Arts, Culture and Media

Faculty List
  • R. Bai, B.A., M.A. (Beijing Foreign Studies), Ph.D. (Illinois), Associate Professor
  • W.R. Bowen, M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor Emeritus
  • Y. Brotman, B.A. (Manitoba), B.Ed., M.V.S. (Toronto), Lecturer Emeritus
  • K. Burchell, B.A. (McGill), M.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (Goldsmiths), Assistant Professor
  • M. Campbell, B. Ed. (York), M.A. (York), Ph.D. (Toronto), Assistant Professor
  • T.L. Cowan, B.A. (Simon Fraser), M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor
  • P. Cruz, B.F.A. (Philippines), B.F.A. (Emily Carr), M.F.A. (Guelph), Assistant Professor
  • J. Cudjoe, B.Sc. (Webber International), M.Sc. (Florida International), Ph.D. (Rutgers), Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
  • B. Freeman, B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor
  • M. Gervers, A.B. (Princeton), M.A. (Poitiers), Ph.D. (Toronto), Professor
  • R. Grohmann, B.A. (Juiz de Fora, Brazil), M.A., Ph.D (São Paulo, Brazil), Assistant Professor
  • Y. Gu, M.A.(Fudan)., Ph.D. (Brown), Associate Professor
  • E. Harney, M.A. (Harvard), M.A. (Washington), Ph.D. (London), Associate Professor
  • S.L. Helwig, B.A. (Guelph), M.A. (Toronto), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • M. Hlady, B.F.A. (Victoria), M.F.A. (York), Associate Professor
  • A. Irving, B.F.A. (Nova Scotia College of Art and Design), M.F.A. (York), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • A. Koroshegyi, B.F.A. (Queen's), M.F.A. (Western), Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
  • W. Kwan, B.A. (Toronto), M.F.A. (Columbia), Associate Professor
  • T. Lamie, B.A. (Dalhousie), M.F.A. (York), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Emeritus
  • E. Leffler, B.S. (Northwestern), M.A. (Cape Town), Ph.D., (Minnesota), Assistant Professor
  • D. Leverenz, B.A. (Alberta), M.F.A. (York), Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
  • M.E.Luka, B.F.A., (NSCAD), Ph.D. (Concordia), Assistant Professor
  • A. MacDonald, B.A. (York), AOCAD, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • R. Mantie, B.Mus.Ed, M.Mus.Ed.(Brandon), Ph.D.(Toronto), Professor
  • T. Mars, D.F.A., Honoris Causa, NSCAD University, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Emeritus
  • J. Mayo, M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor Emeritus
  • S. Mazinani, M.F.A. (Stanford), Assistant Professor
  • C. Melo, B.F.A. (Otis), M.A. (California State, Los Angeles), Ph.D. (California State, Los Angeles), Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream 
  • D. Nieborg, B.A. (Utrecht), M.A. (Utrecht) Ph.D. (Amsterdam), Associate Professor
  • O.E. Osahor, B.F.A. (Alberta), M.F.A. (Guelph), Assistant Professor
  • M. Petit, M.A., Ph.D. (Colorado), Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Emeritus
  • T. Phu, B.A., M.A. (McMaster), Ph.D. (California, Berkeley), Professor
  • A. Rapoport, Mus.M., Mus.Doc. (Toronto), Senior Lecturer, Emeritus
  • J. Rault, B.A. (Alberta), M.A. (York), Ph.D. (McGill), Associate Professor
  • L. Risk, B.A. (UC Berkeley), M.A. (McGill), Ph.D. (McGill), Assistant Professor
  • P. Sperdakos, B.A. (McGill), M.A., Ph.D. (Toronto), Associate Professor Emerita
  • A. Stanbridge, M.A. (Wolverhampton), Ph.D. (Carleton), Associate Professor
  • K. Suzuki, B. Mus. (Indiana), D.M.A. (Stanford), Associate Professor
  • L.C. Tucker, B.Mus., B.Mus.Ed. (Memorial), M.Mus.Mus.Ed, M.Mus. Perf. (Wisconsin-Madison), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
  • E. Webster, B.A., M.A. (Toronto), Ph.D. (Case Western Reserve), Associate Professor, Teaching Stream 
  • S. Yu, B.A. (Simon Fraser), M.I.S. (Yonsei), Ph.D. (Simon Fraser), Associate Professor 

ACM Program Manager: Email:

The Department of Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) houses eight distinct disciplines: Art History and Visual Culture, Arts Management, Journalism, Media Studies, New Media Studies, Music and Culture, Studio Art, and Theatre and Performance. Faculty research and practice across a wide range of fields, and students benefit from specialized arts facilities such as the Leigha Lee Browne Theatre and the Doris McCarthy Gallery. ACM also hosts an array of special events and cultural programming through the year, and students are invited to join our departmental students’ association, ACMSA.

