
There are two types of for-credit certificates:

Category 1: is a post-baccalaureate, stand-alone certificate that normally requires completion of an undergraduate degree, or equivalent, for admission:

  • Successful completion of the certificate is recorded on the academic transcript;
  • Students are registered as undergraduate students and receive a parchment at Convocation.

Category 2: is a certificate that is offered in conjunction with an undergraduate degree program or programs:

  • Successful completion of the certificate is recorded on the academic transcript as a component of the undergraduate degree;
  • Students do not receive a separate parchment at Convocation.


This Certificate will provide students with concentrated training in Bioarchaeology, the subdiscipline of Archaeology that focuses on the study of biological materials from archaeological sites, with a particular emphasis on skeletal remains (both human and non-human).
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in either the Specialist or Major program in Evolutionary Anthropology.

Certificate Requirements
Students must complete a total of 2.0 credits as follows*:

ANTB80H3 Introduction to Archaeology: Methods, Theories, and Practices
ANTC47H3 Human and Primate Comparative Osteology
ANTC48H3 Advanced Topics In Human Osteology
ANTD35H3 Bioarchaeology
*Students must earn an average GPA of 2.7 across the four courses to be awarded the Certificate.

Category 2


The Certificate in Biological Sciences Research Excellence will recognize students' research accomplishments in experiential, research-based learning experiences throughout their undergraduate programs.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate. However, courses that are graded as CR/NCR courses for all students (e.g., BIOB98H3 and BIOB99H3), can be used towards the completion of this Certificate.

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in any Major or Specialist program offered by the Department of Biological Sciences.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 1.5 credits as follows:

1. BIOD98Y3*
and any one of the following:
*Note: students must earn a grade of A- or higher in these courses in order to be eligible for the Certificate.

2. All students must engage in at least one consultation with the liaison librarian for the Department of Biological Sciences in order to develop their skills in literature mining and using an evidence-based approach to study design and data analysis.

3. Upon completion of the specified courses in component 1 of the Requirements, students must provide an overall summary of their research accomplishments to the Department in order to receive the Certificate.

Category 2


The Certificate in Business is a part-time program designed to provide students with the skills they need to function as managers in today's rapidly changing workplace. It also gives students who already have degrees in other fields of study an opportunity to focus on business studies. Courses in the Certificate can be used towards various professional designations.

Audrey Quirion, Undergraduate Coordinator
Office: IC 240
Tel: 416-287-7271
Email: audrey.quirion@utoronto.ca

Application Process and Admission Requirements

Please see the Department of Management website for details.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete the following:

1. Pass 6.0 credits in Economics for Management Studies courses and Management courses, including:
[[MGEA01H3 and MGEA05H3] or [MGEA02H3 and MGEA06H3]]
MGTA01H3 Introduction to Business
MGTA02H3 Managing the Business Organization

2. Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00* (if a student's CGPA falls below 2.0. s/he will be removed from the program).
*Students will graduate with honours if their cumulative grade point average is 3.20 or better.

Note: Students in their graduating session who intend to take part in the next Convocation must notify the Office of the Registrar of their intention through ACORN. Students who are unable to request graduation through ACORN should contact the Office of the Registrar.

Category 1


Computational social science extends theories and analyses from the social science by leveraging tools and techniques from scientific computing and data science. The Certificate in computational social science provides students with training in statistics, modeling, and programming approaches to the analysis of social problems using data, and fosters critical thinking and communication skills crucial to social science research.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 credits as follows:

1. 0.5 credit from the following:
SOCB35H3 Numeracy and Society
STAB23H3 Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

2. SOCC70H3 Models of the Social World

3. At least 1.0 credit from the following:
CSCA20H3 Introduction to Programming or equivalent
GGRB30H3 Fundamentals of GIS I
GGRB32H3 Fundamentals of GIS II
GGRC30H3 Advanced GIS
GGRC32H3 Essential Spatial Analysis
GGRC42H3 Making Sense of Data: Applied Multivariate Analysis
HLTC27H3 Community Health and Epidemiology
POLD56H3 Politics and Computational Social Science
POLD87H3 Rational Choice and International Cooperation Essential Spatial Analysis

Category 2


The Certificate in Economics Within Management and International Business will recognize that students in the MIB program have taken extra courses in economics and will record that extra concentration on their transcripts.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business. Students wanting to enrol in more than one MIB Certificate must first have the permission of the Academic Director of the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 2.0 credits as follows:

1. 1.0 credit from the following:
MGEC61H3 International Economics: Finance
MGEC62H3 International Economics: Trade Theory
MGEC82H3 International Aspects of Development Policy

2. 1.0 additional credit at the B-, C- or D-level, in Economics (MGE) courses offered by the Department of Management, or equivalent courses.*
*Note: MGE courses included as core requirements in the MIB program cannot be used to towards the completion of this Certificate.

