC01H3 History and Evidence

3. 4.5 credits at the C-level

4. 1.0 credit at the D-level

5. Additional 4.5 credits in History

6. Within the 12.0 credits required, students must also complete:

2.0 credits must deal with the period prior to 1800


1.0 credit in Canadian history


4.0 credits distributed over four of the following areas of history:
a. United States and Latin America
b. Medieval
c. European
d. Africa and Asia
e. Transnational
f. Ancient World

Specialist Program in History--Language Stream
Students registered in the Specialist Program in History have the option of registering in the Language Stream. Students in the Language Stream must complete the Specialist Program in History and 2.0 credits in a single language. This option is designed to encourage Specialists to undertake language study with an eye to engaging historical writing and sources in the original language. Specialists who wish to demonstrate proficiency in a given language on their transcript should undertake the additional study that would qualify them for the UTSC Language Citation.