Course Search

LGGA10H3 - Beginner Korean I

Beginner Korean I is an introductory course to the Korean language. Designed for students with no or minimal knowledge of the language, the course will first introduce the Hangeul alphabet (consonants and vowels) and how words are constructed (initial, medial, final sounds). Basic grammar patterns, frequently used vocabulary, and common everyday topics will be covered. Weekly cultural titbits will also be introduced to assist and enrichen the language learning experience. The overall aim of the course is to give students a strong grasp of the basics of the Korean language as well as elements of contemporary Korean culture.

Exclusion: EAS110Y1 (UTSG)
EAS211Y1 (UTSG) Not open to native speakers of Korean (more than minimal knowledge of Korean etc.); the instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, with support from program administration as needed.

Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA12H3 - Beginner Korean II

Beginner Korean II is the continuation of Beginner Korean I. Designed for students who have completed Beginner Korean I, the course will build upon and help to solidify knowledge of the Korean language already learnt. Additional grammar patterns, as well as commonly used vocabulary and expressions will be covered. Further weekly cultural titbits will also be introduced to assist and enrichen the language learning experience. The overall aim of the course is to give students a stronger grasp of beginner level Korean, prepare them for higher levels of Korean language study, increase their knowledge of contemporary Korean culture and enable them to communicate with Korean native speakers about daily life.

Prerequisite: LGGA10H3: Beginner Korean I
Exclusion: EAS110Y1 (UTSG) EAS211Y1 (UTSG) Not open to native speakers of Korean (more than minimal knowledge of Korean etc.); the instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, with support from program administration as needed.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA60H3 - Introductory Standard Chinese I

A comprehensive introduction to Modern Standard Chinese (also known as Mandarin) as a foreign or second language for students with minimal or no previous knowledge of any Chinese dialect. This course emphasizes integrated practical Chinese in listening, speaking, reading, writing (from characters to compositions) and translation.

Exclusion: All EAS, CHI and LGG Chinese language courses. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA61H3 - Introductory Standard Chinese II

A continuation of LGGA60H3. This course will build on the skills learned in LGGA60H3.

Prerequisite: LGGA60H3 or (LGGA01H3)
Exclusion: All EAS, CHI and LGG Chinese courses except LGGA60H3 or (LGGA01H3). The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGA64H3 - Chinese I for Students with Prior Backgrounds

An introduction to Modern Standard Chinese for students who speak some Chinese (any dialect) because of their family backgrounds but have minimal or no literacy skills in the language. Emphasis is placed on Mandarin phonetics and written Chinese through reading, writing and translation.

Exclusion: (LGGA62H3), (LGGB64H3). All EAS, CHI and LGG Chinese language courses. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA65H3 - Chinese II for Students with Prior Backgrounds

A continuation of LGGA64H3.

Prerequisite: LGGA64H3 or (LGGA62H3)
Exclusion: (LGGA63H3), (LGGB65H3). All EAS, CHI and LGG Chinese language courses except LGGA64H3 or (LGGB64H3) or (LGGA62H3). The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGA70H3 - Introductory Hindi I

An elementary course for students with no knowledge of Hindi. Students learn the Devanagari script and the Hindi sound system in order to start reading and writing in Hindi. The course also develops listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials. Course materials are enhanced by audio-visual and computer-based activities.

Exclusion: HIN212Y, NEW212Y, LGGA72Y3, or any knowledge of Hindi. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Students who speak Hindi or Urdu as a home language should enrol in LGGB70H3 or LGGB71H3.

LGGA71H3 - Introductory Hindi II

A continuation of LGGA70H3.

Prerequisite: LGGA70H3
Exclusion: HIN212Y, NEW212Y, LGGA72Y3, or knowledge of Hindi beyond materials covered in LGGA70H3. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGA72Y3 - Intensive Introductory Hindi

This is an intensive elementary course for students with no knowledge of Hindi. It combines the materials taught in both LGGA70H3 and LGGA71H3. Students will learn the Devanagari script and the Hindi sound system in order to start reading and writing in Hindi. The course also develops listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials. Course materials are enhanced by audio-visual and computer-based activities.

