Course Search

SOCC47H3 - Creative Industries

An introduction to organizational and economic sociology through the lens of creative industries. Students will be introduced to different theoretical paradigms in the study of organizations, industries, and fields. The course is divided into four major modules on creative industries: inequality and occupational careers; organizational structure and decision making under conditions of uncertainty; market and field-level effects; and distribution and promotion.
This course has been designated an Applied Writing Skills Course.

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [8.0 credits including SOCB58H3 and enrolment in the Minor in Culture, Creativity, and Cities]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology and the Minor in Culture, Creativity, and Cities.

SOCC49H3 - Indigenous Health

This course will examine the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples, given historic and contemporary issues. A critical examination of the social determinants of health, including the cultural, socioeconomic and political landscape, as well as the legacy of colonialism, will be emphasized. An overview of methodologies and ethical issues working with Indigenous communities in health research and developing programs and policies will be provided. The focus will be on the Canadian context, but students will be exposed to the issues of Indigenous peoples worldwide.

Same as HLTC49H3

Prerequisite: HLTB41H3 or [[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3 , SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]]
Exclusion: HLTC49H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCC50H3 - Sociology of Religion

This course explores the social meaning and influence of religion in social life. As a set of beliefs, symbols and motivations, as well as a structural system, religion is multifaceted and organizes many aspects of our daily life. This course surveys key theoretical paradigms on the meaning of religion and the social implications of religious transformations across time. It takes up basic questions about how religion is shaped by various political, social, and economic forces.

Prerequisite: SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist, Major and Minor programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCC51H3 - Special Topics in Health and Society

An examination of a current topic relevant to the study of health and society. The specific topic will vary from year to year.


Same as HLTC51H3

Prerequisite: HLTB41H3 or [[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 from SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]]
Exclusion: HLTC51H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology.

SOCC52H3 - Immigration, Citizenship and Settler Colonialism

The course examines the relationship between the displacement and dispossession of Indigenous peoples and immigration in settler-colonial states. The focus is on Canada as a traditional country of immigration. Topics considered include historical and contemporary immigration and settlement processes, precarious forms of citizenship and noncitizenship, racism and racial exclusion, and the politics of treaty citizenship. Discussion puts the Canadian case in comparative perspective.

Prerequisite: [[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [SOCB60H3 and an additional 8.0 credits and enrolment in the Minor Program in Critical Migration Studies]
Exclusion: (SOCB52H3) and SOC210Y
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCC54H3 - Special Topics in Sociology of Culture

Sociological analysis of the role of culture in societies is offered under this course. Topics may include the study of material cultures such as works of art, religious symbols, or styles of clothing, or non-material cultures such as the values, norms, rituals, and beliefs that orient action and social life.

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Please see the Sociology Department website at for a listing of the course topics for current and upcoming semesters.

SOCC55H3 - Special Topics in Race and Ethnicity

This course addresses key concepts and debates in the research on race and ethnicity. Topics covered may include historical and global approaches to: assimilation, ethnic relations, intersectionality, racialization, and scientific racism.

Prerequisite: [[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [SOCB60H3 and an additional 8.0 credits and enrolment in the Minor in Critical Migration Studies]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Please see the Sociology Department website at for a listing of the course topics for current and upcoming semesters.

SOCC57H3 - Gender, Race, and Class in Economic Life

This course examines how the three-axis of social stratification and inequality – race, gender, and class – shape economic activity in different settings – from labour markets to financial markets to consumer markets to dating markets to household economies to intimate economies to informal and illegal economies to markets of human goods.

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCC58H3 - Global Transformations: Politics, Economy and Society

A sociological examination of contemporary global transformations including changing social, economic, and political conditions. Topics examined may include the shifting nature of state-society relations in a global context; the emergence of globally-integrated production, trade and financial systems; and the dynamics of local and transnational movements for global social change.
This course has been designated as a Writing Skills course.

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [IDSA01H3 and an additional 8.0 credits and enrolment in the Specialist/Specialist Co-op/Major/Minor Program in International Development Studies (Arts)]
Exclusion: SOC236H5
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

SOCC59H3 - Special Topics in Social Inequality

Sociological analyses of stratification processes and the production of social inequality with a focus on economy and politics. Topics covered may include work and labour markets, the state and political processes. Attention is given to grassroots mobilization, social movements, and contestatory politics.

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: See the Sociology Department website for a listing of the course topics for current and upcoming semesters.

SOCC61H3 - The Sociology of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is an historic process that now directs a core area of Canadian politics and governance. This course examines the institutional and legal history, precedents, contradictions and consequences of the commission from a sociological perspective.

Prerequisite: [[SOCB05H3 or SOCB35H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [any 8.0 credits and enrolment in the Major Program in Public Law] 
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

SOCC70H3 - Models of the Social World

This course examines how quantitative models can be used to understand the social world with a focus on social inequality and social change. Students will learn the fundamentals of modern computational techniques and data analysis, including how to effectively communicate findings using narratives and visualizations. Topics covered include data wrangling, graphic design, regression analysis, interactive modelling, and categorical data analysis. Methods will be taught using real-world examples in sociology with an emphasis on understanding key concepts rather than mathematical formulas.