Category 2


This certificate will provide students with detailed knowledge of skeletal and dental anatomy in humans and related taxa from diverse perspectives, as well as a solid understanding of the evolutionary processes that led to that anatomy.

Admission Requirements

Successful completion of an undergraduate degree with a CGPA of 3.0 with a Specialist or Major in any Science discipline is required to enrol in the certificate program.

Students who have previously completed courses identified as requirements or options in the Certificate can substitute up to 1.0 credit in previously completed courses for the Certificate requirements. Students are not eligible for admission to the Certificate if they have already completed more than 2.0 credits of the included courses (or their equivalents from other universities).

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 3.0 credits as follows:

1. Core required courses (1.5 credits):
ANTB14H3* Evolutionary Anthropology
ANTC47H3 Human and Primate Comparative Osteology
ANTC48H3 Advanced Topics In Human Osteology

2. Advanced courses (1.5 credits):
Choose 3 from:
ANTC16H3 The Foundation and Theory of Human Origins
ANTC17H3** Human Origins: New Discoveries
ANTC99H3 Primate Evolution
ANTD17H3 Medical Osteology: Public Health Perspectives on Human Skeletal Health
ANTD35H3 Bioarchaeology
ANTD99H3 Advanced Topics in Primate Evolution

*ANTA01H3 is a prerequisite for ANTB14H3.
**[ANTA01H3 and ANTA02H3] are prerequisites for ANTC17H3.

Students seeking to complete the certificate who have not completed ANTA01H3 and ANTA02H3 will be assessed for admission to ANTB14H3 and/or ANTC17H3 based on their background. In particular, students whose undergraduate degree included Biology courses will normally be permitted to take ANTB14H3 and ANTC17H3 without the prerequisite(s).

Category 1


The Certificate in Finance Within Management and International Business will recognize that students in the MIB program have taken extra courses in finance and will record that extra concentration on their transcripts.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business. Students wanting to enrol in more than one MIB Certificate must first have the permission of the Academic Director of the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 2.0 credits as follows:

1. MGFC50H3 International Financial Management

2. 1.5 additional credits, at the C- or D-level, in Finance (MGF) courses offered by the Department of Management.*
*Note: MGFC10H3 cannot be used to towards the completion of this Certificate.

Category 2


The Certificate in Global Development, Environment, and Health (U of T Global Scholar) builds upon UTSC's longstanding academic strength in globally-oriented, interdisciplinary, and experiential education. This certificate will facilitate, support and ultimately recognize, this global perspective.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Certificate Requirements

1. 1.0 credits from the following:
IDSA01H3 Introduction to International Development Studies
IDSB11H3 Global Development in Comparative Perspective

2. At least 0.5 credit at the B-level, from the list of electives in Table 1 below.

3. At least 0.5 credit at the C- or D-level from the list of electives in Table 1 below.

Table 1

B-level AFSB51H3, AFSB54H3, ANTB05H3, ANTB18H3,GGRB28H3, HISB30H3, HISB51H3, HISB58H3, IDSB01H3, IDSB02H3, IDSB04H3, IDSB06H3, POLB90H3, POLB91H3, or SOCB60H3
C-level AFSC53H3/​WSTC10H3, AFSC70H3/​HISC70H3, ANTC10H3, ANTC68H3, (ANTC89H3), ENGC19H3, ENGC70H3, ENGC71H3, GASC59H3/​HISC59H3, GGRC10H3, GGRC25H3, (GGRC56H3), HISC45H3, HISC55H3, HISC58H3, HISC75H3, HISC97H3, HLTC44H3, HLTC46H3, SC10H3, IDSC11H3, IDSC15H3, IDSC17H3, IDSC18H3, MGEC82H3, POLC16H3, POLC53H3, POLC80H3, POLC90H3, POLC91H3,POLC94H3, POLC96H, POLC97H3, POLC99H3, SOCC25H3, SOCC29H3, SOCC34H3, SOCC52H3, or WSTC13H3
D-level GASD02H3, GASD03H3, GGRD49H3, HISD31H3, HISD51H3, HISD52H3, HLTD06H3, HLTD13H3, HLTD25H3, HLTD48H3, HLTD49H3, IDSD02H3, IDSD06H3, IDSD10H3, IDSD12H3, IDSD13H3, IDSD19H3, POLD89H3, POLD90H3/​IDSD90H3, POLD91H3, SOCD15H3, SOCD20H3, or SOCD55H3

Category 2


The Certificate in Human Resources Within Management and International Business will recognize that students in the MIB program have taken extra courses in human resources/organizational behaviour and will record that extra concentration on their transcripts.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business. Students wanting to enrol in more than one MIB Certificate must first have the permission of the Academic Director of the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 2.0 credits at the C- or D-level in human resources/organizational behaviour (MGH) courses offered by the Department of Management.
*Note: MGHC02H3 cannot be used to towards the completion of this Certificate.

