Course Search

MGSD15H3 - Managing in the Information Economy

Topics include identifying, managing and exploiting information assets, the opportunities and limits of dealing with Big Data, the impact of digitalization of information, managing under complexity, globalization, and the rise of the network economy. Students will explore a topic in greater depth through the writing of a research paper.

Prerequisite: MGSC01H3 or MGIC01H3 or enrolment in the Specialist/Specialist (Co-op) program in Management and Information Technology (BBA).
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Admission is restricted to students enrolled in a BBA subject POSt.

MGSD24H3 - New Venture Creation and Planning

Aimed at students interested in launching their own entrepreneurial venture. The core of the course is the development of a complete business plan which details the student's plans for the venture's initial marketing, finance and growth. This course provides a framework for the evaluation of the commercial potential of business ideas. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree.

Prerequisite: MGMA01H3 and MGAB01H3 and MGAB02H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGSD30H3 - Intellectual Property Law

This course considers patents, trademarks, copyright and confidential information. Canada's international treaty obligations as well as domestic law will be covered. Policy considerations, such as the patentability of life forms, copyright in an Internet age of easy copying and patents and international development will be included.

Prerequisite: MGSC30H3
Recommended Preparation: 9.5 credits in addition to the prerequisite.
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSD32H3 - The Legal Environment of Business II

This course further examines the issues raised in Legal Environment of Business I. It focuses on relevant areas of law that impact business organizations such as consumer protection legislation and agency and employment law, and it includes a discussion of laws affecting secured transactions and commercial transactions.

Prerequisite: MGSC30H3
Exclusion: MGT394H5, RSM325H1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSD40H3 - Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

This course will examine the role of business in society including stakeholder rights and responsibilities, current important environmental and social issues (e.g., climate change, ethical supply chains, etc.) and management practices for sustainable development. It is designed for students who are interested in learning how to integrate their business skills with a desire to better society.

Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 credits
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

MGSD55H3 - Strategy and Technology

This is an advanced course tackling critical issues in technology and information strategy. We focus on the theory and application of platform, screening, and AI strategies

Prerequisite: MGAB02H3 and MGEB02H3 and MGSB01H3 and [MGIC01H3 or MGSC01H3]
Exclusion: MGSD15H3 and [MGSD91H3 if taken in Fall 2023]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSD91H3 - Advanced Special Topics in Strategy

This course covers special topics in the area of strategy. The specific topics will vary from year to year but could include topics in corporate strategy, strategy for public organizations, strategy for sustainability, international business strategy or entrepreneurship. The specific topics to be covered will be set out in the syllabus for the course for each semester in which it is offered.

Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 credits
Recommended Preparation: MGSC01H3 or MGIC01H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGTA01H3 - Introduction to Business

This course serves as an introduction to the organizations called businesses. The course looks at how businesses are planned, organized and created, and the important role that businesses play within the Canadian economic system.

Exclusion: MGTA05H3, MGM101H1, RSM100Y1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGTA02H3 - Managing the Business Organization

This course serves as an introduction to the functional areas of business, including accounting, finance, production and marketing. It builds on the material covered in MGTA01H3.

Prerequisite: MGTA01H3
Exclusion: MGTA05H3, MGM101H5, MGM102H5, RSM100Y1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGTA38H3 - Management Communications

In this course, students will learn skills and techniques to communicate effectively in an organization. Creativity, innovation and personal style will be emphasized. Students will build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in every setting while incorporating equity, diversity, and inclusion considerations. This course is a mandatory requirement for all management students. It includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree.

Exclusion: (MGTA35H3) and (MGTA36H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

MGTB60H3 - Introduction to the Business of Sport

This course provides an introductory overview to the business of sport as it has become one of the largest industries in the world. Drawing from relevant theories applied to sports management, the course will incorporate practical case studies, along with critical thinking assignments and guest speakers from the industry.

Exclusion: (HLTB05H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGTC28H3 - Computer Programming Applications for Business

This is an introductory coding course for Management students who have little programming experience. Beginning with the introduction to the fundamentals of computer scripting languages, students will then learn about the popular tools and libraries often used in various business areas. The case studies used in the course prepare students for some Management specializations that require a certain level of computer programming skills.

Prerequisite: MGEB12H3
Exclusion: CSCA20H3, CSC120H1, MGT201H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Note: Students are expected to know introductory algebra, calculus, and statistics to apply coding solutions to these business cases successfully.

MGTD80H3 - Supervised Reading In Management

These courses are intended for upper level students whose interests are not covered in one of the other Management courses normally offered. The courses will only be offered when a faculty member is available for supervision and to students whose Management performance has been well above average. Students interested in these courses should consult with the Management Academic Director well in advance.

Note: Students must obtain consent from the Management, Academic Director, the supervising instructor and the Department of Management before registering for this course.

MGTD81H3 - Supervised Reading In Management

These courses are intended for upper level students whose interests are not covered in one of the other Management courses normally offered. The courses will only be offered when a faculty member is available for supervision and to students whose Management performance has been well above average. Students interested in these courses should consult with the Management Academic Director well in advance.

Note: Students must obtain consent from the Management, Academic Director, the supervising instructor and the Department of Management before registering for this course.