Exclusion: LGGA70H, LGGA71H, HIN212Y, NEW212Y, any prior knowledge of Hindi. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute.

LGGA74H3 - Introductory Tamil I

An elementary course for students with minimal or no knowledge of Tamil. Students learn the Tamil script and sound system. The course also develops listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials. Course materials are enhanced by audio-visual and computer-based activities.

Exclusion: NEW213Y, LGGA76Y3, or high school Tamil, more than minimal knowledge of Tamil. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA75H3 - Introductory Tamil II

A continuation of LGGA74H3.

Prerequisite: LGGA74H3
Exclusion: NEW213Y, LGGA76Y3, or knowledge of Tamil beyond materials covered in LGGA74H3. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGA76Y3 - Intensive Introductory Tamil

An intensive elementary course for students with minimal or no knowledge of Tamil. Students learn the Tamil script and sound system. The course also develops listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials. Course materials are enhanced by audio-visual and computer based activities.

Exclusion: LGGA74H3, LGGA75H3, NEW213Y, high school Tamil, more than minimal knowledge of Tamil. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute.

LGGA78Y3 - Intensive Introductory Bengali

This is an elementary course for students with no knowledge of Bengali. Students will learn the Bengali script and sound system in order to start reading and writing in Bengali. The course also develops listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials. Course materials are enhanced by audio-visual and computer based activities.

Exclusion: Any knowledge of Bengali. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute.

LGGA80H3 - Introductory Japanese I

A beginning course for those with minimal or no knowledge of Japanese. The course builds proficiency in both language and culture. Language practice includes oral skills for simple daily conversation; students will be introduced to the Japanese writing systems and learn to read and write simple passages.

Exclusion: EAS120Y or LGGA82Y3. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGA81H3 - Introductory Japanese II

Continuation of Introductory Japanese I.

Prerequisite: LGGA80H3
Exclusion: EAS120Y or LGGA82Y3. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGA82Y3 - Intensive Introductory Japanese

This course is an intensive elementary course for those with minimal or no knowledge of Japanese. It combines the materials taught in both LGGA80H3 and LGGA81H3, and builds on proficiency in both language and culture. Language practice includes oral skills for simple daily conversation. Students will also be introduced to the Japanese writing systems and learn to read and write simple passages.

Exclusion: LGGA80H, LGGA81H, EAS120Y. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute.

LGGA90Y3 - Intensive Introductory Spanish

This course is an intensive elementary course in written and spoken Spanish, including comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. It is designed for students who have no previous knowledge of Spanish. The course will develop listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials, which will be enhanced by audio-visual and computer-based activities.

Exclusion: Grade 12 Spanish, LGGA30H, LGGA31H, SPA100Y, native or near-native proficiency in Spanish. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute at UTSC.

LGGA91Y3 - Intensive Introductory Modern Standard Arabic

An introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of standard Arabic - the language common to the Arab world. Classroom activities will promote speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Special attention will be paid to reading and writing in the Arabic script.

Exclusion: LGGA40H, LGGA41H, ARA212Y, (NMC210Y), NML210Y, Arabic instruction in high school, prior knowledge of spoken Arabic. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute.

LGGA95Y3 - Intensive Introduction to a Featured Language

This is an intensive elementary course for students with minimal to no knowledge of the featured language. Students will learn the script and sound system so they may begin to read and write in this language. The course will develop listening and speaking skills through culturally-based materials, which will be enhanced by audio-visual and computer-based activities. Students may not repeat this course for credit, including when the current featured language is different from previous featured languages.

Exclusion: Exclusions will vary, dependent on the language offered; students are cautioned that duplicating their studies, whether inadvertently or otherwise, contravenes UTSC academic regulations.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: This is a 1.0 credit course that will be offered only in the Summer semesters as part of the Summer Language Institute; it may not be offered every summer. When the course is offered, the featured language and exclusions will be indicated on the Course Timetable.

