The Certificate in Global Development, Environment, and Health (U of T Global Scholar) builds upon UTSC's longstanding academic strength in globally-oriented, interdisciplinary, and experiential education. This certificate will facilitate, support and ultimately recognize, this global perspective.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Certificate Requirements

1. 1.0 credits from the following:
IDSA01H3 Introduction to International Development Studies
IDSB11H3 Global Development in Comparative Perspective

2. At least 0.5 credit at the B-level, from the list of electives in Table 1 below.

3. At least 0.5 credit at the C- or D-level from the list of electives in Table 1 below.

Table 1

B-level AFSB51H3, AFSB54H3, ANTB05H3, ANTB18H3,GGRB28H3, HISB30H3, HISB51H3, HISB58H3, IDSB01H3, IDSB02H3, IDSB04H3, IDSB06H3, POLB90H3, POLB91H3, or SOCB60H3
C-level AFSC53H3/​WSTC10H3, AFSC70H3/​HISC70H3, ANTC10H3, ANTC68H3, (ANTC89H3), ENGC19H3, ENGC70H3, ENGC71H3, GASC59H3/​HISC59H3, GGRC10H3, GGRC25H3, (GGRC56H3), HISC45H3, HISC55H3, HISC58H3, HISC75H3, HISC97H3, HLTC44H3, HLTC46H3, SC10H3, IDSC11H3, IDSC15H3, IDSC17H3, IDSC18H3, MGEC82H3, POLC16H3, POLC53H3, POLC80H3, POLC90H3, POLC91H3,POLC94H3, POLC96H, POLC97H3, POLC99H3, SOCC25H3, SOCC29H3, SOCC34H3, SOCC52H3, or WSTC13H3
D-level GASD02H3, GASD03H3, GGRD49H3, HISD31H3, HISD51H3, HISD52H3, HLTD06H3, HLTD13H3, HLTD25H3, HLTD48H3, HLTD49H3, IDSD02H3, IDSD06H3, IDSD10H3, IDSD12H3, IDSD13H3, IDSD19H3, POLD89H3, POLD90H3/​IDSD90H3, POLD91H3, SOCD15H3, SOCD20H3, or SOCD55H3

Category 2