Course Search

LGGC63H3 - Canada, China, and Beyond

This course focuses on aspects of Canadian and Chinese societies, and related regions overseas. Through a variety of text and non-text materials, in Chinese with English translation and in English with Chinese translation, students will further improve their language skills and have a better understanding of Canada, China, and beyond.

Exclusion: (LGGB66H3), (LGGB67H3), LGGC64H3, LGGC65H3, LGGD66H3/(LGGC67H3), and LGGD67H3/(LGGC66H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Note: 1. This course is not required for the Minor program in English and Chinese Translation.
2. Students may take LGGC63H3 before or after LGGC62H3.

LGGC64H3 - Reading Chinese and English: China Inside Out

Intended for students who read Chinese and English well. Complex-simplified character conversion and vice versa, as well as English-Chinese and Chinese-English bilingual texts, are emphasized through reading, discussion, and translation in a variety of topics from, and outside of, Greater China, presentations, translation comparison, translation, and translation criticism.

Exclusion: (LGGB66H3). The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: 1. This course is bilingual, and priority will be given to students enrolled in the Minor in English and Chinese Translation.
2. This course may be taken before or after LGGC65H3, LGGD66H3, and/or LGGD67H3.
3. Students who have taken this course should not subsequently take LGGC60H3, LGGC61H3, LGGC62H3, LGGC63H3, or any lower level LGG Chinese courses for credit. 

LGGC65H3 - Reading Chinese and English: Global Perspectives

Designed for students who read Chinese and English well. Complex-simplified Chinese character conversion and vice versa, as well as English-Chinese and Chinese-English bilingual texts are emphasized through reading, discussion, and translation in a variety of topics from global perspectives, presentations, translation and translation comparison, and translation criticism.

Exclusion: (LGGB67H3). The instructor has the authority to exclude students whose level of proficiency is unsuitable for the course.
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Note: 1. This course is bilingual and priority will be given to students enrolled in the Minor in English and Chinese Translation.
2. This course may be taken before or after LGGC64H3, LGGD66H3, and/or LGGD67H3.
3. Students who have taken this course may not subsequently take LGGC60H3, LGGC61H3, LGGC62H3, LGGC63H3, or any lower level LGG Chinese courses for credit.

LGGC70H3 - Advanced Hindi: From Hindustan to Modern India

Advanced language learning through an introduction to the historical development of the Hindi language. Students develop language skills through the study of educational structure, and literary and cultural institutions in colonial and postcolonial India. The course studies a variety of texts and media and integrates composition and conversation.

Prerequisite: LGGB70H3 and LGGB71H3
Exclusion: Not for students educated in India.
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LGGD66H3 - Literary Chinese and English Translations

This course examines Chinese literary masterpieces of the pre-modern era and their English translations. They include the prose and poetry of many dynasties as well as examples in Literary Chinese of other genres that are still very much alive in Chinese language and society today. An in-depth review of the English translations will be strongly emphasized.

Prerequisite: A working knowledge of Modern Chinese and English
Exclusion: (LGGC67H3), (EAS306Y), EAS358Y1, EAS455H1, EAS458H1, CHI311H5, CHI408H5, CHI409H5
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Note: 1. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Minor in English and Chinese Translation.
2. Students who have taken this course should not subsequently take lower-level Chinese or Chinese/English bilingual courses for credit except LGGC64H3 and LGGC65H3.
3. This course may be taken before or after LGGC64H3, LGGC65H3, and/or LGGD67H3

LGGD67H3 - Classical Chinese and English Translations

This course examines Chinese classics and their English translations, such as The Book of Documents, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius, The Dao De Jing, and other philosophical maxims, proverbial sayings, rhyming couplets, idioms and poems that still have an impact on Chinese language and culture today.

Prerequisite: A working knowledge of Modern Chinese and English
Exclusion: (LGGC66H3), (EAS206Y), EAS218H1, (EAS306Y), EAS358Y1, EAS455H1, EAS458H1, CHI311H5, CHI408H5, CHI409H5
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: 1. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Minor in English and Chinese Translation.
2. This course may be taken before or after LGGC64H3, LGGC65H3, and/or LGGD66H3
3. Students who have taken this course should not subsequently take lower-level Chinese or Chinese/English bilingual courses for credit except LGGC64H3 and/or LGGC65H3

LINA01H3 - Introduction to Linguistics

An introduction to the various methods and theories of analyzing speech sounds, words, sentences and meanings, both in particular languages and language in general.

