Academic Director: S. Ahmed E-mail:
This Program is designed to give students a broad exposure to all functional areas of Management as well as a solid grounding in Computer Science.
Enrolment Requirements
Enrolment in this Program is limited.
1. Students enrolling directly from high school are admitted on the basis of academic performance. They must have completed Grade 12 English and Grade 12 Calculus.
Course Guidelines for Students Admitted to B.B.A. Programs Directly from High School Students must complete the following courses in their first year of study: MGEA02H3, MGEA06H3, CSCA08H3, CSCA48H3, MATA34H3, MGHA12H3, MGMA01H3, and MGTA38H3.
2. Students requesting admission after first year must request ONLY ONE Management Subject POSt on ACORN. Students may apply at the end of the Winter semester and/or at the end of the Summer semester. Application for admission will be considered only for the round during which the student has made the Subject POSt request.
The minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for Program admission is calculated for each application period, and is based on University of Toronto courses only. Decisions are made when all grades have been received.
Students must have completed the following courses (or their equivalent): MGEA02H3, MGEA06H3, and MATA34H3. However, [[MATA29H3 or MATA30H3 or MATA31H3 or (MATA32H3)] and [(MATA33H3) or MATA35H3 or MATA36H3 or MATA37H3]] may also be used to satisfy the calculus requirement. None of the courses listed above (or their equivalent) can be designated as CR/NCR. Of the total credits that students have completed when they apply, at least 4.0 credits just in University of Toronto courses that have been graded (i.e., not designated as CR/NCR). Students may apply until they have completed up to 10.0 credits. Students who have completed more than 10.0 credits will not be considered for admission to the Program.
In order to remain in the Program, students must maintain a CGPA of 2.0 or higher after having attempted at least 4.0 credits. Students whose CGPA falls below 2.0 will be removed from the Program. Students removed from the program, for this reason, may request reinstatement if they complete at least 2.0 credits (none of which can be designated as CR/NCR) in the following session and raise their CGPA to at least 2.0. This opportunity will be provided only once.
Program Requirements
The Program requires the completion of 14.0 credits as part of a twenty-credit B.B.A. degree.
Note: A single course may only be used once to fulfill one of the following requirements:
1. (6.5 credits):
MGMA01H3 Principles of Marketing
MGTA38H3 Management Communications
MGAB01H3 Introductory Financial Accounting I
MGAB02H3 Introductory Financial Accounting II
MGAB03H3 Introductory Management Accounting
MGFB10H3 Principles of Finance
MGHA12H3 Human Resource Management
MGHB02H3 Managing People and Groups in Organizations
MGMB01H3 Marketing Management
MGFC10H3 Intermediate Finance
MGHC02H3 Management Skills
MGOC10H3 Analytics for Decision Making
MGOC20H3 Operations Management
2. (0.5 credit):
[[MATA29H3/MATA30H3/MATA31H3/(MATA32H3)] and [(MATA33H3)/MATA35H3/MATA36H3/MATA37H3]]
3. (3.0 credits):
CSCA08H3 Introduction to Computer Science I
CSCA48H3 Introduction to Computer Science II
CSCB07H3 Software Design
CSCB09H3 Software Tools and Systems Software
CSCB20H3 Introduction to Databases and Web Applications
CSCC01H3 Introduction to Software Engineering
4. (3.0 credits):
MGEA02H3 Introduction to Microeconomics: A Mathematical Approach
MGEA06H3 Introduction to Macroeconomics: A Mathematical Approach
MGEB02H3 Price Theory: A Mathematical Approach
MGEB06H3 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy: A Mathematical Approach
MGEB11H3 Quantitative Methods in Economics I
MGEB12H3 Quantitative Methods in Economics II
5. (0.5 credit):
MGSD15H3 Managing in the Information Economy
MGSD55H3 Strategy and Technology
6. 0.5 credit at the D-level in Management, Economics or CSC courses.
Note: In selecting options and electives, students should refer to the guidelines for program breadth and depth found in the Degree Requirements section of the UTSC Calendar.