Course Search

MGMD02H3 - Judgement and Decision Making

This course combines the elements of behavioural research as applied to consumers' decision making models and how this can be used to predict decisions within the marketing and consumer oriented environment. It also delves into psychology, economics, statistics, and other disciplines.

Prerequisite: MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3
Exclusion: PSYC10H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGMD10H3 - Seminar in Consumer Psychology I

This seminar style course has advanced discussions that will go in-depth into a variety of topics in consumer psychology. Students will read papers from academic journals each week, lead the discussions, and share their ideas. Students are expected to submit a research paper at the end of the term. This course is appropriate for senior marketing students who are keen on getting insights into consumer psychology and/or those who want to get exposure to academic research in consumer psychology.

Prerequisite: [MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3] and MGMB01H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGMD11H3 - Seminar in Consumer Psychology II

This seminar style course has advanced discussions that will go in-depth into a variety of topics in consumer psychology. Students will read papers from academic journals each week, lead the discussions, and share their ideas. Students are expected to submit a research paper at the end of the term. This course is appropriate for senior marketing students who are keen on getting insights into consumer psychology and/or those who want to get exposure to academic research in consumer psychology.

Prerequisite: [MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3] and MGMB01H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGMD19H3 - Advanced Special Topics in Marketing II

This course focuses on current faculty research in areas like consumer behaviour and choice, pricing, promotions, etc. and their importance to marketing and research methodology. Topics covered will include specific theoretical or functional areas in marketing. The particular content in any given year will depend on the faculty member.

Prerequisite: [MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3] and [MGMB01H3 or MGIB01H3]
Exclusion: MGMD21H3
Recommended Preparation: Some interest in or additional knowledge of different aspects of Marketing
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: This course can be taken as CR/NCR only for degree requirements, not program requirements.

MGMD20H3 - Advanced Special Topics in Marketing I

This course focuses on current faculty research in areas like consumer behaviour and choice, pricing, promotions etc. and their importance to marketing and research methodology. Topics covered will include specific theoretical or functional areas in marketing. The particular content in any given year will depend on the faculty member.

Prerequisite: [MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3] and [MGMB01H3 or MGIB01H3]
Recommended Preparation: Some interest in or additional knowledge of different aspects of Marketing
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGMD21H3 - Competitive Marketing in Action

This course focuses on the analysis required to support marketing decisions and aid in the formation of marketing strategy. This is a Marketing simulation course which will challenge students to make real-time decisions with realistic consequences in a competitive market scenario. As part of a team, students will make decisions on Pricing, branding, distribution strategy, commissioning and using market research, new product launches and a variety of related marketing actions while competing with other teams in a simulation that will dynamically unfold over the semester. This is an action-packed capstone course and will give students the chance to apply what they have learned and to polish their skills in a realistic environment.

Prerequisite: [MGMA01H3 or MGIA01H3] and [MGMB01H3 or MGIB01H3]
Recommended Preparation: Some interest in or additional knowledge of different aspects of Marketing
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGOC10H3 - Analytics for Decision Making

The course develops understanding and practical skills of applying quantitative analysis for making better management decisions. Studied analytics methodologies include linear programming; multi-criteria optimization; network and waiting-line models; decision analysis. Methodologies are practiced in a broad range of typical business problems drawn from different areas of management, using spreadsheet modelling tools.

Prerequisite: MGEB02H3 and MGEB12H3 and [MGTA38H3 or (MGTA36H3) or (MGTA35H3)]
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGOC15H3 - Introductory Business Data Analytics

The course lays the foundation of business data analytics and its application to Management. Using state-of-the-art computational tools, students learn the fundamentals of processing, visualizing, and identifying patterns from data to draw actionable insights and improve decision making in business processes.

Prerequisite: MGEB12H3
Corequisite: MGOC10H3
Exclusion: MGT458H5, (MGOD30H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGOC20H3 - Operations Management

An introduction to a broad scope of major strategic and tactical issues in Operations Management. Topics include project management, inventory management, supply chain management, forecasting, revenue management, quality management, lean and just-in-time operations, and production scheduling.

Prerequisite: MGOC10H3
Exclusion: MGT374H5, RSM370H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGOC50H3 - Special Topics in Analytics and Operations

This course will focus on topics in Analytics and Operations Management that are not covered or are covered only lightly in regularly offered courses. The particular content in any given year will depend on the faculty member. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) production planning, revenue management, project management, logistics planning, operations management in shared economy, and health care operations management.

Prerequisite: MGEB02H3 and MGEB12H3
Corequisite: MGOC10H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGOD31H3 - Advanced Business Data Analytics

The course covers advanced Management concepts of Big Data analytics via state-of-the-art computational tools and real-world case studies. By the end of the course, students will be able to conceptualize, design, and implement a data-driven project to improve decision-making.