Exclusion: (LIN100Y), LIN101H, LIN102H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LINA02H3 - Applications of Linguistics

Application of the concepts and methods acquired in LINA01H3 to the study of, and research into, language history and language change; the acquisition of languages; language disorders; the psychology of language; language and in the brain; and the sociology of language.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3
Exclusion: (LIN100Y), LIN101H, LIN102H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LINB04H3 - Phonology I

Practice in analysis of sound patterns in a broad variety of languages.

Prerequisite: LINB09H3
Exclusion: LIN229H
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINB06H3 - Syntax I

Practice in analysis of sentence structure in a broad variety of languages.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3
Exclusion: LIN232H
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LINB09H3 - Phonetics: The Study of Speech Sounds

An examination of physiological and acoustic bases of speech.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3
Exclusion: LIN228H
Breadth Requirements: Natural Sciences

LINB10H3 - Morphology

Core issues in morphological theory, including properties of the lexicon and combinatorial principles, governing word formation as they apply to French and English words.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3
Corequisite: LINB04H3 and LINB06H3
Exclusion: LIN231H, LIN333H, (LINB05H3), (LINC05H3) FRE387H, (FREC45H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINB18H3 - English Grammar

Description and analysis of the structure of English, including the sentence and word structure systems, with emphasis on those distinctive and characteristic features most of interest to teachers and students of the language.

Exclusion: LIN204H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LINB19H3 - Computers in Linguistics

The course will provide an introduction to the use of computer theory and methods to advance the understanding of computational aspects of linguistics. It will provide basic training in computer programming techniques employed in linguistics such as corpus mining, modifying speech stimuli, experimental testing, and data analysis.

Prerequisite: LINA02H3
Exclusion: Any computer science course except [CSCA20H3, PSYC03H3]
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Note: Priority will be given to students in Specialist/Specialist Co-op programs in Linguistics or Psycholinguistics, or Major/Major Co-op programs in Linguistics. Students in the Minor program in Linguistics, followed by students in other programs, will be admitted as space permits.

LINB20H3 - Sociolinguistics

The study of the relationship between language and society. Topics include: how language reflects and constructs aspects of social identity such as age, gender, socioeconomic class and ethnicity; ways in which social context affects speakers' use of language; and social factors which cause the spread or death of languages.

Prerequisite: LINA02H3
Exclusion: (LINB21H3), (LINB22H3), LIN251H, LIN256H, FREC48H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINB29H3 - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

An introduction to experimental design and statistical analysis for linguists. Topics include both univariate and multivariate approaches to data analysis for acoustic phonetics, speech perception, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, language disorders, and sociolinguistics.

Prerequisite: LINA02H3
Exclusion: LIN305H, (PLIC65H3), PSYB07H3, STAB23H3
Recommended Preparation: LINB19H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

LINB30H3 - Programming for Linguists

This course provides students a practical, hands-on introduction to programming, with a focus on analyzing natural language text as quantitative data. This course will be taught in Python and is meant for students with no prior programming background. We will cover the basics of Python, and students will gain familiarity with existing tools and packages, along with algorithmic thinking skills such as abstraction and decomposition.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3
Exclusion: LINB19H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

LINB60H3 - Comparative Study of English and Chinese

This course is an investigation into the lexicon, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and writing styles in Chinese and English. Students will use the tools of linguistic analysis to examine the structural and related key properties of the two languages. Emphasis is on the comparison of English and Chinese sentences encountered during translation practice.

Prerequisite: LINB06H3 or LINB18H3
Exclusion: LGGA60H3, LGGA61H3, (LINC60H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Students are expected to be proficient in Chinese and English.

LINB62H3 - Structure of American Sign Language

An introduction to the structure of American Sign Language (ASL): Comparison to spoken languages and other signed languages, together with practice in using ASL for basic communication.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3 and LINA02H3
Exclusion: (LINA10H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINB98H3 - Supervised Introductory Research in Linguistics

This course provides an introduction to, and experience in, ongoing theoretical and empirical research in any field of linguistics. Supervision of the work is arranged by mutual agreement between student and instructor.

Prerequisite: [4.0 credits including [LINA01H3 or LINA02H3]] and a CGPA of 3.3
Exclusion: PSYB90H3 and ROP299Y
Recommended Preparation: 0.5 credit at the B-level in LIN or PLI courses
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Enrolment is limited based on the research opportunities available with each faculty member and the interests of the students. Students must complete and submit a permission form available from the Registrar's Office, along with an outline of work to be performed, signed by the intended supervisor. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist/Specialist Co-op programs in Linguistics or Psycholinguistics, and the Major/Major Co-op programs in Linguistics.

LINC02H3 - Phonology II

Basic issues in phonological theory. This course assumes familiarity with phonetic principles, as discussed in LINB09H3, and with phonological problem-solving methods, as discussed in LINB04H3.