Experiential Learning and Outreach
For a community-based experiential learning opportunity in your academic field of interest, consider the course CTLB03H3, which can be found in the Teaching and Learning section of the Calendar.


Arts, Culture and Media Courses

ACMA01H3 - Exploring Key Questions in the Arts, Culture and Media

ACMA01H3 surveys the cultural achievements of the humanities in visual art, language, music, theatre, and film within their historical, material, and philosophical contexts. Students gain understanding of the meanings of cultural works and an appreciation of their importance in helping define what it means to be human.

Exclusion: (HUMA01H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

ACMB10H3 - Equity and Diversity in the Arts

Equity and diversity in the arts promotes diversity of all kinds, including those of race, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or identity, age, ability or disability, religion, and aesthetics, tradition or practice. This course examines issues of equity and diversity and how they apply across all disciplines of arts, culture and media through critical readings and analysis of cultural policy.

Prerequisite: Any 4.0 credits
Exclusion: (VPAB07H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enroled in Specialist and Major Programs offered by the Department of Arts, Culture & Media. Other students will be admitted as space permits.

ACMC01H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice I

A study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences in a highly focused, collaborative, and facilitated way through a series of assignments and discussions.

Prerequisite: 9.0 credits including VPAB16H3 and VPAB17H3 (or its equivalent with instructor permission) and successful completion of required Field Placement Preparation Activities
Corequisite: Field Placement I (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD01H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice II

An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further engage with work places as “learning laboratories”, and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process.

Prerequisite: ACMC01H3
Corequisite: Field Placement II (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD02H3 - ACMEE Applied Practice III

An advanced study of the arts, culture and/or media sector through reflective practice. Students will further synthesize their classroom and work place / learning laboratory experiences, and play a mentorship role for students in earlier stages of the experiential education process.

Prerequisite: ACMD01H3
Corequisite: Field Placement III (may be taken as a prerequisite with Program Director's permission)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: This course will be graded as a CR if a student successfully completes their internship; and as NCR is the placement was unsuccessful. The NCR will impact the CGPA and count as a 0.0 CGPA value on a transcript.

ACMD91H3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit to the instructor a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course; this should be done by 15 April for 'F' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD91H3)

ACMD92H3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit to the instructor a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course; this should be done by 15 April for 'F' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD92H3)

ACMD93Y3 - Supervised Readings

Independent study of an advanced and intensive kind, under the direction of a faculty member. The material studied should bear some significant relation to the student's previous work, and should differ significantly in content and/or concentration from topics offered in other courses.
Students are advised that they must obtain consent from the supervising instructor before registering for these courses. The student should submit a statement of objectives and proposed content for the course to the instructor by 15 April for 'F' and 'Y' courses and by 1 December for 'S' courses. If the proposal is approved, two faculty members from relevant disciplines will supervise and evaluate the work.

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits at the B-level in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.
Exclusion: (HUMD93Y3)

ACMD94H3 - Senior Collaboration Project in Arts, Culture and Media

This course is an advanced-level collaborative project for senior students in Arts, Culture and Media under the direction of one or more faculty members. While the course nature and focus will vary year to year, the project will likely be rooted in Arts, Culture and Media faculty research or an ongoing community partnership, and will likely involve experiential elements.

Note: Students should contact the ACM Program Manager:, to verify if this course could be counted towards their ACM program requirements.

Prerequisite: 15.0 credits and enrolment in any ACM program
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

ACMD98H3 - Experiential Learning for Arts, Culture and Media Programs

This course offers students the opportunity to integrate experiential learning appropriate to students’ fields of study within the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. It provides student experiences that develop work and life-related skills and knowledge through a spectrum of interactive approaches with focused reflection. The course allows students to apply ACM-specific program knowledge and/or essential employability skills. Students must complete an application form made available on the UTSC Timetable and on the ACM website.

Prerequisite: [9.0 credits in courses offered by the Department of Arts, and Culture and Media], and cGPA of at least 2.5; selection will be based on the application form
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: This is a 0.5 credit course. However, depending on the course content, it may be offered in a single-term or over two-terms. Priority will be given to students enrolled in programs offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media.

ACMD99H3 - Work Integrated Learning for Arts Culture and Media Programs

This course offers students the opportunity to integrate academic learning with an internship placement appropriate to students’ field of study within the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. The 0.5 credit, two-term course provides students an understanding of workplace dynamics while allowing them to refine and clarify professional and career goals through critical analysis of their work-integrated learning experience.

Prerequisite: [8.0 credits in courses offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media] and [CGPA of at least 3.0]; permission of the Arts Culture and Media Internship Coordinator
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

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