Category 2


The Certificate in Marketing Within Management and International Business will recognize that students in the MIB program have taken extra courses in marketing and will record that extra concentration on their transcripts.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business. Students wanting to enrol in more than one MIB Certificate must first have the permission of the Academic Director of the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 2.0 credits at the C- or D-level in marketing (MGM) courses offered by the Department of Management.

Category 2


Note: Only domestic students entering UTSC directly from high school in September 2024 and after are eligible for enrolment in this certificate.

Students will be admitted to the Certificate directly from high school. Students will select the Certificate in combination with specified science (HBSc) programs at the time of application to UTSC and will be enrolled directly into the Certificate in their first year of study after accepting their offer to UTSC and will need to be admitted to and maintain good standing in one of the programs below to remain in the certificate. Only domestic students entering UTSC directly from high school in September 2024 and after are eligible for enrolment in this certificate.

The Certificate must be taken in conjunction with a Major/Major (Co-op) or Specialist/Specialist (Co-op) in one of the following programs:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Conservation & Biodiversity
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Geoscience
  • Environmental Science
  • Evolutionary Anthropology
  • Global Environmental Change
  • Health Studies – Population Health
  • Human Biology
  • Integrative Biology
  • Medicinal & Biological Chemistry
  • Mental Health Studies
  • Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
  • Molecular Biology, Immunology & Disease
  • Neuroscience
  • Plant Biology
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Psychology

Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 credits, including at least 0.5 credit at the C- or D-level, as follows:

1. 0.5 credit from Complex Systems, Structures and Settings:

  • ANTA02H3: Introduction to Anthropology: Society, Culture and Language
  • ANTC24H3: Culture, Mental Illness, and Psychiatry
  • ANTD16H3: Biomedical Anthropology
  • EESA06H3: Introduction to Planet Earth
  • EESA10H3: Human Health and Environment
  • EESA11H3: Environmental Pollution
  • EESB16H3: Feeding Humans – The Cost to the Planet
  • EESC04H3: Biodiversity and Biogeography
  • IDSB04H3: Introduction to International/Global Health
  • GGRB28H3: Geographies of Disease
  • HLTB40H3: Health Policy and Health Systems
  • HLTC42H3: Emerging Health Issues and Policy Needs
  • HLTC43H3: Politics of Canadian Health Policy
  • HLTC44H3: Comparative Health Policy Systems
  • HLTD04H3: Advanced Topics in Health and Society
  • HLTD40H3: The Politics of Care, Self-Care and Mutual Aid
  • HLTD81H3: Health Professions Education
  • MDSA01H3: Introduction to Media Studies
  • MGTA01H3: Introduction to Business
  • POLD59H3: Politics of Disability
  • VPAA10H3: Introduction to Arts and Media Management

2. 0.5 credit from Cultures, Communities and Care:

  • ACMB10H3: Equity and Diversity in the Arts
  • ANTA01H3: Introduction to Anthropology, Becoming Human
  • ANTB64H3: Are You What You Eat? The Anthropology of Food
  • ANTC61H3: Medical Anthropology: Illness and Healing in Cultural Perspective
  • ANTD26H3: Caveman, Farmer, Herder, Trader: Evolution of Diet in Society
  • CITB03H3: Social Planning and Community Development
  • GGRD10H3: Health & Sexuality
  • HISC27H3: The History of European Sexuality: From Antiquity to the Present
  • HLTB41H3: Introduction to the Social Determinants of Health
  • HLTB42H3: Perspectives of Culture, Illness and Healing
  • HLTB60H3: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Disability Studies
  • HLTC22H3: Health, Aging and the Life Cycle
  • HLTD18H3: Dental Sciences
  • HLTD47H3: Advanced Topics in Health and Wellness
  • PHLB12H3: Philosophy of Sexuality
  • PHLC07H3: Death and Dying
  • POLC43H3: Prejudice and Racism
  • PSYA02H3: Introduction to Clinical, Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology
  • PSYB32H3: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
  • PSYC14H3: Cross-Cultural Social Psychology
  • PSYC15H3: Foundations in Community Psychology
  • PSYC18H3: Psychology of Emotion
  • PSYC19H3: Psychology of Self Control
  • PSYC34H3: Psychology of Happiness and Meaning
  • PSYD10H3: Community and Applied Social Psychology
  • PSYD13H3: The Psychology of Emotion Regulation
  • SOCB22H3: Sociology of Gender
  • SOCB47H3: Social Inequality
  • SOCB49H3: Sociology of Family
  • SOCC49H3/​HLTC49H3: Indigenous Health
  • WSTB11H3: Intersections of Inequality

