Undergraduate Advisor: 416-208-2923 Email: classics-undergrad-advisor@utsc.utoronto.ca

Program Requirements
Students must complete 4.0 credits, as follows:

1. Introduction
CLAA04H3/​HISA07H3 The Ancient Mediterranean World
Note: Students who have completed both (CLAA02H3) and (CLAA03H3) may substitute one of the courses for CLAA04H3.

2. History and Culture
CLAB05H3/​HISB10H3 History and Culture of the Greek World
CLAB06H3/​HISB11H3 History and Culture of the Roman World

3. Mythology and Religion
CLAA06H3 Ancient Mythology II: Greece and Rome
Note: Students who were enrolled at UTSC prior to the 2009 Summer Session may substitute one of (CLAA02H3) or (CLAA03H3) for CLAA06H3.

4. Literature (0.5 credit from the following courses)
CLAC11H3 Classical Literature I: Poetry
CLAC12H3 Classical Literature II: Prose

5. Electives (1.5 credits from the following courses, including at least 1.0 credit at the C or D-level; before choosing their electives, students need to take at least 1.0 credit at the A-level, 1.0 credit at the B-level, and 0.5 credit at the C-level):
Classical Studies
CLAA05H3 Ancient Mythology I: Mesopotamia and Egypt
(CLAB10H3) Greek and Latin for Scientists
CLAB09H3/​HISB09H3 Between Two Empires: The World of Late Antiquity
CLAB20H3/​HISB12H3 The Ancient World in Film
CLAC01H3 Selected Topics in Classical Literature
CLAC02H3 Selected Topics in Classical Civilization
CLAC05H3/​HISC10H3 Beyond Cleopatra: Decolonial Approaches to Ancient Egypt
CLAC11H3 Classical Literature I: Poetry if not taken as a required course
CLAC12H3 Classical Literature II: Prose if not taken as a required course
CLAC22H3 Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
CLAC24H3/​HISC11H3 Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asian Worlds
CLAC26H3/​HISC16H3 Indigeneity and the Classics
CLAC67H3/​HISC67H3 Early Islam: Perspectives on the Construction of a Historical Tradition
CLAC68H3/​HISC68H3/​ANTC58H3 Constructing the Other: Orientalism through Time and Place
CLAC94H3/​HISC94H3 The Bible and the Qur’an
CLAD05H3/​HISD10H3 Dripping Histories: Water in the Ancient Mediterranean and West Asian Worlds
CLAD69H3/​HISD69H3 Sufis and Desert Fathers: Mysticism in Late Antiquity and Early Islam

Art History
(VPHB41H3) The Human Figure in Greek Art (8th-4th cent. B.C.)
(VPHB52H3) Ancient Art and Architecture (ca 900 B.C.-300 A.D.)
(VPHB76H3) Religion in the Arts: The Judeo-Christian Traditions
(VPHC46H3) Topics in Art of the Ancient World
VPHC53H3 The Silk Routes

ENGB30H3 Classical Myth and Literature
ENGC16H3 The Bible and Literature I
ENGC17H3 The Bible and Literature II
ENGC26H3 Drama: Tragedy
ENGC27H3 Drama: Comedy

(LGGA50H3) Introductory Latin I
(LGGA51H3) Introductory Latin II
(LGGA54H3) Introductory Sanskrit I
(LGGA55H3) Introductory Sanskrit II
(LGGB54H3) Intermediate Sanskrit I
(LGGB55H3) Intermediate Sanskrit II

PHLB16H3 Political Philosophy: Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages
PHLB31H3 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy
PHLC32H3 Topics in Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle

(RLGB01H3) The "Holy Book" in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
(RLGC01H3) The Five Books of Moses
(RLGC02H3) The Gospels
(RLGC03H3) Paul and the Invention of Christianity
(RLGC04H3) Hindu Epic
RLGC05H3 The Qu'ran in Interpretive and Historical Context

(ANTB04H3) Artifacts and Prehistory
(ANTB12H3) Introduction to World Prehistory: The Rise of Civilization