Prerequisite: LINB04H3 and LINB09H3
Exclusion: LIN322H
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINC10H3 - Linguistic Analysis and Argumentation

In this course, students will develop skills that are needed in academic writing by reading and analyzing articles regarding classic and current issues in Linguistics. They will also learn skills including summarizing, paraphrasing, making logical arguments, and critically evaluating linguistic texts. They will also learn how to make references in their wiring using the APA style.

Prerequisite: LINA02H3 and LINB04H3 and LINB06H3 and LINB10H3
Exclusion: LIN410H5, LIN481H1
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in any Linguistics programs.

LINC11H3 - Syntax II

Core issues in syntactic theory, with emphasis on universal principles and syntactic variation.

Prerequisite: LINB06H3
Exclusion: FREC46H3, LIN232H, LIN331H, FRE378H
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LINC12H3 - Semantics: The Study of Meaning

An introduction to the role of meaning in the structure, function, and use of language. Approaches to the notion of meaning as applied to English data will be examined.

Prerequisite: LINA01H3 or [FREB44H3 and FREB45H3]
Exclusion: FREC12H3, FREC44H3, FRE386H, LIN241H, LIN247H, LIN341H
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

LINC13H3 - Language Diversity and Universals

An introduction to linguistic typology with special emphasis on cross-linguistic variation and uniformity in phonology, morphology, and syntax.

Prerequisite: LINB04H3 and LINB06H3 and LINB10H3
Exclusion: LIN306H, (LINB13H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LINC28H3 - Language and Gender

An introduction to the research on differences between women and men in how they use language and how they behave in conversational interaction, together with an examination of the role of language in reflecting and perpetuating cultural attitudes towards gender.
Same as WSTC28H3

Prerequisite: LINA01H3 and one full credit at the B-level in ANT, LIN, SOC or WST
Exclusion: JAL355H, WSTC28H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

LINC29H3 - Advanced Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

This course provides students with advanced statistical methods in linguistics and psycholinguistics. Specifically, an introduction to multiple linear regression (MLR) and its applications in linguistic and psycholinguistic research are presented. The course covers the data analysis process from data collection, to visualization, to interpretation. The goal is to provide students with the theoretical and practical skills needed to reason about and conduct MLR analyses.

Prerequisite: [LINB29H3 or STAB22H3 or STAB23H3 or PSYB07H3] and an additional 1.0 FCE at the B-level or above in Linguistics or Psycholinguistics
Exclusion: PSYC09H3, MGEC11H3
Recommended Preparation: Any prior math or statistics course
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
  • Priority will be given to students enrolled in a Linguistics or Psycholinguistics Specialist or Major degree. If additional space remains, the course will be open to all students who meet the prerequisites.
  • This course will be run in an experiential learning format with students alternating between learning advanced statistical methods and applying that theory using a computer to inspect and analyze data in a hands-on manner. If the possibility exists, students will also engage in a consultancy project with a partner or organization in Toronto or a surrounding community that will provide students with data that require analysis to meet certain goals/objectives or to guide future work. Care will be taken to ensure that the project is of linguistic/psycholinguistic relevance. If no such opportunity exists, students will conduct advanced exploration, visualization, and analysis of data collected in our laboratories. Together, managing the various aspects of the course and sufficient interactions with students leads to this course size restriction.

LINC35H3 - Introduction to Computational Linguistics

This course focuses on computational methods in linguistics. It is geared toward students with a background in linguistics but minimal background in computer science. This course offers students a foundational understanding of two domains of computational linguistics: cognitive modeling and natural language processing. Students will be introduced to the tools used by computational linguists in both these domains and to the fundamentals of computer programming in a way that highlights what is important for working with linguistic data.

Prerequisite: LINB30H3 or with permission of instructor
Corequisite: LINB29H3
Exclusion: (LINB35H3), LIN340H5(UTM), LIN341H5(UTM)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

LINC47H3 - Pidgin and Creole Languages

A study of pidgin and Creole languages worldwide. The course will introduce students to the often complex grammars of these languages and examine French, English, Spanish, and Dutch-based Creoles, as well as regional varieties. It will include some socio-historical discussion.
Same as FREC47H3.

Prerequisite: [LINA01H3 and LINA02H3] or [FREB44H3 and FREB45H3]
Exclusion: FREC47H3, LIN366H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

LINC61H3 - Structure of a Language

An introduction to the phonetics, phonology, word-formation rules, syntax, and script of a featured language other than English or French. Students will use the tools of linguistic analysis learned in prior courses to examine the structural properties of this language. No prior knowledge of the language is necessary.

Prerequisite: LINB04H3 and LINB06H3
Exclusion: LIN409H
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language