Course Search

FREB45H3 - Introduction to Linguistics: French Morphology and Syntax

An examination of the internal structure of words and sentences in French.
Covered are topics including word formation, grammatical categories, syntactic structure of simple and complex clauses, and grammatical relations of subject, predicate and complement.
This course complements (FREB43H3) and FREB44H3.

Prerequisite: FREA01H3 and FREA02H3
Exclusion: (FRE272Y) and FRE272H and FRE274H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB46H3 - History of the French Language

An introduction to the origin and development of French, from the Latin of the Gauls to current varieties of the language. The course examines the internal grammatical and phonological history undergone by the language itself as well as the external history which includes ethnic, social, political, technological, and cultural changes.

Prerequisite: FREA01H3 and FREA02H3
Exclusion: FRE273H, FRE372H, FRE373H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB50H3 - Introduction to Literature in French I

A study of representative texts from the three major literary genres (fiction, drama, poetry). The course will introduce students to the critical reading of literary texts in French; students will acquire the basic concepts and techniques needed to analyze literature.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Corequisite: FREB01H3
Exclusion: FRE240Y
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: FREB50H3 is a pre-requisite for all other French Literature courses at the C-, and D-level.

FREB51H3 - Literary History in Context: From the Middle Ages to the 17th Century

A study of the evolution of the major trends of French literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century through representative texts (short novels, poetry and short stories) selected for their historical relevance and literary importance.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FRE250Y
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB55H3 - Literary History in Context: 18th and 19th Centuries

A study of the evolution of the major trends of French literature from the 18th and 19th centuries through representative texts (short stories, poetry and novels), selected for their historical relevance and literary importance. Students will also learn to use some tools required for text analysis and will apply them in context.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FRE250Y
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB70H3 - Introduction to Film Analysis in French

This course introduces students to the fundamental aspects of the language of cinema. By examining important films from the French-speaking world, students will learn to analyse the composition of shots and sequences, the forms of expression used in cinematographic language, film editing and certain aspects of filmic narrative.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREB84H3 - Folktale, Myth and the Fantastic in the French-Speaking World

An examination of the imagined/imaginative in cultures and belief systems in the francophone world. Myths and folktales from Canada, the U.S., French Guyana, North and West Africa will be examined in terms of form, function, psychological dimensions and cultural interpretations of, for instance, life, death, food and individualism.

Prerequisite: [FREA01H3 and FREA02H3] or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC01H3 - Language Practice V

This course is designed to hone students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through group work, written projects, oral presentations and robust engagement with authentic materials. Students will improve their communicative language competencies by participating in activities in real-world, contextual situations.

By the end of FREC01H3 and FREC02H3, students will be closer to the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: [FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] or equivalent.
Exclusion: FSL322H1, (FSL361Y), (FSL382H), (FSL383H), FSL421Y, FSL431Y or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC02H3 - Language Practice VI

A continuation of FREC01H3. Students will continue to hone their language competencies by participating in activities in real-world, contextual situations and by engaging with authentic materials.

By the end of FREC01H3 and FREC02H3, students will be closer to the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: FREC01H3
Exclusion: FSL420H1, (FSL361Y), (FSL382H), (FSL383H), FSL421Y, FSL431Y or equivalent
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC03H3 - French in Action I: Practical Workshop in Theatre

This is a practical application of French in which students engage in writing and performing their own short play. Students will study French and Québécois plays, participate in acting and improvisation workshops, engage in a collaborative writing assignment, rehearse and produce their play and create a promotional poster. The final project for the course is a performance of the play.

Prerequisite: FREB02H3 and FREB50H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Students will meet the professors during the first week of class to have their French oral proficiency assessed. Students who are not at the appropriate level may be removed from the course.

FREC10H3 - Community-Engaged Learning in the Francophone Community

In this Community-Engaged course, students will have opportunities to strengthen their French skills (such as communication, interpersonal, intercultural skills) in the classroom in order to effectively complete a placement in the GTA’s Francophone community. By connecting the course content and their practical professional experience, students will gain a deeper understanding of the principles of experiential education: respect, reciprocity, relevance and reflection; they will enhance and apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills; they will develop their critical thinking skills to create new knowledge and products beneficial to the Francophone community partners.

Prerequisite: FREC01H3 or equivalent. For students who have not taken FRE courses at UTSC, or students who have advanced French proficiency, they must pass the international B1 level of a CEFR-based proficiency exam.
Corequisite: FREC02H3
Exclusion: CTLB03H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Ideally, students will complete FREC02H3 concurrently with FREC10H3, rather than prior to FREC10H3.

FREC11H3 - Teaching French as a Second Language

A study of different theories of language teaching and learning and their application to the teaching of French as a second language.

Prerequisite: [[FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] or equivalent]] and FREB11H3
Exclusion: FRE384H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC18H3 - Translation for Business and Professional Needs

Practice in translating commercial, professional and technical texts. Students will have the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the vocabulary and structures particular to the language of business as well as to such fields as industrial relations, insurance, software, health care, social work and finance.

Prerequisite: FREB01H3 and [FREB08H3 or (FREB09H3)] or equivalent.
Corequisite: FREB02H3
Exclusion: FREC18H3 may not be taken after or concurrently with FRE480Y or FRE481Y.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

FREC38H3 - Topics in the Literature of Quebec

This course considers how Québec’s literature, especially the novel, has changed since 1980. It focuses on the literary forms of the novel, the dialogues between novels and texts from different literatures (Anglo-Canadian, French, American), and various elements related to the contemporary or the postmodern.

Prerequisite: FREB50H3 or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC44H3 - French Semantics

An introduction to the role of meaning in the structure, function and use of language. Approaches to the notion of meaning as applied to French data will be examined.

Prerequisite: FREB44H3 and FREB45H3
Exclusion: (FREC12H3), LINC12H3, LIN241H3, LIN341H, FRE386H
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FREC46H3 - French Syntax

Core issues in syntactic theory, with emphasis on French universal principles and syntactic variation.

Prerequisite: FREB45H3
Exclusion: LINC11H3, FRE378H, LIN232H, LIN331H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC47H3 - Pidgin and Creole Languages

A study of pidgin and Creole languages worldwide. The course will introduce students to the often complex grammars of these languages and examine French, English, Spanish and Dutch-based Creoles, as well as regional varieties. It will include some socio-historical discussion.
Same as LINC47H3
Taught in English

Prerequisite: [LINA01H3 and LINA02H3] or [FREB44H3 and FREB45H3]
Exclusion: LINC47H3
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC48H3 - Sociolinguistics of French

An exploration of the relationship between language and society within a francophone context. We examine how language use is influenced by social factors. Topics include dialect, languages in contact, language shift, social codes and pidgin and Creole languages. Fieldwork is an integral part of this course.

Prerequisite: [[FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] or equivalent] and [one of FREB44H3, FREB45H3, FREB46H3]
Exclusion: LINB20H3, (LINB21H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

FREC54H3 - Paris through the Ages

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to Paris’ great monuments, buildings, streets, and neighbourhoods through art history (painting, sculpture, and architecture), music, and literature from the Middle ages to the beginning of the 20th century.

Prerequisite: FREB27H3 or FREB50H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FREC57H3 - French Fiction of the 19th Century

This course will examine themes and literary techniques in various forms of narrative prose from across the 19th century. Attention will also be paid to the historical and sociocultural context in which these works were produced.

Prerequisite: [FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] and [FREB50H3 or equivalent]
Exclusion: (FREC56H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC58H3 - Literature of the Ancien Regime

An introduction to major French writers from the 16th century (Rabelais, Montaigne), 17th century (Corneille, Molière, La Fontaine) or 18th century (Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot). Students will learn skills required for textual analysis and will apply them to the cultural and intellectual context of literature from the Ancien Régime.