3. 0.5 credit from Critical and Creative Thinking:

  • ANTB14H3: Evolutionary Anthropology
  • ANTB15H3: Contemporary Human Evolution and Variation
  • ANTC62H3: Medical Anthropology: Biological and Demographic Perspectives
  • ANTC68H3: Deconstructing Epidemics
  • BIOB20H3: Introduction to Computational Biology
  • BIOC70H3: An Introduction to Bias in the Sciences
  • BIOD59H3: Models in Ecology, Epidemiology, and Conservation
  • CHMD89H3: Introduction to Green Chemistry
  • CSCB20H3: Introduction to Web Development and Applications
  • ENGB52H3: Literature and Science
  • HLTB15H3: Health Research Methodologies
  • HLTC81H3: Health Professions and Practice
  • JOUA01H3: Introduction to Journalism and News Literacy I
  • LINB30H3: Programming for Linguists
  • MATA02H3: The Magic of Numbers
  • PHLA10H3: Reason and Truth
  • PHLA11H3: Introduction to Ethics
  • PHLB09H3: Biomedical Ethics
  • PHLC10H3: Topics in Bioethics
  • PHLD09H3: Advanced Seminar in Bioethics
  • PSYB03H3: Introduction to Computers in Psychological Research
  • PSYB80H3: Psychology in Context
  • PSYC03H3: Computers in Psychological Research: Advanced Topics
  • PSYC13H3: Social Cognition: Understanding Ourselves and Others
  • STAB22H3: Statistics I
  • STAB52H3: An Introduction to Probability
  • STAB53H3: Introduction to Applied Probability

4. 0.5 credit from Communication and Leadership:

  • ENGB02H3: Effective Writing in the Sciences
  • HLTD49H3: Global Health Governance: Thinking Alongside the World's Leaders
  • MGEB32H3: Economic Aspects of Public Policy
  • MGTA02H3: Managing the Business Organization
  • PHLB06H3: Business Ethics
  • PHLB58H3: Reasoning Under Uncertainty
  • POLC13H3: Program Evaluation
  • PSYB38H3: Introduction to Behaviour Modification
  • PSYC02H3: Scientific Communication in Psychology
  • PSYC10H3: Judgment and Decision-Making
  • PSYD19H3: The Science of Behaviour Change

Additional course options may be added in future years.

In addition to the formal curricular components, students are encouraged to participate in at least one of each of the following areas to complement their work in the certificate and build a cohort experience:

  • participation in a community of practice or service activity recognized on the Co-curricular Record;
  • professional development workshop or learning module offered by at UofT Scarborough or tri-campus office;
  • annual program events, including a capstone event upon completion of the certificate.
Category 2


The Certificate in Strategy Within Management and International Business will recognize that students in the MIB program have taken extra courses in strategy and will record that extra concentration on their transcripts.
Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate

Enrolment Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business. Students wanting to enrol in more than one MIB Certificate must first have the permission of the Academic Director of the Specialist (Co-operative) program in Management and International Business

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete 2.0 credits at the C- or D-level in strategy (MGS) courses offered by the Department of Management.

Category 2


The sustainable utilization of our natural, social, economic and cultural resources is one of the most important cross-cutting themes within academia today. The Certificate in Sustainability builds on UTSC's longstanding academic strengths to provide an opportunity for a broad range of students to incorporate sustainability into their undergraduate studies.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 credits as follows:

1. ESTB03H3/​VPHB69H3 Back to the Land: Restoring Embodied and Affective Ways of Knowing
2. At least 0.5 credit at the A- or B-level, from the list of electives in Table 1 below
3. At least 1.0 credit at the C- or D-level from the list of electives in Table 1 below

Note: Courses for which students have selected the CR/NCR option, cannot be used towards the completion of this Certificate; however, courses that are graded as CR/NCR courses for all students, can be used towards the completion of this Certificate.









Category 2

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