Prerequisite: SOCB35H3 or [completion of 8.0 credits, including component 1 of the course requirements for the Certificate in Computational Social Science]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCD01H3 - Advanced Seminar in Culture and Cities

This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Culture and Cities. Check the department website for more details. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB44H3, SOCB47H3, SOCB58H3]] or [10.0 credits including SOCB58H3 and enrolment in the Minor in Culture, Creativity, and Cities]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology, and the Minor program in Culture, Creativity, and Cities.

SOCD02H3 - Global Field School: Indigenous Costa Rica

The intensive international field school course is an experiential and land-based learning trip to Indigenous territories in Costa Rica, in order to learn about settler colonialism, Indigenous communities, and UNDRIP (the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples). Students will learn with Indigenous Costa Rican university students and community partners in order to draw links between policy frameworks (UNDRIP), ideologies (colonialism) and the impacts on Indigenous communities (e.g. education, health, food security, language retention, land rights). The course involves 14-16 days of in-country travel. This course has been designated as a Research Skills course.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits, including SOCC61H3] and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, or SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major or Specialist Programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits. This course requires students to register and fill out an application form. To request a SOCD02H3 course application form, please contact This form is due one week after students enroll in the course.
Enrolment Control: A
Restricted to students in the sociology programs.
Step 1: Request the course on ACORN. Your status will be INT. You will not be officially enrolled until you complete the remaining steps (below).
Step 2: Request an application form from the program advisor at Step 3: Submit the application form by email to the program advisor at
If you are approved for enrolment the department will arrange to have your course status on ACORN changed from interim (INT) to approved (APP).  P = Priority, R = Restricted, A = Approval , E = Enrolment on ACORN is disabled

SOCD05H3 - Advanced Seminar in Criminology and Sociology of Law

This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Criminology and Sociology of Law. Check the department website for more details. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: [SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3, SOCB50H3, (SOCB51H3)]] or [any 14.0 credits and enrolment in the Major Program in Public Law]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD08H3 - Scarborough Place-Making: Indigenous Sovereignty and Settler Landholding

This course charts the legal norms and social relations that, from the 1700s to the present, have turned land into a place and an idea called Scarborough. Students work with a diversity of sources and artifacts such as crown patents, government reports and Indigenous legal challenges, historical and contemporary maps and land surveys, family letters, historical plaques, and Indigenous artists’ original works to trace the conflicts and dialogues between Indigenous and settler place-making in Scarborough. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits, including SOCB05H3 and 1.0 credit from the following: [SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3] or one from the following: [POLC56H3, POLC52H3, GGRB18H3, POLD54H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist, Major and Minor programs in Sociology, including the Critical Migration Studies Minor. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD10H3 - Advanced Seminar in Gender and Family

This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Gender and Family. Check the department website for details at:

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3 or SOCB42H3 or SOCB43H3 or SOCB47H3 or (SOCC39H3)]] or [8.0 credits [including WSTB05H3] and enrolment in the Major in Women's and Gender Studies]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology, and Major in Women's and Gender Studies. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD11H3 - Program and Policy Evaluation

This course provides an introduction to the field of program and policy evaluation. Evaluation plays an important role in evidence based decision making in all aspects of society. Students will gain insight into the theoretical, methodological, practical, and ethical aspects of evaluation across different settings. The relative strengths and weaknesses of various designs used in applied social research to examine programs and policies will be covered.

Same as HLTD11H3

Prerequisite: [[STAB22H3 or STAB23H3] and [0.5 credit from HLTC42H3, HLTC43H3, HLTC44H3] and [an additional 1.0 credit at the C-Level from courses from the Major/Major Co-op in Health Policy]] or [10.0 credits and [SOCB05H3 and SOCB35H3] and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, or SOCB47H3]]
Exclusion: HLTD11H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

SOCD12H3 - Sociology of Art

An examination of sociological approaches to the study of visual art. Topics include the social arrangements and institutional processes involved in producing, consecrating, distributing, and marketing art as well as artistic consumption practices.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits including: SOCB05H3, and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB58H3, SOCC44H3, or SOCC47H3] and [0.5 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3, or SOCB44H3]] or [any 10.0 credits including: SOCB58H3 and enrolment in the Minor program in Culture, Creativity and Cities].
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCD13H3 - Sociology of Finance

This is an advanced course on the sub-filed of economic sociology that focuses on money and finance. This course examines how cultural values and social relations shape money and finance in a variety of substantive settings, including the historical emergence of money as currency, the expansion of the financial system since the 1980s, financial markets, growing household involvement in the stock and credit market, and implications for social life (e.g., how credit scores shape dating).

