The Major program in Evolutionary Anthropology provides a course structure for those students desiring to expand upon or supplement other areas of academic interest by taking advantage of Anthropology's unique global, chronological, and biological perspective on the human condition.

Program Requirements
The Program requires completion of 8.0 credits in Anthropology including:

1. 1.0 credit as follows:
ANTA01H3 Introduction to Anthropology: Becoming Human
ANTA02H3 Introduction to Anthropology: Society, Culture and Language

2. ANTB14H3 Evolutionary Anthropology

3. ANTB15H3 Contemporary Human Evolution and Variation

4. 6.0 credits at the B-level or above, of which at least 3.0 credits must be at the C- or D-level. At least 5.5 credits must be composed of ANT courses identified as "Science credit" in the UTSC Academic Calendar.

Note: ANTB14H3 and ANTB15H3 are prerequisites for C- and D-level courses in the Evolutionary Anthropology program.