SOCC52H3: Immigration, Citizenship and Settler Colonialism

The course examines the relationship between the displacement and dispossession of Indigenous peoples and immigration in settler-colonial states. The focus is on Canada as a traditional country of immigration. Topics considered include historical and contemporary immigration and settlement processes, precarious forms of citizenship and noncitizenship, racism and racial exclusion, and the politics of treaty citizenship. Discussion puts the Canadian case in comparative perspective.

[[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [SOCB60H3 and an additional 8.0 credits and enrolment in the Minor Program in Critical Migration Studies]
(SOCB52H3) and SOC210Y
Social and Behavioural Sciences