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3, SOCB50H3, or (SOCB51H3)]
Recommended Preparation: SOCB35H3 and SOCB37H3
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist, Major, and Minor programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD15H3 - Advanced Seminar in Critical Migration Studies

This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Migration Studies. Students will be required to conduct independent research based on primary and/or secondary data sources. Check the department website for details at:

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]] or [SOCB60H3 and enrolment in the Minor in Critical Migration Studies] or [10.0 credits including IDSB11H3 and enrolment in the Certificate in Global Development, Environment and Health]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given first to students enrolled in the Minor in Critical Migration Studies, then to students in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD18H3 - The History and Evolution of Reconciliation: The Indian Residential School Settlement

This course examines the largest class action settlement in Canadian history: the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement enacted in Canada in 2006. This analysis is framed within a 50 year history of reconciliation in Canada. Areas of study include the recent history of residential schools, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples report and the government response, and the establishment of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation.

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits including SOCB05H3 and [0.5 from the following: SOCB47H3, SOCC61H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

SOCD20H3 - Advanced Seminar: Social Change and Gender Relations in Chinese Societies

This seminar examines the transformation and perpetuation of gender relations in contemporary Chinese societies. It pays specific attention to gender politics at the micro level and structural changes at the macro level through in-depth readings and research.
Same as GASD20H3

Prerequisite: [SOCB05H3 and 0.5 credit in SOC course at the C-level] or [GASA01H3 and GASA02H3 and 0.5 credit at the C-level from the options in requirement #2 of the Specialist or Major programs in Global Asia Studies] or [10.0 credits including IDSB11H3 and enrolment in the Certificate in Global Development, Environment and Health]
Exclusion: GASD20H3
Recommended Preparation: GASB20H3 and GASC20H3
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

SOCD21H3 - Immigrant Scarborough

This course will teach students how to conduct in-depth, community-based research on the social, political, cultural and economic lives of immigrants. Students will learn how to conduct qualitative research including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Students will also gain valuable experience linking hands-on research to theoretical debates about migration, transnationalism and multicultural communities. Check the Department of Sociology website for more details.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3, (SOCC39H3)]] or [SOCB60H3 and enrolment in the Minor Program in Critical Migration Studies] or [11.0 credits, including ASFB01H3, and enrolment in the Minor Program in African Studies]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: For a listing of the course topics for current and upcoming semesters check the Department's website at

SOCD25H3 - Advanced Seminar in Economy, Politics and Society

This course offers an in-depth examination of selected topics in Economy, Politics and Society. Check the department website for more details. This course has been designated a Research Skills Course

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD30Y3 - Special Topics in Community-Engaged Research

This course is taught over two full terms. It offers an in-depth exploration of significant topics in community-based research including ethics, research design, collaborative data analysis and research relevance and dissemination. Students conduct independent community-engaged research with important experiential knowledge components. Check the Department of Sociology website for more details.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3 or SOCB42H3 or SOCB43H3 or SOCB47H3 or (SOCC39H3)]] or [SOCB60H3 and enrolment in the Minor Program in Critical Migration Studies]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD32Y3 - Special Topics in the Practice of Research

This course is taught over two full terms. It offers students an opportunity to conduct research on an original research topic or as part of an ongoing faculty research project. Students will develop a research proposal, conduct independent research, analyze data and present findings. Check the Department of Sociology website for more details.

Prerequisite: [10.0 credits, including (SOCB05H3) and (SOCB35H3)] and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist and Major programs in Sociology. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

SOCD40H3 - Supervised Independent Research

Independent research using field methods, survey analysis, library or archival research; regular supervision of data collection and analysis; final written research report. Intended for upper level students with well above average performance in sociology and whose interests or needs are not met by other sociology courses being offered.

Prerequisite: 15.0 credits, including: [SOCA05H3 or (SOCA03Y3) or [(SOCA01H3) and (SOCA02H3)] and [SOCB35H3 or (SOCB06H3)] and [SOCB05H3 or [(SOCB40H3) and (SOCB41H3)]] and SOCB42H3 and SOCB43H3 and permission of the instructor and the Sociology Supervisor of Studies.
Exclusion: SOC390Y and SOC391H and SOC392H
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

SOCD41H3 - Supervised Independent Research

Independent research using field methods, survey analysis, library or archival research; regular supervision of data collection and analysis; final written research report. Intended for upper level students with well above average performance in sociology and whose interests or needs are not met by other sociology courses being offered.

Prerequisite: 15.0 credits, including [SOCA05H3 or (SOCA03Y3) or [(SOCA01H3) and (SOCA02H3)]] and [SOCB35H3 or (SOCB06H3)] and [SOCB05H3 or [(SOCB40H3) and (SOCB41H3)]] and SOCB42H3 and SOCB43H3 and permission of the instructor and the Sociology Supervisor of Studies.
Exclusion: SOC390Y, SOC391H, SOC392H
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

SOCD42H3 - Advanced Seminar in Sociological Theory

This course offers an in depth exploration of significant topics in contemporary and/or sociological theory. Check the department website for details at:

Prerequisite: 10.0 credits and SOCB05H3 and [1.0 credit from the following: SOCB30H3, SOCB42H3, SOCB43H3, SOCB47H3]
Note: For a listing of the course topics for current and upcoming semesters check the Department's website at