Prerequisite: MGOC10H3 and MGOC15H3
Exclusion: (MGOD30H3)
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

MGOD40H3 - Simulation and Analysis of Business Processes

Students will learn how to construct and implement simulation models for business processes using a discrete-event approach. They will gain skills in the statistical analysis of input data, validation and verification of the models. Using these models, they can evaluate the alternative design and make system improvements. Students will also learn how to perform a Monte Carlo simulation. Spreadsheet and simulation software are integral components to this course and will enhance proficiency in Excel.

Prerequisite: MGOC10H3
Corequisite: MGOC20H3
Exclusion: MIE360H1
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGOD50H3 - Advanced Special Topics in Analytics and Operations Management

This course will focus on topics in Analytics and Operations Management that are not covered in regularly offered courses. The particular content in any given year will depend on the faculty member.

Prerequisite: MGOC10H3
Breadth Requirements: Quantitative Reasoning

MGSB01H3 - Introduction to Strategy

This course offers an introduction to strategic management. It analyzes strategic interactions between rival firms in the product market, provides conceptual tools for analyzing these interactions, and highlights the applications of these tools to key elements of business strategy. The course then moves beyond product market competition and considers (among other things) strategic interactions inside the organization, and with non-market actors.

Prerequisite: Minimum 4.0 credits including MGEA02H3 and MATA34H3 or [[MATA29H3 or MATA30H3 or MATA31H3 or (MATA32H3)] and [(MATA33H3) or MATA35H3 or MATA36H3 or MATA37H3]]
Exclusion: RSM392H1 and MGT492H5
Recommended Preparation: MGAB01H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGSB22H3 - Entrepreneurship

This course focuses on the skills required and issues such as personal, financial, sales, operational, and personnel, which entrepreneurs face as they launch and then manage their early-stage ventures. Particular focus is placed on developing the analytical skills necessary to assess opportunities, and applying the appropriate strategies and resources in support of an effective business launch. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree.

Prerequisite: MGAB01H3 and [MGHB02H3 or MGIB02H3]
Exclusion: MGT493H5, RSM493H1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGSC01H3 - Strategic Management I

Begins with an examination of the concept of business mission. Students are then challenged to evaluate the external and industry environments in which businesses compete, to identify sources of competitive advantage and value creation, and to understand and evaluate the strategies of active Canadian companies.

Prerequisite: MGHB02H3 and [MGEB02H3 or MGEB06H3]
Exclusion: MGIC01H3, VPAC13H3, MGT492H5, RSM392H1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSC03H3 - Public Management

An introduction to key public sector management processes: strategic management at the political level, planning, budgeting, human resource management, and the management of information and information technology. Makes use of cases, and simulations to develop management skills in a public sector setting.

Prerequisite: MGHB02H3 or [POLB56H3 and POLB57H3/(POLB50Y3)]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: POLB56H3 and POLB57H3 are prerequisites only for students enrolled in Public Policy programs

MGSC05H3 - The Changing World of Business - Government Relations

How regulation, privatization and globalization are affecting today's managers.
Most major management issues and business opportunities involve government (domestic or foreign) at some level - whether as lawmaker, customer, partner, investor, tax-collector, grant-giver, licensor, dealmaker, friend or enemy. This course provides students with an understanding of the issues and introduces some of the skills necessary to successfully manage a business's relationship with government.

Prerequisite: 4.0 credits or [POLB56H3 and POLB57H3/(POLB50Y3)]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
POLB56H3 and POLB57H3 are prerequisites only for students enrolled in Public Policy programs

MGSC07H3 - Introduction to Case Analysis Techniques

This course focuses on the theory and techniques of analyzing and writing business cases. The main focus is to assist students in developing their conceptual and analytical skills by applying the theory learned from each major area of management studies to practical situations. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are developed through extensive use of case analysis.

Prerequisite: MGAB03H3 and MGFB10H3 and MGHB02H3
Corequisite: MGMA01H3 and MGAB02H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSC10H3 - Business Strategy in the Digital Age

This course teaches students the ways in which business strategy and strategic decisions are affected by the recent explosion of digital technologies. Key considerations include the market and organizational context, process design, and managerial practices that determine value from data, digital infrastructures, and AI. It provides classic frameworks augmented by frontier research to make sense of digital transformation from the perspective of a general manager. Leaning on case study analysis and in-class discussion, this course will surface both practical and ethical pitfalls that can emerge in an increasingly digital world and equip students to operate effectively in professional contexts affected by these fast-moving trends.

Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 credits including MGEB11H3 and MGEB12H3
Recommended Preparation: Introductory Logic, Probability and Statistics Econometrics (Linear Regression)
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSC12H3 - Narrative and Management

Through the analysis of fiction and non-fiction narratives, particularly film, dealing with managers in both private and public sector organizations, the course explores the ethical dilemmas, organizational politics and career choices that managers can expect to face.