LGGA96H3 - Introductory Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) I

Introductory Anishinaabemowin I is a beginner’s course that aims to introduce students to the Anishinaabemowin language. Anishinaabemowin is classified as a severely endangered language by UNESCO and is the second most widely spoken First Nations language in Canada. Learners will be equipped with basic skills to understand conjugation patterns, memorize the 500 most used words, master the beginnings of sentence structure through usage of spaced repetition software.

Exclusion: INS210Y1
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

LGGB60H3 - Intermediate Chinese I

This course will develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Standard Chinese. Writing tasks will help students to progress from characters to compositions and will include translation from Chinese to English and vice versa. The course is not open to students who have more than the rudiments of Chinese.

Prerequisite: LGGA61H3 or (LGGA02H3)
Exclusion: All EAS and CHI 200- and higher level Chinese language courses; all B- and higher level LGG Chinese language courses; native speakers of any variety of Chinese. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGB61H3 - Intermediate Chinese II

A continuation of LGGB60H3.

Prerequisite: LGGB60H3
Exclusion: All EAS and CHI 200- and higher level language Chinese courses; all B- and higher level LGG Chinese language courses except LGGB60H3, LGGA64H3, and (LGGB64H3). All native speakers of any variety of Chinese. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGB62H3 - Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Students I

This course will further improve the literacy skills of heritage students by studying more linguistically sophisticated and topically extensive texts. Those who have not studied pinyin, the Mandarin pronunciation tool, but know about 600-800 complex or simplified Chinese characters should take this course instead of courses LGGA64H3 and LGGA65H3.

Prerequisite: LGGA65H3 or (LGGA63H3) or equivalent
Exclusion: All EAS and CHI 200- and higher level language Chinese courses; all B- and higher level LGG language Chinese courses. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course, including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGB63H3 - Intermediate Chinese for Heritage Students II

A continuation of LGGB62H3.

Prerequisite: LGGB62H3
Exclusion: All EAS and CHI 200- and higher level language Chinese courses; all B- and higher level LGG Chinese language courses except LGGB62H3.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGB70H3 - Hindi I for Students with Prior Background

Develops language and literacy through the study of Hindi cinema, music and dance along with an introduction to theatrical and storytelling traditions. The course enhances acquisition of cultural competence in Hindi with composition and conversation, complemented by culture-based material, film and other media.

Exclusion: Not for students educated in India. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGB71H3 - Hindi II for Students with Prior Background

Continuation of LGGB70H3.

Prerequisite: LGGB70H3
Exclusion: Not for students educated in India. The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course including those students who meet the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGB74H3 - Intermediate Tamil

Tamil language taught through culture for students with heritage language skills or prior formal study. The cultures of South India, Sri Lanka and diaspora populations will be studied to build literacy skills in the Tamil script as well as further development of speaking and listening skills.

Prerequisite: LGGA75H3
Exclusion: Not for students educated in Tamil Naadu or Sri Lanka.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGC60H3 - Advanced Chinese I

This course develops all language skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and translation, with special attention to idiomatic expressions. Through a variety of texts and interactive materials, students will be introduced to aspects of Chinese life and culture.

Prerequisite: LGGB61H3 or (LGGB04H3) or equivalent
Exclusion: LGGC61H3 or higher at UTSC, and all third and fourth year Chinese language courses at FAS/UTSG and UTM
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGC61H3 - Advanced Chinese II

A continuation of LGGC60H3.

Prerequisite: LGGC60H3 or equivalent
Exclusion: LGGC62H3 or higher at UTSC and all third and fourth year Chinese language courses at FAS/UTSG and UTM.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LGGC62H3 - Cultures in the East and West

This course focuses on similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures through a variety of cultural and literary materials. Students will further develop their language skills and cultural awareness through reading, writing, and translation.

Exclusion: (LGGB66H3), (LGGB67H3), LGGC64H3, LGGC65H3, LGGD66H3/(LGGC67H3), LGGD67H3/(LGGC66H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: 1. This course is not required for the Minor program in English and Chinese Translation. 2. Students may take this course before or after LGGC63H3.