Prerequisite: FREB50H3
Exclusion: FRE319H and FRE320H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC63H3 - Topics in French Literature: Encountering Foreign Cultures: Travel Writing in French

An examination of the trends and attitudes embodied in travel writing from the early 20th century to now. The course considers aspects of exoticism, imperialism and ethnography as well as more contemporary cultural tourism, heritage and memory tourism, eco-tourism etc. Selections are drawn from commentators such as Gide, Camus, Kessel, Hubler and Belkaïd.

Prerequisite: [[FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] and [FREB50H3 or equivalent]]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC64H3 - French Fiction of the 20th and 21st Centuries

This course will examine French texts, such as comic writing, women’s writing, postmodern and postcolonial works, autobiographical works, and fantasy.

Prerequisite: FREB50H3 or equivalent
Exclusion: (FREC61H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FREC70H3 - Cinema, Movements and Genres

This course is a study of major genres (such as the musical, comedy, drama, documentary) and movements (such as the French New Wave, le Cinéma du look, social cinema, Beur cinema, political cinema) of the French-speaking world. We will study motion pictures from France, Québec, Africa and other parts of the Francophone world that have made a significant contribution to modern cinematography and culture.

Prerequisite: FREB70H3, or permission of the instructor
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

FREC83H3 - Cultural Identities and Stereotypes in the French-Speaking World

The history and development of perceptions of "us" and "them" in France and the francophone world. The course examines language and culture, and the historic role of Eurocentrism and colonialism in the construction of cultural stereotypes. "Others" considered include the "noble savage", the "Oriental", the "country bumpkin" and the "foreigner". This course was formerly taught in English, but will now be taught in French.

Prerequisite: [FREB01H3 and FREB02H3] or equivalent, and one of FREB22H3, FREB27H3 and FREB28H3 or equivalent.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

FRED01H3 - Language practice VII: Written French

A continuation of FREC01H3 and FREC02H3. Through an action-oriented approach, students will continue to hone their language competencies by participating in task-based activities in real-world, contextual situations and by engaging with authentic materials. Students will also work on developing the necessary techniques for the production of various types of discourse.

By the end of FRED01H3, students will be at the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Prerequisite: FREC02H3 or equivalent.
Exclusion: FSL431Y, FSL461Y, FSL442H or equivalent
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

FRED02H3 - Supervised Reading

These courses offer the student an opportunity to carry out independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. Student and instructor work out in consultation the course's objectives, content, bibliography, and methods of approach. The material studied should bear a clear relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in regular courses. In applying to a faculty supervisor, students should be prepared to present a brief written statement of the topic they wish to explore. Final approval of the project rests with the French Discipline. Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. Interested students should contact the Discipline Representative or Program Supervisor for guidance.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the C-level in FRE courses

FRED03H3 - Supervised Reading

These courses offer the student an opportunity to carry out independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. Student and instructor work out in consultation the course's objectives, content, bibliography, and methods of approach. The material studied should bear a clear relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in regular courses. In applying to a faculty supervisor, students should be prepared to present a brief written statement of the topic they wish to explore. Final approval of the project rests with the French Discipline. Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. Interested students should contact the Discipline Representative or Program Supervisor for guidance.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the C-level in FRE courses

FRED04H3 - Supervised Reading

These courses offer the student an opportunity to carry out independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. Student and instructor work out in consultation the course's objectives, content, bibliography, and methods of approach. The material studied should bear a clear relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in regular courses. In applying to a faculty supervisor, students should be prepared to present a brief written statement of the topic they wish to explore. Final approval of the project rests with the French Discipline. Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. Interested students should contact the Discipline Representative or Program Supervisor for guidance.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the C-level in FRE courses

FRED05H3 - Supervised Reading

These courses offer the student an opportunity to carry out independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. Student and instructor work out in consultation the course's objectives, content, bibliography, and methods of approach. The material studied should bear a clear relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in regular courses. In applying to a faculty supervisor, students should be prepared to present a brief written statement of the topic they wish to explore. Final approval of the project rests with the French Discipline. Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. Interested students should contact the Discipline Representative or Program Supervisor for guidance.

Prerequisite: 1.0 credit at the C-level in FRE courses