Prerequisite: MGHB02H3 or ENGD94H3 or [2.0 credits at the C-level in POL courses]
Breadth Requirements: Arts, Literature and Language

MGSC14H3 - Management Ethics

Increasingly, the marketplace has come to reward, and government regulators have come to demand a sophisticated managerial approach to the ethical problems that arise in business. Topics include ethical issues in international business, finance, accounting, advertising, intellectual property, environmental policy, product and worker safety, new technologies, affirmative action, and whistle-blowing.

Prerequisite: MGTA38H3 or (MGTA35H3) or (MGTA36H3)
Exclusion: (MGIC14H3), PHLB06H3
Breadth Requirements: History, Philosophy and Cultural Studies

MGSC20H3 - Consulting and Contracting: New Ways of Work

Tomorrow's graduates will enjoy less career stability than previous generations. Technology and demography are changing the nature of work. Instead of having secure progressive careers, you will work on contract or as consultants. You will need to think, and act like entrepreneurs. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree.

Prerequisite: MGAB03H3 and MGHB02H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: University-Based Experience

MGSC26H3 - Venture Capital

Venture capital and other sources of private equity play a critical role in the founding and development of new enterprises. In this course, we will review all aspects of starting and operating a venture capital firm. At the end of the course, students will better understand how the venture capital industry works; what types of businesses venture capitalists invest in and why; how contract structures protect investors; how venture capitalists create value for their investors and for the companies in which they invest; and how the North American venture capital model ports to other contexts.

Prerequisite: MGFB10H3 and MGEC40H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Specialist program in Strategic Management: Entrepreneurship Stream. Additional students will be admitted as space permits.

MGSC30H3 - The Legal Environment of Business I

An introduction to the Canadian legal system and its effects on business entities. The course includes an examination of the Canadian court structure and a discussion of the various forms of business ownership, tort law, contract law, and property law.

Prerequisite: Completion of at least 10.0 credits including MGAB01H3 and MGAB02H3 and [MGTA38H3 or (MGTA35H3) or (MGTA36H3)]
Exclusion: MGT393H5, RSM225H1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSC35H3 - Innovation

This course introduces students to the nature and elements of innovation and explores the application of innovation to various stages of business evolution and to different business sectors. The course has a significant practical component, as student groups will be asked to provide an innovation plan for a real company. This course includes work-integrated-learning components, and satisfies the WIL requirement of the BBA degree.

Prerequisite: Completion of 10.0 credits and [MGSB22H3 or MGSC01H3 or MGSC20H3]
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Note: Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Entrepreneurship Stream of the Specialist/Specialist Co-op programs in Strategic Management.

MGSC44H3 - International Business Management

This Course deals with: political risk & contingency planning; human threats; weather extremes; NGOs (WTO, IMF and World Bank); government influences - dumping, tariffs, subsidies; cultures around the world; foreign exchange issues; export financing for international business; international collaborative arrangements; and pro-active/re-active reasons for companies going international. There will also be guest speakers.

Prerequisite: MGHB02H3
Exclusion: MGT491H1, RSM490H1
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience

MGSC91H3 - Special Topics in Strategy

This course covers special topics in the area of strategy. The specific topics will vary from year to year, but could include topics in business or corporate strategy, strategy and technology, strategy for sustainability, international business strategy, entrepreneurship, or managing emerging enterprises. The specific topics to be covered will be set out in the syllabus for the course for each semester in which it is offered.

Prerequisite: MGSB01H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSD01H3 - Senior Seminar in Strategic Management

This course allows 4th-year Specialists students in Strategic Management to deepen and broaden their strategic skills by strengthening their foundational knowledge of the field and by highlighting applications to key strategic management issues facing modern organizations. It will improve students’ ability to think strategically and understand how strategic decisions are made at the higher levels of management.

Prerequisite: Completion of at least 11.0 credits, including MGSC01H3 and one of [MGSC03H3 or MGSC05H3]
Exclusion: MGID79H3
Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences

MGSD05H3 - Strategic Management II

Topics include competitive advantage, organizing for competitive advantage, and failures in achieving competitive advantage. Through case analysis and class discussion, the course will explore competitive positioning, sustainability, globalization and international expansion, vertical integration, ownership versus outsourcing, economies of scale and scope, and the reasons for failure.

Prerequisite: MGSC01H3 or MGIC01H3
Recommended Preparation:

Breadth Requirements: Social and Behavioural Sciences
Note: Admission is restricted to students enrolled in a BBA subject POSt. Priority will be given to students enrolled in the Management Strategy stream of the Specialist/Specialist Co-op in Strategic Management.