Program Requirements
The Program requirements consist of a core 15 courses (7.5 credits), common to all streams, and additional requirements that depend on the stream, for a total of 26-27 courses (13.0-13.5 credits).
The structure of the programs allows for easy switching between streams until relatively late. Consequently, these programs should not be viewed as rigidly separated channels feeding students to different career paths, but as a flexible structure that provides guidance to students in their course selection based on their broad (but possibly fluid) interests.
Core (7.5 credits)
1. Writing Requirement (0.5 credit)(*)
0.5 credits from the following: ANTA01H3, ANTA02H3, CLAA06H3, (CTLA19H3), CTLA01H3, ENGA10H3, ENGA11H3, ENGB06H3, ENGB07H3, ENGB08H3, ENGB09H3, ENGB17H3, ENGB19H3, ENGB50H3, (ENGB51H3), GGRA02H3, GGRA03H3, GGRB05H3, (GGRB06H3), (HISA01H3), (HLTA01H3), ACMA01H3, (HUMA01H3), (HUMA11H3), (HUMA17H3), (LGGA99H3), LINA01H3, PHLA10H3, WSTA01H3.
(*) It is recommended that this requirement be satisfied by the end of the second year.
2. A-level courses (2.5 credits)
CSCA08H3 Introduction to Computer Science I
MATA22H3 Linear Algebra I for Mathematical Sciences
MATA31H3 Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences
MATA37H3 Calculus II for Mathematical Sciences
[MATA67H3 or CSCA67H3 Discrete Mathematics]
3. B-level courses (3.5 credits)
MATB24H3 Linear Algebra II
MATB41H3 Techniques of the Calculus of Several Variables I
MATB42H3 Techniques of the Calculus of Several Variables II
MATB43H3 Introduction to Analysis
MATB44H3 Differential Equations I
STAB52H3 Introduction to Probability (**)
STAB57H3 Introduction to Statistics (**)
(**) This course may be taken after the second year, except for the Statistics stream.
4. C-level courses (1.0 credit)
MATC01H3 Groups and Symmetry
MATC34H3 Complex Variables
Statistics Stream
This stream requires a total of 26 courses (13.0 credits). In addition to the core requirements 1-4 common to all streams, 11 other distinct courses must be chosen, satisfying all of the following requirements (in choosing courses to satisfy requirements 7-9, students must select at least one D-level course).
5. Algebra and Analysis (1.5 credits):
MATB61H3 Linear Programming and Optimization
MATC46H3 Differential Equations II
MATD01H3 Fields and Groups
6. Statistics (1.5 credits):
STAC58H3 Statistical Inference
STAC62H3 Probability and Stochastic Processes I
STAC67H3 Regression Analysis
7. Discrete mathematics and geometry (0.5 credit):
0.5 credit from the following:
MATC32H3 Graph Theory and Algorithms for its Applications
MATC44H3 Introduction to Combinatorics
MATD02H3 Classical Plane Geometries and their Transformations
MATD44H3 Topics in Combinatorics
MATD50H3 Mathematical Introduction to Game Theory
8. Upper-level MAT electives (1.0 credit):
1.0 credit from any C- or D-level MAT courses (*)
(*) For students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Mathematics or Statistics it is recommended that MATC37H3 be chosen as one of these two courses.
9. Upper-level STA electives (1.0 credit):
1.0 credit from the following:
(ACTB47H3) Introductory Life Contingencies
Any C- or D-level STA course, excluding STAC32H3, STAC53H3 and STAD29H3