MGTD82Y3 - Supervised Reading In Management

These courses are intended for upper level students whose interests are not covered in one of the other Management courses normally offered. The courses will only be offered when a faculty member is available for supervision and to students whose Management performance has been well above average. Students interested in these courses should consult with the Management Academic Director well in advance.

Note: Students must obtain consent from the Management, Academic Director, the supervising instructor and the Department of Management before registering for this course.

MUZA60H3 - Concert Band Ia

The practical study of instrumental ensemble performance in the Concert Band setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. Concert Band attempts to accommodate everyone but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Exclusion: (VPMA73H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MUZA61H3 - Concert Band Ib

The practical study of instrumental ensemble performance in the Concert Band setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. Concert Band attempts to accommodate everyone but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Prerequisite: MUZA60H3/(VPMA73H3)
Exclusion: (VPMA74H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MUZA62H3 - Concert Choir Ia

The practical study of vocal ensemble performance in the Concert Choir setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement Interview required. Concert Choir attempts to accommodate everyone.

Exclusion: (VPMA70H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MUZA63H3 - Concert Choir Ib

The practical study of vocal ensemble performance in the Concert Choir setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Place interview required. Concert Choir attempts to accommodate everyone.

Prerequisite: MUZA62H3/(VPMA70H3)
Exclusion: (VPMA71H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MUZA64H3 - String Orchestra Ia

The practical study of instrumental ensemble performance in the String Orchestra setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. String Orchestra attempts to accommodate everyone, but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Exclusion: (VPMA66H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

MUZA65H3 - String Orchestra 1b

The practical study of instrumental ensemble performance in the String Orchestra setting. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. String Orchestra attempts to accommodate everyone, but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Prerequisite: MUZA64H3/(VPMA66H3)
Exclusion: (VPMA67H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

MUZA66H3 - Small Ensembles Ia

The practical study of small ensemble performance, including public presentations and group recitals. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. Small Ensembles attempts to accommodate everyone, but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Exclusion: (VPMA68H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: 1. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits. 2. Students interested in popular, rock, jazz, or other contemporary styles should register for LEC 01. Students interested in classical, folk, "world," or other acoustic-based styles should register for LEC 02.

MUZA67H3 - Small Ensembles Ib

The practical study of small ensemble performance, including public presentations and group recitals. Students are normally expected to complete both Fall and Winter sessions in the same ensemble. Placement interview required. Small Ensembles attempts to accommodate everyone, but is not a course to learn an instrument for the first time.

Prerequisite: MUZA66H3/(VPMA68H3)
Exclusion: (VPMA69H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Note: 1. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits. 2. Students interested in popular, rock, jazz, or other contemporary styles should register for LEC 01. Students interested in classical, folk, "world," or other acoustic-based styles should register for LEC 02.

MUZA80H3 - Foundations in Musicianship

A practical introduction to musicianship through music-making and creation, with an emphasis on aural skills, rhythmic fluency, notation, and basic vocal and instrumental techniques. This course is open to students with no musical training and background.

Exclusion: (VPMA95H3)
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Note: Priority will be given to first and second-year students in Major and Minor Music and Culture programs. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.
A placement test will be held in Week 1 of the course. Students who pass this test do not have to take MUZA80H3, and can move on to B-levels directly. Contact for more information

MUZA81H3 - Introduction to Music Industry and Technology

This course will provide a broad overview of the music industry and fundamentals in audio theory and engineering. It will cover the physics of sound, psychoacoustics, the basics of electricity, and music business and audio engineering to tie into the Centennial College curriculum.

Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MUZA99H3 - Listening to Music

An introduction to music through active listening and the consideration of practical, cultural, historical and social contexts that shape our aural appreciation of music. No previous musical experience is necessary.

Exclusion: (VPMA93H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

MUZB01H3 - Introduction to Community Music

Music within communities functions in ways that differ widely from formal models. Often the defining activity, it blurs boundaries between amateur, professional, audience and performer, and stresses shared involvement. Drawing upon their own experience, students will examine a variety of community practices and current research on this rapidly evolving area.

Prerequisite: MUZA80H3/(VPMA95H3)
Exclusion: (VPMB01H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

MUZB02H3 - Introduction to Music Teaching, Facilitation, and Learning

An introduction to the theory and practice of music teaching, facilitation, and learning. Students will develop practical skills in music leadership, along with theoretical understandings that distinguish education, teaching, facilitation, and engagement as they occur in formal, informal, and non formal spaces and contexts.

Prerequisite: MUZA80H3/(VPMA95H3) or successful clearance of the MUZA80H3 exemption test
Exclusion: (VPMB02H3)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Major and Minor programs in Music and Culture. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

MUZB20H3 - Music in the Contemporary World

An examination of art and popular musics. This course will investigate the cultural, historical, political and social contexts of music-making and practices as experienced in the contemporary world.

Exclusion: (VPMB82H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

MUZB21H3 - Exploring Music in Social and Cultural Contexts

A critical investigation of a wide range of twentieth and twenty-first-century music. This interdisciplinary course will situate music in its historical, social, and cultural environments.

Prerequisite: MUZB20H3/(VPMB82H3)
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies